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Ogre Seth

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Everything posted by Ogre Seth

  1. slapped some base coat on two models... ugh, they look so bad before the first wash... :)
  2. I was able to make some assembly progress today. Assembled the sniper, a missile launcher, a warcore merc and a JSA helper team. Also one nifty little robot... Might have tital reaction :) the Assembly has been going pretty well. I've been using hot melt glue to temporally attachment to the basis and also green stuff balls in every joint which has been working pretty well to hold stuff in place while glues
  3. Here's a picture of all my model so far. I think I will start assembling, and get all that done before priming.
  4. Yay! I got the remainder of my miniature market models in the mail yesterday :-) it is a little daunting I have so many models to put together, but of course it's also very exciting :-) I will be trying to keep you all updated here.
  5. As we move forward from sunday to sunday, I vote for a slow escalation in points... I for one have a lot of asembly and painting ahead of me. We could play 150 all of september before we go to 200? Or we could just increase say 25 points a week? just giving my vote,
  6. Shhh, I can't tell you.... its a secret -lol. Or maybe my memory is just that bad. :) j/k Lets see.... first off, I did the worst thing possible (made a list with no research or asking around, and ignored the starter boxes)... because with two games under my belt I know what is good right? -not. :) At least I used the V5 army builder so it should be legal. I will have a invincable lieutenant (cause he looks awesome) a bunch of shaolin monks with sticks (cause that's what you bring to a gun fight :) a reporter... I guess it makes sense that someone from CNN should be at the battle ??? One of those JSA support docs with little helper bots. (probably sucks but they are so cute -lol) A couple guys with bombs in there heads... no really.... called the explosive rule I think? sounds hilarious. And... oh yeah, a NINJA! Im mentally preparing to lose often :)
  7. I got 150 pts yu jing in the mail, unfortunately it wont arrive till next week :) but i will try to make it this sunday all the same. seht
  8. that was a really helpful article, thank you.
  9. so sorry, dont panic. I have to cancel our game tonight. I sent you a PM. I am very sorry. Will someone please take my place and give Dont Panic a great game :)
  10. yes, I am really excited to learn and start playing infinity on a regular basis. Hope to see you all there.
  11. Maybe I can make it in Dont Panic, Ive been wanting to learn infinity. would you be ok with a teaching game? Seth
  12. Thx Tim. Vancouver is no problem, and I enjoy dice age games. Sadly I work on Thursday night. I'm hoping someone may be available tomorrow for an infinity game?
  13. shane is not available. Anyone else willing to get an infinity game in? help a fellow learn the game?
  14. Shane, I would be glad to play infinity and have some laughs with you if your available tuesday night. If i do get free another day I will certainly let you guys know. thanks, Seth
  15. I'm planning on being at wow this next Tuesday the 18th. Will someone please give me an intro infinity game that night? I'll be there at 7. Thx, Seth
  16. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I'm looking forward to getting some infinity games in soon. :)
  17. I could ask, what army is most like my fantasy ogres? But I don't think there is one :) So instead I'm going to go with what Army has the best climbers in it? I really like the idea of being on top of buildings. Thx, Seth
  18. My mood about AoS has shifted several times... as I'm sure many can relate. But right now, I enjoyed the game i played with John yesterday and am hopeful for the future. Yes, AoS is a beer and pretzel game not a tournament game..... but haven't you ever felt (especially just after a tournament) that you really are just playing so that you can hang out with friends, paint some models and have a laugh? What surprised me about my game is that skaven slaves can still tar-pit me, even with the lower model count the win condition made the game very close, clan rats can pack a punch, giants are finally good again.... and there are some sneaky tactics around positioning units so that you can counter attack with pile-in rule. All that said... I have a sneaking suspicion that there is another rule book coming in one months time.....
  19. Thanks so much Shane for organizing this. I had a blast.
  20. This sounds like a great idea :) I hope to make it to at least one.
  21. I have had a blast so far, participating in my first BB league. A special thanks to Weav for giving me a great IRL first game experience. And thank you to everyone participating, I'm having a blast. BB league is exactly what I needed to get my mind off waiting (paralyzed in fear) for warhammer 9th to drop :)
  22. Thanks Shane for fixing my match submission. :) Your post helped me understand ir1 and ir2.
  23. I will be there around 7ish for some BB (got my team all painted and ready... since last week when i learned to play :)
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