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Everything posted by AgentP

  1. One morghast done Untitled by Bronson James, on Flickr
  2. Maybe, let me see what I can do *Edit* Wait, fell bats are only 32 pts for 2?! Holy moly. Yeah, I can find a way to get a couple units in.
  3. One Morghast is nearly complete. I'll finish it, and assemble the second tonight. I hope to have the unit done by this Sunday. I'm very happy with the model, it looks great with a decent paint job. I hope it performs well on the table because I definitely want to include it for aesthetics. Game wise, I'm still struggling with chariot units. They are a huge point sink. Every time I bring them they get flanked and held, or fail their charge and get held, etc.
  4. Took a quick break from undead to paint a test saurus and skink for my new lizardmen army. Turned out okay, I think I finally found a repeatable paint scheme I like. On the undead front, I moved on to painting a morghast. Bit of a pain to paint, as the spectral skulls are really hidden down in the recesses. The biggest obstacle is my sight however. My eyes are degrading badly, and very rapidly. I have an appointment with the doctor next week. Hopefully it's just needing glasses and not something more serious, but I have to confess to being worried. I went from having fine vision to feeling like everything is blurry in a matter of weeks.
  5. Naked priest? That takes the unit you describe to 197.
  6. Was looking at various lizardmen unit options, especially how to spend the core points. What do people think of this unit: 11 skink cohorts, 1 kroxigor, standard. This unit ranks 5x3 with a banner, and has poisoned shooting attacks. The kroxigor gives the unit 8 Str 3 and 3 Str 7 attacks, plus Ld7. The whole thing clocks in at 117pts. For 137 I can give the skinks poison in hand to hand, as well as range.
  7. Oh, hello Chimera on my shelf. I forgot about you. Welcome back.
  8. I'm kind of overwhelmed with the DoC/ WoC/ Beasts combos. And summoning daemons to boot! There are just so many possibilities. At a bare minimum, I'm getting the ol' beast band back together, time to break out the dragon ogres, trolls, and chaos ogres from storage.
  9. Last week I traded for a lizardmen army. Now this week it is confirmed that any wizard can take lore of undeath. I'm taking this as a sign to the buy the mummified slaan model and try it out. A bunch of summoned fell bats giving things ASL could be very helpful to the ol' lizards.
  10. Looks like, as we predicted, chaos will get combined and can summon daemons in their own lore of undeath version. Going to make for fascinating games.
  11. The special character discrimination needs to end. I'm going to start singing We Shall Overcome at game night.
  12. What point level does the league go to? Does it ever get to 2k? If so, I'm building my Nagash model.
  13. Totally excited for this. It frees me up to bring large, pretty, and horribly over-costed models at the expense of a more sensible army build.
  14. I'm very anxious to start fielding the Coven Throne and see if it works. On paper, it sure looks nice. You have the vampire, who is sporting at least 4 WS6 Str5 attacks minimum, and maybe more depending on kit. You have 4 WS5 Str 5 attacks from the handmaidens with ASF at Init 5, so a chance for re-rolls to hit there. 2d6 WS3 Str 3 attacks from the spirit horde, plus the d6 Str5 impact hits from the chariot to begin. So even without battle of the wills, or the scrying pool, the thing can put out some serious hurt. It will not take out stuff on its own, but I'm thinking that running it along side a 50 man skeleton block for combined charges would be pretty darn effective. I hope this works out, the model is beautiful.
  15. Don't entomb your necro knights. They can't charge on the turn they appear, so the earliest they will see combat is turn three. It used to be a risky but at least arguable strategy in the old days. But now the knights move 14". Entombing is not worth it
  16. I wonder if the skeleton unit would benefit more from a foot vampire, or a banshee? Vamp would give me another spell, plus a character killer. Banshee would give me another anti-armor option besides the casket.
  17. SO, long story short, I have a whole mess of skeletons that I need to paint. Now these guys are going on resin cast bases that frankly look a lot better than the actual skeleton model itself. Thus, I want to paint the base separately from the model, and glue them together only at the end. I've seen people adhere models to paint sticks and things before, but I've never done it. How do you secure them? Are they secure enough for painting, or is this an exercise in frustration?
  18. I need to make some changes to this proposed army list. I feel like I need an anvil unit, and that pretty much means either skeleton warriors, or tomb guard. I think I'll probably go with 47 skeletons with HW+S, and in that unit stick a prince for WS5, a necrotect for hatred, and a Vampire in the back rank, who can make way to wherever I can target characters. I'll then have four options for combat support for this unit, Neferata, the Coven Throne, Morghasts, or the unit of 6 chariots. If I ran this, the list would look like: LORDS Neferrata (hopefully running lore of death, but we'll see how that works out, she may need the healing power of vampire] HEROES Vampire, Lv1, Lore of Vampires, BSB, Coven Throne [misc magic items tbd] Vampire, Lv1, Lore of Vampires, [misc magic items tbd] Tomb Prince [misc magic items tbd] Necrotect [misc magic items tbd] CORE 6 Skeleton chariots, full cmd, banner of swiftness 47 skeleton warriors, LA, HW+S, full command SPECIAL Spirit Host Spirit Host RARE 2 Morghast Archai Casket of Souls
  19. Yeah, Altdorf is doomed. But I think one of the cities is probably Bretonian. Whatever their snobby wine swilling effete capital city is, it's doomed too.
  20. Exactly. If you're hit with 10-20 Str 6 hits, by god you're entitled to 10-20 channeling attempts.
  21. The unit entry for horrors says the unit counts as a wizard. Therefore, I think the unit suffers a hit, not individual models.
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