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Everything posted by Aventine

  1. Model wise they are essentially the same thing (four lascannon barrels) so no worries there. Personally I like the quantity over quality (Quads over Destroyers)
  2. The 5 Helbrutes as a unit formation is pretty fun. Have you seen that one Pax?
  3. That's crazy, since from that standpoint, all the rules for the Chapter tactics are free online, and they do sell the Space Marine models you'd need to use it!
  4. Or if you have the profile of a Land Speeder, like a Remora...
  5. Well 2/3 of the lists you posted are illegal, aren't they? Wraiths come in units of 3 minimum and Unbound doesn't change that, right? It says use whatever units in your collection but it doesn't change unit composition. Likewise, since the Eldar Codex doesn't have its transports in Fast slots, I don't think you could field the Serpents like that either... so 3/3 illegal?
  6. I really do not understand how he didn't table you on the top of 1 when you only had 10 Warriors and a Cryptek and he had 3 Terminator units and 2 Wyverns (? or are they Hydras, hard to tell in the pic) worth of fire to throw at you... was he just being nice?
  7. Dreadknights with a Personal Teleporter should be able to
  8. Personally I think you should have reserved (Deep Strike) all your Knights. With that terrain he couldn't bring much to bear against what you had deployed and each Dreadknight would have killed a whole Scout squad coming in.
  9. Yeah, I got it. I have a reply, in my pants. :p
  10. Another cool thing with the Lictors is they can go to ground in ruins for a 2+ cover, then if you bring them into synapse in your next turn (easy w/ 3 Flyrants) they can still do their thing. Combine that with making Mawlocs not scatter and they have a whole lot of synergy. LVO is known for its very good terrain, so that obviously helped. Nick's Scout army is deceptive (I played a bunch of games against it to help him test going into the event), he puts a bunch of really tough, offensive units in your face and makes you want to kill them (Centurions, Lysander/Meph Command Squad, Lascannon devs down field) but if you focus on those then the Scouts will make you pay; either by getting into twin-linked rapid fire range or just taking every objective on the board. The Scouts are also very flexible being able to infiltrate, outflank, go in the spare pod, combat squad or not... Really just two good generals with lists they have practiced plenty with.
  11. I've got a plan... I'll go ahead and soil myself, then regroup, and come up with a new plan
  12. One would be better off modifying the Vampire Counts Crypt Horrors box... better value and more comparable size (those rats are HUGE)
  13. Destroyers 2--wounds and now are Jet Packs... hmmmmm
  14. Very interesting that. Sure to get people to pick up some new models...
  15. I think that it is easily inferred from my last post what color it was ;)
  16. Yeah I'll "spray" some "paint"... skeet skeet skeet
  17. Armies done with airbrushes shouldn't be eligible for Best Painted; they didn't paint it, they just sprayed the paint at it ;) just teasing, Karl
  18. Five Knights is just what an 1850 Imperial Knight list is; what's beardy about fielding 1850 from your Codex the only possible way you can?
  19. I certainly hope it has reverse knee joints, as otherwise it will look really awkward and be too far off its inspiration... The Space Crusade Dreadnought
  20. It scattered and didn't land on an objective, so nobody shot at it ;)
  21. The more important question; what armour marks is everyone going to be??
  22. In melee the attacker chooses where it goes, from shooting the chariot owner chooses.
  23. I have a feeling that will only have short-lasting implications since the new Codex will be out early January and will most likely alter things enough to matter.
  24. Did the Frag Cannon change with the new book? I have to ask because it was my favorite weapon profile in the game...
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