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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Not so much the skin as the faces!! I've never missed space marine helmets so much as when I started painting Infinity models.
  2. Mine seemed spot on. I printed them on high quality photo paper, and used a 1" punch that I found at Michael's. I also put the epoxy stickers on the cardstock tokens that came with Operation:IceStorm. Over-all I am very happy, even if I haven't learned what 3/4 of these tokens are actually for!
  3. Thanks Peanut! I couldn't remember who made those!
  4. This is already getting out of hand... I love it! (This is using the clear epoxy thing mentioned by Savion)
  5. Z games is my original FLGS. *Pics or it didn't happen....*
  6. There are all kinds of photo shop/reddit battle posts out there, but none of them touch the sublime moment that is the original!
  7. I didn't seem to have too much trouble with this, but I certainly see how it could be an issue.
  8. I'm going to spray paint airbrush glowing blue and yellow lines on the outside of these an make them work with Infinity. Just got some new plasticraft stairs to help.
  9. Most All of this is home depot mdf trim and panels. Glued mostly with zap-a-gap, but I could have used superglue, or construction adhesive. All before painting. This was primered black with a mix of random plastic friendly spraypaints, because that's what I had. I then dry brushed some metalic that I also found in a small can at Home Depot. The floor is granny grid which you can find at fabric and craft stores. I don't know what they call it, but it's used for macrame or crossstitch or some such. My favorite detail here is a cast of the bottom of an oreo cookie tray... guess which one... also glued with zap-a-gap.
  10. Dude, I'm a kid at heart. I can dig almost anything that has a breakbeat. My son played something 'music' related the other day that was just an bio-terror or some other type of worst-case scenario klaxxon, with some industrial machinery. I let him know that it made me feel like I needed to take emergency action in my own home. Probably not a good feeling to make dad feel if you think it's video game time... I'm pretty sure it was Skrillex.
  11. I AM the 4.17% 3.7% 3.33% Diminishing returns, but I'm bound and determined to be a 1%'er
  12. Michael Beihn Confirms Alien 5 Will Ignore Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection! Read more: http://www.scified.com/site/alien5/michael-beihn-confirms-alien-5-will-ignore-alien-3-and-alien-resurrection#ixzz3jB5NfL7h It's probably bad form to want to "like" my own post... http://www.scified.com/site/alien5/michael-beihn-confirms-alien-5-will-ignore-alien-3-and-alien-resurrection
  13. http://studiogiraldez.blogspot.com/2015/03/azrail.html
  14. Infinity resources, as I find them useful. Let me know if you have any of your own! http://studiogiraldez.blogspot.com/2012/06/muyib-lanzamisiles.html - Studio Painter for Haqqislam. General Infinity Resources: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/25091-infinity-the-game-resources/
  15. http://laughingsquid.com/awesome-father-builds-a-custom-rocking-horse-based-on-a-star-wars-speed-bike-for-his-daughters-first-birthday/
  16. I totally miss my Combat Cabana. The Yurt Locker is great! Now... to name the new garage...
  17. Thanks for the thoughtful response Nathonicus! You touched on all kinds of concepts there that I've not even begun to consider. I'm only as dead set as the models I have on hand. :)
  18. Great question! The list is what' I've got for models, and only so many of them have the LT option. I imagine you want the flamer near the front of the group. Maybe our short lived LTs lead from the front and explode in amazing fireballs to inspire the other troops.... Is there a mechanic in the game for exploding flame throwers?
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