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Everything posted by Aventine

  1. Who has that rule? GW Store is the only place I am aware of where that is a rule. If it is just someones personal rule then why are you playing with someone with such a stick up their rear?
  2. "Just wondering if there is a way to accommodate both...the group who would benefit from more basic options for opponent's list and the more advanced player who wants to bring the Leafblower/Seer Council back by C'tan goodness." There is, though it is the same as it has always been; communication. Talking about your lack of experience or lack of meta-busting tools with your opponent and letting them go from there. Pick up games are a bit difficult these days because of that, but that's how it is now. Or you could only play Maelstrom missions; they're so wacky that army lists and relative skills hardly matter.
  3. Necrons: Does a Catacomb Command Barge benefit from a Phase Shifter? Does an Overlord on a Catacomb Command Barge lose his Independent Character designation? Would a model under the effects of Mind Shackle Scarabs still inflict a Hammer of Wrath hit?
  4. "I believe in you young Warlock, I really think you're ready, this time you get to try to summon the Bloodthirster..."
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=321452745373 There is a link to the eBay auction..
  6. Thanks for the compliments guys! I'll keep them here for a week or so and then chuck em' on eBay.
  7. My constant cycle of buying, selling, and painting new armies (and mostly just paring down) means it is time for the Orkses to go. I have the following models/units: Badmoon Megaboss (Ghazkul frame) Snakebite Boss on Super Cyboar (counts-as Bike) 8*Boar Bikers (can be used as Nob Bikers or regular Bikers, have dakka guns for WYSIWYG purposes) 5*Meganobz (converted out of plasic Nobs and bitz) 10*Grots/Runtherd (standard) Battlewagon w/ deff rolla (standard) You can see pictures of all of them here: http://crusadedude40k.blogspot.com/2013/04/snakebites-wip.html Looking for $250.00 but am open to trades depending on the offer. PM is best. Portland area but willing to ship.
  8. I don't think you finished reading; the CAD only comes from one book. "4) Detachments may be produced from a maximum of one Codex / Codex Supplement." Plus you can Ally with your own Faction, which is basically like having another CAD, though it doesn't allow another Fort/LOW. I know you are really big on including multiple Lords of War in normal 40K games for some reason, but I am pretty sure you are the only one.
  9. I am most likely going and if I do I'll be riding with Mr.MoreTanks and some other Corvallis guys. If you fly with models just make them your carry on. In my personal experience, do not check them.
  10. I'm thinking a Red Viper/ House Martell themed Lancer to go along with my Heresy Alpha Legion would not be remiss...
  11. Stu! I am trying to PM you, but cannot!
  12. That Yarrick is looking pretty badass. I'm glad ole' Brains is getting a new lease on life rather than languishing in my bitz!
  13. Anyone notice the plastic Meganobz in that last link?
  14. The points from taking out the Court would almost give you enough for a Destroyer Lord, who would ultimately be a more reliable anti-tank option. Without a Court you could switch the Overlord to Obyron and Deep Strike around with your Wraiths/D.Lord...might be fun? edit: and really, that Destroyer Lord just needs to be in the army because that model is the tits.
  15. Eh, no big deal with D allowing invul and cover 5/6 of the time
  16. Little factual correction; I actually beat Matt and won the whole thing. I wish we could have gotten a game in; I really like that Guard army you're running.
  17. Anyone have one sitting around they don't plan on using? Got bits and $. PM me.
  18. That situation can also be a fun time to chance the odds and do something unexpected or even foolish (your last blob of Guardsmen charge into the incoming Terminators instead of shooting at them; if you manage pull one down it can feel like a small victory, even if it really just gets you tabled faster). It's also the best time to put on your role-playing cap and start actin out your characters! ("For the Emperor!" and such)
  19. I don't know why'd you would assume that... Allies are certainly still a thing. If by "relied on" you mean, "like and use Allies a lot and have armies built from the ground up with them in mind"
  20. gah, I really want to see this new Matrix and find out if any of my armies are boned!
  21. I WISH I had the problem of unpainted models! I have to do commissions just to get my fix!
  22. Well the guy writing the screen cap paragraphs it is the main Tyranid player in the studio, so I'm sure he felt it too.
  23. I think the days of just playing 'by the rules' without any restrictions or discussions beforehand may be coming to an end. Pretty bad for generic pick up gaming, good for everything else.
  24. It seems like it may end up being a really great modular rule set, great for tournaments and anything else, if used the right way.
  25. I was really wondering that very thing...
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