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Everything posted by DisruptiveConduct

  1. until
    Come one, come all to the Ordo Fanaticus Senate Elections Meeting for 2019! Decide the fate of the club by attending in person and letting us know what you want to do for the club. Senate membership offers spoils beyond imagining: Club Access (comes along with Game Night Czar responsibilities) Required attendance at Senate Meetings (usually at least 6 a year on the weekends) Unobtainable hobby knowledge provided by Senate Elders Forum Moderator access (including reading every post made ever and responding to reports) Event planning and organizing Game store outreach Community involvement Unlimited criticism by other Senate Members Direct the activities of the best wargaming community in the Pacific Northwest Being part of something bigger than you
  2. so emailed today and team event us full. im still down to do the singles event on Saturday.
  3. Setting up for Round 1 against Team Diversity had me feeling like i was right back in the club in 2011 when i first met most of them. Reminded me of all the great games of years past. Good times for sure!
  4. During Round 4, i yelled "Johnny Five is Alive!!". My opponent then proceeded to tell me he did not know what that meant. He has not seen Short Circuit.
  5. achievement unlocked for pretty much every game!
  6. I think it died and exploded in four games.
  7. stupid S3 powerswords!! so glad they all ate it in the following explosion (brought about by a command point reroll for the explodes roll!).
  8. At OFCC 2018, i learned that the people who come to WOW to play BloodBowl are not the only people who play BloodBowl.
  9. possibly. depends on who goes with me. lady might want to hang in BC with me that day
  10. Hey guys! Dont know how many of you are aware, the A-Club is putting on a charity 40K event up in Vancouver, B.C. the weekend of Thanksgiving. Saturday is a 3 round singles tourney. Sunday is a 3 round, Team event (3 person teams) based on OFCC's team event format. I am interested in going up for the Team event and need two other people who are interested. Hit me up here or send me a PM! http://foodhammer.blogspot.com/
  11. Oh man! That makes all the difference in the world! I had my worries about this. I didnt play test the missions like i should have. I didn't have the packets right. I dont think i did good matchups. so many things I should have done better. Now, i worry not! Thanks for coming and I will aspire to do better with the next event.
  12. That was my last opponent's army, William from the A-Club. They came down from Canada and we had a really good game. His Rat Assassin really wanted to kill my Magus and it just didnt happen. Magus was still alive with one wound left. He remember him being able to repair 6 wounds on his tank with the big guns (not the landraider). The army looked even better in person! oh ya, and his landraider had some super cool crazy mushrooms growing out of it. big props on all that conversion work!
  13. you, burk, atomic, and dark trainer make 5
  14. we are making an efffort to collect everyones pictures into a single album on the boards. give us a bit and i'll reply with a link
  15. Watching the look on my opponenet's face as I get first turn with my GSC against his three knights. He never played against GSC and looked slightly worried. Got my butt totally kicked in that game but totally worth that first turn look of concern.
  16. they had one over at the blood bowl tables. I heard it used a couple times.
  17. A librarian deep striking into my backline that makes a successful charge on my Shadowsword with one wound left. Librarian blew it up and lived!
  18. Bryan said the ask was for you guys to bring a third team next year. 😃 He said that is going easy on you since he's not asking for you to double your number of teams instead!
  19. anyone else want to play Mars? looking for a few more ppl
  20. I loved walking around asking if anyone wanted my meat stick.
  21. Saturday is a 3 day singles event too! i am currently considering going up as well. No idea who would want to be on a 3 man team with me but i might go for the singles. or maybe just be a ringer.
  22. okay you guys! I am going to have to say that no more tickets sold for this event! I believe we are going to be full at 24 people! And that is super fantastic. See you guys here later!
  23. you can threaten them with being replaced by Ordo dice!
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