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Everything posted by Aventine

  1. Blood of Kitten Formation Compendium: http://bloodofkittens.com/formation-compendium/ Requirements: 1 Wraithknight, 2 Wraithlords, 3 Wraithguard/Wraithblade SquadsRestrictions: The Formation cannot take any form of Dedicated Transport. Special Rules: Desperate Measures: All units in this Formation and any friendly Eldar units within 6" of any model in this formation have the Hatred special rule. Wraithbone Wall: If a friendly unit receives a cover save as a result of a unit from this Formation partially obscuring the firer’s view (see the Intervening Models rule in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook), that unit receives a cover save of 4+. Source: Dataslate: Ghost Warriors - See more at: http://bloodofkittens.com/formation-compendium/#sthash.yP9f0VT7.dpuf
  2. I am saying it does not erase units, it just makes the game stop, so it is not a particularly good combo. I wasn't trying to ""move goalposts"", just disagreeing that the combo you pointed out has any actual, practical application. Now, the Moritat pre-FAQ aided by Alpharius' army-wide Prefered Enemy... that was an issue... How would you resolve it currently? Because just removing the target certainly isn't the RAW.
  3. Have you looked into doing oil washes at all? They can do some really amazing things and I think would fit what you're going after here...
  4. They are fixing that soon enough, they did not write what they meant. From the designer's mouth it is supposed to be 'one roll is automatically a six'. So good for Paragon Blades and the like. If someone really wanted to use that combo I'd have them roll out the whole Chainfire, then I would go do something else while they rolled dice until the end of time. *shouts from other room* "How many hits have you gotten? Oh... you still don't know? Alright, let me know" So what it really gives them is the ability to break the game in an infinite loop since you can never get to the wound rolling stage.
  5. I guess you missed the new Moritat FAQ. They made it so if you Chainfire with an Overheat weapon, you overheat on a 1 or 2, either of which ends the Chainfire... (though it is pretty sweet on Volkites) here it is: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/H/Horus_Heresy_7th_Ed_FAQ_Dec_2014.pdf
  6. The GW metals are terrible on newer plastics. Check these out and possibly other stuff on the site: http://www.shapeways.com/model/572294/20-28mm-custom-shoulder-pad-lightning-fist.html?materialId=61
  7. Didn't mean it as a personal attack, just that the 'sky is falling' attitude gains more traction with a larger audience. Lighten up, it was tongue in cheek. I am guessing those are not your actual predictions and the actual ones would be a lot more interesting (and more to the point of the thread).
  8. Wow, someone is bitter. The other books are not even close to that nerfed. You're not on 3++, you don't have to write for click bait. My predictions -Tesla does not work on snaps, and arcing removed -MSS is flat -1 attack in a challenge (no min 1) -Scythe point increase, as much as 50% (so 150 instead of 100) -Warriors min size 10 -Court is removed, Cryptek or Lord straight squad upgrades (maybe less diversity of wargear) -Imotekh possibly a LoW
  9. I would say that is part of list building as it is under the 'Choosing your Army' section of the rulebook as opposed to the 'Preparing for Battle' section. Follow this up with your Warlord determining your Primary detachment, which can determine army selection, and it is pretty clear.
  10. I wonder if the Wrack crew will be purely aesthetic or have in game rules...
  11. Make the Flyer a Dedicated for one of the Troops, get it Objective Secured?
  12. I think most organizers would let it slide, since it really just boils down to what colour you painted your model, which I have never seen arbitrated in any way, at any event, ever. How is the judge going to determine if they are Exorcists, or just Crimson Fists in a special red desert camo with an alternate campaign badge anyway? If you are playing as that Chapter in every way, rules-wise, then you can take the character legally; it is not discriminated by colour.
  13. Then just put objectives higher up?
  14. No outflank, straight Infiltrate. Two ways; 1. they would deploy last, thus denying your opponent the ability to hide from them. 2. They would thus be able to line them up for side (or even rear if things get silly) armour on vehicles.
  15. I don't know how you get from 'add a couple DA Serpents' to ' go max wraithknights' but okay. If you just want wacky ideas, I'm up for that too. You should drop the Fortification, add Karandras, and then inflitrate 10 Reapers with him; then you get two big crazy infiltrate squads!
  16. What do the points look like if you switch those Hunters to Blood Claws?
  17. 26 Kill Points at 1850, ahahaha. Brutal list though.
  18. I'd swap out the Vypers for more bodies. 38 bodies, 28 of which are not in vehicles, and 20 of which are T 3, seems reallllllly light at 2000 pts. I'd swap the Vypers and a Nightspinner some Dire Avenger in Serpent action...
  19. I think the key for Ork to Cultist conversions are non-green skin (as you stated) and a head swap. The head is what makes an ork an ork, the distinctive jawline, etc. I always like putting the heads from the old mutation sprue on Orks for mutantesque models... Not a bad use for the models if you are not going to do Orks...
  20. So I am guessing this is six new tiles for a new board? What else would they do for Fantasy? What does the basic board not cover that would not be too army specific?
  21. I would guess near 100% of players who are not introduced via a friend or playgroup (who would know how to accommodate said new player) fall into the "educated non-player" group you describe.
  22. I guess the real tell would be when 2014 sprues start appearing...
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