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Everything posted by Aventine

  1. Hmmm, that was certainly true when the edition was new, but now I see double force org whenever I see a 2K game these days... just a lot less 2K games...
  2. I'd say for Dark Eldar HQs in this list, the Baron is the way to go. A little over 100 points, sports a 2++, and (most importantly) give you +1 on the roll to go first.
  3. You can repeat it, but that does not make it true. Allies and Fortifications are 'Optional' to take (ie not mandatory, like the Primary Detachment) not "Optional Rules". Same with Lords of War technically, but that is argued since it isn't in the big book and has its own. The only place you will see Allies and Fortification as 'Optional' is in the brackets in the Force Organisation Chart on pg 109, where the Primary is bracketed as "Required". That same chart also lists all other non-compulsory choices as "Optional". The rules for Allies and Fortifications are not in some appendix, they are right there in "Choosing Your Army". That said, an event can make any silly restriction they want (Only Compulsory slots allowed!!), as long as they are transparent about it.
  4. I prefer a complete fusion and balance of the two. Example: I have an idea for a model/unit ( I want AdMech Thallax with my Heresy Marines), then think of rules that could apply that would also be effective (Hmmm, Broadsides are good), then modify the models to make them better fit the rules (missle fists on you, Thallax!). The thing is, from a visual and coolness factor, there are conversions; you can make a model look any way you want. There is no equivalent to this for rules.
  5. I don't think playing with like-minded individuals equals only playing those you know. It just means you have to communicate with your opponent before the game starts, or even during the game ("I know you can just keep moving back and shooting at me, but I am not really feeling very engaged in this game right now because of it.") I know wargamers, as a group, are not great about expressing themselves in person; so that is a hurdle, but one that can be overtaken. And Pax, I think an event at Guardian where they gave out no prizes, but ordered pizza and everybody got a few drink tickets would be amazing, but I think it would hurt their bottom line (since most people would spend less overall in that scheme). I prefer a complete fusion and balance of the two. Example: I have an idea for a model/unit ( I want AdMech Thallax with my Heresy Marines), then think of rules that could apply that would also be effective (Hmmm, Broadsides are good), then modify the models to make them better fit the rules (missle fists on you, Thallax!). The thing is, from a visual and coolness factor, there are conversions; you can make a model look any way you want. There is no equivalent to this for rules.
  6. My personal theory is we have the exact same butthurt: new Codex ratio we have always had, but the rapid release schedule has concentrated what we see. If there is one thing 40K players are good at, it is bitching. Furthermore, Escalation rubbed a lot of tournament players the wrong way, and people who had been [big bad swear word]ting on 40K since 6th ed came out joined their voices to the noise (internet rabble) and made it snowball a bit. "See, I told you 40K sucked!" I think with all the new stuff, and some disparate power levels, it is more important than ever to play with like-minded individuals, or figure out what kind of game you want to have, so everyone knows what to expect. I almost never see tablings, maybe 2 or 3 since 6th started (got tabled by Tau once right when they were released before I figured them out). But I play in a consistently competitive environment, where that is what is expected. I have been playing since 3rd, consistently (2+ games a month since 1998) and the game is the same as it ever was...
  7. There are from FW, Seekers from the Heresy; come with cool cloaks and the options of sniper rifles or shotguns
  8. Getting into the final stages of detailing, but I really to get some paint on him and finished up for this coming weekend...
  9. Maybe with some kind of servo lifter harness? and Cult-y looking Rider? http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Imperial_Guard/Tallarn_Desert_Raiders/TALLARN-MUKAALI-ROUGH-RIDER-2.html
  10. Yeah I have plans for the arms, They are going to a lot more mechanical, and not much like the dreadknights at all (if you are familiar with the kit, the main bitz I am using for the arms are the external pistons from the original arms)
  11. Forgeknight/Riptide heavily WIP Not super close to done yet, but you can see the general idea coming together. He will also eventually be rocking a (bigger) pair of missle fists.
  12. Thanks! I did use the new Oxide on the verdigris and it works really great. Not something you could not achieve with traditional paints, but nice to have it mixed up to the perfect shade and consistency...
  13. Made this detachment of Mechanicum to go with my Heresy White Scars. I am counting them as Tau allies for 40K rule purposes. Magos/ Commander Forge Menials/ Kroot Thallax/ Broadsides I am tentatively planning on converting up a Forgeknight/ Knight Titan/ Riptide out of a Dreadknight next...
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