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Posts posted by Stoobert

  1. There are two purchase options to get started: 1) The "Battle for Valhalla" starter box which contains two "patrol" starter fleets, rulebook and tokens or 2) buy any "patrol fleet" box which contains tokens, and then a rulebook separately.


    The game is cool.  My major complaint is it takes 3 to 4 hours to play.  But I really enjoy it nonetheless. 


    We play "most Saturdays" and I try to post here when it's happening.

  2. Great game against you round 2, Jim.  Thanks for the whiskey to "freshen up my water".  The Rune Priest vs. NurgleBurgle battle was super fun and I'm glad my uppity chaos-curious Rune Priest got smacked down - f*%ing heretic!  My sniper survived the battle and was promoted, only to die of gangrenous trench foot three weeks later, no doubt caused by copious bacteria spewed into the air by the exploding GU1.

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  3. I feel like the announcements and information on OFCC were too "scattered around" the forums.  Important information like:


    • start times each day
    • events each day
    • location of venue

    Were located across multiple threads... please try to consolidate/centralize this information next year into a single post, that then links to sub-posts as necessary.

  4. I've said before that the "ideal game" is against a nice guy that came down to a decision and/or dice roll at the end and could have gone either way.


    What MikailLenin/WestRider's Maelstrom game has in common with all great and fun games is that it was close.  Games that are not close (Maelstrom or not) are not fun. 


    Who enjoys watching a incredibly lopsided game of your favorite sport?  No one, really, unless you hate the one team so bad you like to watch them suffer.  That's not the OFCC spirit.


    What I disliked about Maelstrom missions is that in many cases they were not close and there was little to nothing an opponent could do about it.  Sorry but neither my list nor my opponents were strong enough for a table-ing.  I was either feeling bad for the other guy (2 wins by more than 10 points) or the other guy was feeling sorry for me (3 losses by ~10 points).  In most cases it was just luck but list matchups were also a factor.  Maelstrom seemed to amplify whatever power gap existed in our lists.  In a few cases a different strategy might have helped a little - but not a lot.   


    We were trying to make the most of it and I wouldn't say the games were bad, but definitely not awesome.  I still had fun, but definitely not as much fun as last year.  I'd feel reluctant to play all 5 games Maelstrom again.  There must be a hybrid (BAO/Frontline's system) or compromise. 

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  5. This performed quite well in my game last night, but both my opponent and I suffered some CRAZY bad luck, but still I'm learning.  That Sun-whatever-gun on the Wraithknight ate my Grey Hunters alive, but that was my fault for not spacing them out better.  The Wolf Guard terminator got Overwatched but otherwise would have chomped some Warp Spiders real good.  Jink saves on a skimmer are the bane of a drop-poddy combi-melta team - lesson learned.  Wraithknights might be a better target for combi-melta unless there are some Land Raiders around to be shot, of course (but there weren't).

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