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Everything posted by Aventine

  1. I think the rule for that kind of list in a tournament is that you get popped in the nuts once for each turn you don't finish each game... so be warned...
  2. You should probably just post the link to the photos in the post, otherwise you are not likely to get replies. Also, you should probably list what you have in a list format, not a paragraph, ie: 87 Vahallan (32 painted/55 not) 80 Cadians 15 Heavy Weapon Teams.... etc. If you are going for eBay you would probably maximize your profits and make it more likely to sell by splitting it into a couple smaller lots with lower prices. Just trying to help.
  3. Anyone have a pot of this sitting around from back in the day they don't want? I'll pay full current GW paint price (whatever that is now) for it (at least half full) or half current price for less than half full. Willing to pay for shipping if necessary. (I know there is a current equivalent, but I want the exact shade). Thanks
  4. They were not casting anything since last year, but were still selling their remaining reserves and had all the rules for free download until now.
  5. This is one of the old Epic ones: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Knight?file=KnightWarden2.jpg
  6. Not anymore difficult than the already ubiquitous Thunderfire Cannon. I haven't seen anyone making custom blast markers for those. Plus, with twin linked, it'll be mostly where you want it to be to begin with
  7. It's role seems to have been filled by the new Wyvern (and could stand in for one easily). I am curious whether it will stick around in Imperial Armour; FW is only making one pattern of Griffon anymore, and it's molds are probably getting old...
  8. To be fair, there will still be restrictions on Escalations at tournaments held there, such as Guardian Cup. Those are just the rules for league.
  9. I love the concept. I has the benefit of arguably fitting in both 30K and 40K, which not a ton of armies can do. Would you base the model on reposed/converted Arachnarok spiders or something else? I love the Arachnarok kit and think it would have great potential for something like this.
  10. True enough, I was talking about BRB Ally matrix only; and the Battle Brothers you mentioned are pretty irrelevant to the discussion.
  11. Which basic Craftworld is that?!
  12. Yeah, I feel like no Daemon Weapon is the real downside
  13. GK are not Battle Brothers with anyone. Inquisitors are. He was saying that one of the few differences between the GK Codex and the =I= Codex is that GK Death Cult henchmen can pick their type of power weapon, whereas =I= Death Cults have Power Swords automatically.
  14. D'oh, totally didn't realize they came with it stock. It is pretty funny when you get Fear inducing Cultists. There is a little weirdness as far as Allies go. All the book says is they can be Brothers with the CSM book, nothing about Daemons, or Black Legion, or any other Alliances. That said, every other supplement has gotten the parent Codex allowances. Considering they are heavy on Possessed and there is bunch of fluff about Abaddon making them part of his Black Crusade, I think Daemons or Black Legion would be fine, it just needs clarification.
  15. If you love Night Lords you should think about running them with the Slaughter rules; every model in the army gains Fear and that just screams Night Lords.
  16. Second vote for the Wind Riders and the savannah style basing. The reds and the snake motif are both really appealing...
  17. I feel like if you are seeing robot dicks in there, it probably has more to do with your mindset than the terrain
  18. Looks pretty good. Taller and less wide then what I have seen people use so far...
  19. I didn't say that. I said that particular argument and discussion were without merit. There were too many factors. You were talking about a hypothetical game, with hypothetical terrain, with hypothetical armies, with hypothetical dice rolls that basically just boiled down to "my dad can beat up your dad." I even have proof it was without merit; you didn't change each others minds one iota and I have serious doubts as to whether you actually communicated the majority of your ideas to each other in any meaningful way. (and yes, I do realize the fact that this meta-meta-discussion is even more useless than the argument that spawned it...)
  20. You know that's not what I meant. Explain to me how your argument doesn't boil down to being the same as two kids yelling "Nuh-uh" at each other on the playground and I'll retract my statement (y'all even agreed to disagree at the end, which is what the kids would do [or play rock-paper-scissors {hey that's funny, you guys were basically arguing about playing a game of rock-paper-scissors to begin with...}])
  21. Two pages of hypothetical "Nuh-uh, then I'll do that, then this, etc.". One reply of that nature is too many.
  22. No FW rules for the Cup, only the units in the Escalation book. "Non-Escalation FW" was the term used anything outside the Escalation book, as some Escalation units are exclusively FW models, but are still allowed.
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