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Everything posted by Rijel

  1. I was looking to land at Guardian, since it is near where my spouse will be. Point-wise, I think I have about 1200 painted, and will only have about to hours to play.
  2. Typically my best times are Sunday afternoons, though I am self employed and can do occasional weekday afternoons as well. Tuesdays nights are about once-monthly.
  3. My spouse has an event downtown Tuesday evening, and I'm her wheelman for getting to and from. I'll have some time to kill on the evening of the 19th, and am hoping to get a KoW game in. Any takers?
  4. I have the start to an Ork force. Still looking for basic troops, but I have a bunch of tanks and some stompas.
  5. There is a preview PDF with enough material to use. I gather that it is lacking many of the options of the print book. You can find it here: http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/kings-of-war/Organised-Play/product/kings-of-war-campaign-pack.html The link for the PDF is in the box on the lower left of the page, under "Campaign Pack".
  6. How did this turn out? Who played what? Who won? How did it end?
  7. I wish this was happening on a weekend night. I'd drive to Vancouver for a Sunday game.
  8. Some unit options were removed. Like there are (I think) brutes armed with missile weapons that didn't wind up in the final list.
  9. I'm not sure they've updated the free army lists since the most recent edition change. The core rulebook and the Uncharted Empires book have (I think) all of the most current army lists. The freebie lists have some differences, but they're entirely playable.
  10. I would love to get more games of this in. I've got Ratkin at around 1000 points, and a smattering of other armies in various stages of completion. My next big project is Night Stalkers, but I've also got some Elves that are playable put unpainted. I can do both Guardian and WoW with enough notice, and can also do games on the West Side if that is more convenient for anyone.
  11. And it looks like I'll be the proud owner of some Epic Orks in the near future. Is anyone still interested in getting this off the ground?
  12. I've got the free PDFs of the various rules sets, and I've just checked my Mechwarrior heroclix collection, and it looks like I can proxy enough of an army to learn the rules while working on some actual miniatures. Anyone up for showing a newb the ropes?
  13. The beauty of the Night Stalkers list is that nearly any figs will work for it. So the Cephalyx models would definitely work, though you'd need to do something different with the bases to get them to fit on a movement tray. The 30mm bases most of the models come with will rank up on a Kings of War movement tray, in a 6 model by 6 model grid. I went digging through my model stash, and found a bunch of Goblin Town goblins from the Hobbit game. They're misshapen, and with a glossy black paint job will make decent dopplegangers. I also got one of the clear gelatinous cubes, and plan on inking purple, mounting a electronic tea light in the interior space, and using it as a glowing Portal Of Despair.
  14. Ooh! I had an idea for models to use for Night Stalkers: ghosts and such that are cast in translucent plastic. There are enough of these from various manufacturers that most of the army list selections have an analog somewhere. I've checked, and between my Reaper bones minis in green, and a Bag o Zombies, I've already got a (small) forces worth of models.
  15. I'll be there tonight, and can check and report.
  16. I have a bunch of Mythos and Spawn CCG cards, plus some Heresy.
  17. Gamer Geek, what figs are you looking at? I have some ideas, but I'm interested in hearing yours.
  18. I've been pondering the Night Stalker's list from Uncharted Empires. It seems like converting the models needed from available bits would be a fun project, in the long term. Has anyone had any experience with how the list works on the table?
  19. I can't make next Tuesday, unfortunately. Some other time, perhaps?
  20. I need to be at WoW on Tuesday night to pick up a trade item, and wanted to see if anyone wanted a quick game of KoW. I have some newly painted Ratkin that I want to try out. 1000 points, with Allies?
  21. Sorry, I can't make it this weekend. Will have some Skaven painted for next time we meet.
  22. Thanks for the game! I had a lot of fun, the fate of my Ravenous Hordes notwithstanding. I meant to take photos of the game as we went, but totally spaced it. Definitely need to play again.
  23. I was hoping for sometime in the afternoon, around 1-ish. I can go somewhat later, but not all the way to 6:30. Some other time, if this doesn't work? And I do have a copy of the rules. Thanks for the offer though. I'm Charles. Pleased to meet you!
  24. I can't do those nights, but I'm available on Sunday.
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