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Everything posted by AbusePuppy

  1. Most of the questions are kinda bland clarifications of things that didn't need to be asked (HOW MANY PSYCHIC POWERS DO I KNOW) or of relatively simple stuff, but a couple of these really stick out. ObSec on spawns is... not terribly logical at all, but whatever, not like Tervigons have been good since 5th edition. All of the "go back to reserve when you die" formations being forced to walk on is pretty backbreaking for them, though- the Sporefield in particular is virtually worthless if it can't ever Deep Strike, since Spore Mines are so incredibly slow anyways. The Tyrannocyte having 'firing arcs" is also rather obnoxious, although not out of line with what a lot of people thought it "should" be. Honestly, none of this is particularly ruinous to Tyranids as a faction. Anything that doesn't directly impact Flyrants is basically irrelevant to their tournament performance, since the whole army is basically living off of that one unit right now (with token help from Mawlocs, etc.)
  2. Actually, Ward didn't make ASM troops- they had been for years prior to that with the 4E Blood Angels book (if it can be called that.) GK certainly had some problems in the meta of their time and created extremely problematic matchups for certain armies, most notably Tyranids (who they were better at killing than they were Daemons.) However, that's as much the fault of poor design on the part of the Tyranid book as anything wrong with the GK book. I don't think it was ever as powerful as people thought it was and its tournament win rate was never out of proportion with that of its overall numbers. I don't like the power creep that has worked its way into the game, but I would rather see powerful and interesting rules than weak and bland ones like the early-7E codices (BA, GK, SW, Orks, DE) or the early-4E ones. Players can voluntarily limit the strength of a list when playing with a powerful book, but they cannot (easily) invent new rules to make a boring book interesting.
  3. Just because he was bad at WFB doesn't mean he's bad at 40K. I'll take his version of Blood Angels and Grey Knights over their current incarnations any day.
  4. You mean a bunch of racist yahoos yelling at Mexicans space elves?
  5. Not a huge crowd due to two other events happening before and after it, but a reasonable turnout and some good games. I'll leave it to The Big R to post the actual standings, since I don't recall them offhand.
  6. No, you are limited to a single relic on a Space Marine character.
  7. The Gladius is limited to the Auxiliary choices listed in the codex; you are, of course, free to take additional formations if you please, but they will not be part of the Gladius. Most of the chapter-specific multiformations aren't as good as the Gladius, it's true. Competing with a dozen free transports is a pretty high bar to measure to. Keep in mind, though, that many of them can take Demi-Companies as core choices and thus have access to ObSec still.
  8. It's cool, mang. If 40K players can paint a hundred models in a week, you can finish a handful for Malifaux.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/events/163807660706516/ http://razorvalley.wix.com/home We here in Corvallis will be hosting a one-day tournament at the Elk's Lodge on Sunday, September 18th starting at 10AM. It will be a three-round event, with awards given to Best Overall, Best General, Best Painted, and Best Army Lore; prizes will be given as part of the tournament pack as well as raffled to players who have brought eligible armies. As this will be a charity event, proceeds will be given to the OHSU Casey Eye Clinic. The tournament format will be three rounds, 1500pts, with armies limited to a single (non-formation) detachment. No superheavy vehicles or gargantuan creatures are allowed, and a small number of other changes are being implemented both to allow as many armies as possible to participate as well as to try and ensure that no one faction is completely overwhelming- details can be found in the Army Construction of the website. All books and supplements will be allowed, including Forge World and Horus Heresy rules so long as the player has a copy of the relevant datasheets. We will be using the ITC missions and FAQ as well as the Games Workshop FAQs (including the draft FAQ.) Entry to the tournament is $20 and will include lunch for the day in the form of pizza as well as assorted door prizes from Vreda Forge, Kromlech, Secret Weapon, and potentially others as well.You can pre-register on the site or in person on the day of the event, though day-of registration will be on a strictly first-come first-serve basis. We ask that all players have a fully-built WYSIWYG army painted to a three-color standard if they wish to be eligible for prizes (other than those included in the tournament pack.) For those wishing to compete for the Best Army Lore, a small presentation in text form on your army's story (100+ words, in legible font and size) is also asked. Any questions can be directed to us via the messaging app on the website, via an email to razorvalley@gmail.com, or by posting/messaging here on the Ordo boards.
  10. I don't understand why Interceptors and Strike Fighters were added. They're basically just overlaps of the existing roles. Also, like 95% of the airplanes have no way to be included in the multiformations, but for some reason they decided that the Night Shroud needed one? I'm confused.
  11. Q: I really, really want Cybork Bodies to be better than they are. Are they any good at all? A: No, they are complete garbage. Q: What about on a unique character? A: They are even more garbage. Rule that don't do anything make the game more fun!
  12. No one complains about Ghost Arks, Spyders, or the MT, Tyranid, and KDK formations that give you free units. They're friggin' Gun Drones. 4+ armor, Ld7, 18" range, not even scoring. you get three "spawns" per game, maximum, and you're having to spend ~700pts on light skimmers that have to stay within 6" of a board edge. Even in casual games, they really aren't particularly strong.
  13. Team Silly Hats Only, hailing out of the distant land of Corvallis, is good to go.
  14. I really don't get why folks are so torqued up about the Piranha formation. It's really not that strong- I've played both with it and against it and it's never really felt overwhelming in the slightest; you're spending 170+pts on AV11 HP2 open-topped chassis that have to stay within 6" of a board edge if you want to be able to use their stuff. Throw Tau a bone here, people, or quit complaining about how every list is all MCs/GCs all the time.
  15. Screw all this Imperial nonsense. When the hell is IA14/16 coming out? I wanna see blue xener robits fight red marss robits.
  16. Man, I wish I lived in a world where a single unit of Sisters Repentia could take out a deathstar. I mean, usually between the 3++ rerollable save and/or Invisibility and/or all of the multiwound models distributing things as they please it's a real tough job to kill most of anything in the unit. But if a handful of S6 AP2 swings can do the job, we then cripes, I oughta just start running nothing but Plasma Rifles on my Tau and table those silly ThunderRavenBikeStars every game. No, you don't get it, it's so easy it's not even worth trying. Anyone with more than ten Warp Spiders in their list at the beginning of the tournament is automatically declared the winner and so there's really not even any point. That's why you see random scrubs taking top prizes at GT-level tournaments all the time using their l337 Eldar and SM armies, because it's just so simple. That's why LH only uses crazy, original stuff in his armies- units that no one would ever expect in that faction, like Dominions and Exorcists and Stormsurges and Ghostkeels. Y'know, wacky off-the-wall units that keep his opponents guessing.
  17. Since it is treated as a vehicle, it would seem to me that it is scoring; an argument could be made that it is a marker, not a model, but the status indicated a marker seems only to apply for determining the Portalglyph's initial location. However, there definitely is some ambiguity there, so it's probably something you would want to send in as a question to the ITC and/or speak with your TO about it. The turn a Flyer Wing arrives from reserve it would have to maintain "coherency" (though not necessarily an Attack Pattern), but in subsequent turns they can do anything they want. And yes, if two (or three) of a four-model Wing form a legal Attack Pattern while the other is off doing something else, they gain the full benefits of it.
  18. Well, from GW's standpoint they didn't sell the supplement anymore, so its legality or illegality was pretty inscrutable. They seem to have decided it's okay now, but there was no real evidence either way at the time- hence individual tournaments making the call on it.
  19. Iyanden can take a Wraithlord/Wraithknight as its Warlord, gets Spiritseers as 5-for-1 choices, and swaps out the Primaris of the Runes of Battle Discipline for a thing that buffs Wraithguys. Like all of the supplements, it also gets a different list of Relics and warlord traits. The opposite, actually- it was ruled illegal by most tournaments following the 7E Eldar codex (but the SM supplements were ruled still legal for very roundabout reasons that boil down to "f*** you it's Space Marines.")
  20. Missiles are the best all-rounder weapon in the Tau arsenal- you use them for cracking tanks, killing light infantry, etc. Plasma kills MCs and heavy infantry and can do some damage to lighter tanks if needed; between the two (and Shadowsun's Fusion Blasters) you are pretty well covered. Both weapons also have a superior reach compared to other options, which allows the deathstar to maintain a bit more distance that you otherwise might- and considering that it can quite easily fold up to an unexpected assault, that is very important.
  21. Missile Pods' main advantage is their range and consistent rate of fire- they allow you to hit targets across the table as needed. In a squad of nine, I would start with ~5 Crisis with dual Missiles and then the remaining three with Plasma (presuming that you are doing it "right" and using a Multispectrum Sensor/Command Node on one member.) Shadowsun herself should cover your heavy anti-tank needs pretty easily, as BS5 twin-linked Ignores Cover Tank Hunter melta is going to vaporize most things short of a Knight. The Cyclical Ion Blaster is a solid weapon, but the 18" range is a big limiter- I find it's better to think of it as an upgrade to the Burst Cannon than a sidegrade from the Missile Pod.
  22. Hey, the moment you stop turning every single codex issue into "it's just internal balance deal with it", I'll stop making fun of you for it.
  23. Yeah but LH doesn't like them, so they don't deserve to be at all useful in any way. It's an internal balance thing.
  24. They seem to be very indecisive about how many Wall of Death hits a multishot template weapon gets.
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