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Everything posted by Aventine

  1. What does ITC do that makes the game more like 5th?? It does not buff IG, GK, SW, BA, or transports, nor does it simplify missions. Do you remember 5th? Have you played ITC? Just seems like a really, really weird comparison to me...
  2. Geez AP, cannot believe you didn't now about this obscure FW rule...
  3. I think Bully Boyz plus Blitz Brigade is pretty snazzy...
  4. FYI, those guys are not the normal BOLS batrep guys, that one is a "guest post" it seems
  5. I think the robots need a little head swap and they won't be so derpy
  6. Well if those robots are cheaper than Castellax, $$ wise, then they'll find a home in my 30K Mechanicum...
  7. Well I guess it depends on whether you only think a rumor is only good if it ends up being true. Click revenue is certainly the goal, running that website is actually his entire livelihood. Honesty stopped being important in any form of media a long time ago...
  8. He doesn't actually make stuff up; anything he posts he got from somewhere/someone. He just doesn't vet it at all. Why would he? (this from knowing him personally and occasionally sitting in his office when he makes his posts).
  9. It is a longshot but I really hope they structure the list more like the FW 30K Knight army list where you have different pilots with different skills/USRs and org slots that you then buy which Knight chassis for them to drive...
  10. More importantly, what do you need extra Thanatar groins for?
  11. Not sure if you have the second splinter cannon on there but it is pretty much always worth it. No other upgrades on Venom or Warriors needed.
  12. Well that is what most of the distortion weapons were before, so comparing them to themselves, not to other Codex
  13. I don't really think any of the new Eldar D is particularly troublesome; a bump from 10/1 to D is pretty negligible against most things (monstrous/gargantuans and super heavies being the exceptions) and the scythes have the -1 so won't remove models with no recourse. I'm pretty deep in the acceptance phase right now.
  14. Or even better, use the specific detachment that has 6 FA choices!
  15. The real point of this fort is that it stealthily includes the missing carapace turbo-laser option for a FW Reaver titan...
  16. Am I reading it wrong or is Transonic just a really bizarre rule? The weapons are AP5 and on the first round of combat, 6s to hit are at AP2, then in subsequent round all attacks are AP2... so it is worse in the first round of combat?
  17. I've always thought that Tac Terminators should get ammo selectors and get all the rounds Sternguard get (but Stormbolter version) to really make them shine
  18. The great thing about the list is it doesn't even have to kill the Knights per se (barring a Kill Point mission, then you're screwed either way), it just has to control the board and get in the way, grab objectives.
  19. Daemon army with a base of 3*20 Flesh Hounds. paint them red (BLOOD SPIDERZZ), giant spiders as Keeper of Secrets'
  20. You could just take the Legion as a Legion of the Damned detachment, 1-4 units of Legion as their own detachment...
  21. To Drop Pod you would need either Space Wolves or Blood Angels Allied in. This is because both of those chapters have un-dedicated Pods as Fast Attack, otherwise Centurions have no access to them from the SM codex. That said, I think a Pod is a better mode of precision application of Centurions w/ Grav than a raven.
  22. An army like this needs strong support elements. Things like Devastators and Centurions, which also leverage the Sentinels of Terra rules and pack the punch the Scouts lack, are good choices...
  23. No blast, but it is twin-linked. So 1 shot at S9 AP1, re-roll to hit and pen -12" range, vs 2 shots at S9 AP2 re-roll hit, per sponson
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