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Everything posted by deadwing34

  1. That's the one I was using but it seems incomplete. I guess that's what happens when its crowd sourced. I wish GW would get around to making a full featured one, Warmachine has had a nice one for a while, I have heard.
  2. The data files I am currently using seem to be missing some information, like weapon stats and grenades. Can someone tell me where the best most reliable data files are at on the internet. I am specifically looking for generic space marine files. A direct link so I can add it to BattleScride would be awsome. Thanks again.
  3. I am not really into space clowns but this looks pretty cool.
  4. I should be there no later than 5:30.
  5. Cool so all I need to "proxy" or "counts as" a Eldar Revenant Titan is a nickle? Been dying to try one of those out on the table. But seriously thanks for clearing up what is allowed. I understand it would get confusing if someone is proxing some crazy model that looks nothing like the actual model.
  6. I was just wondering if there are any official rules about "counts as" models while playing games at Ordo on Tuesdays or for that matter at the tournaments your run. Everything would be spelled out in your printed list, but would not be correctly represented on the table. For example would any of the following be ok/not ok at the clubhouse? 1. Sergeant is modeled with a power fist but you want to count it as a chain sword. 2. Using a Tactical SM Plasma Cannon as a counts as Multi-melta. 3. Using a Nephilim Jetfigher as a counts as Stormtalon. 4. Using a Dark Angels army as a counts as SM Army. Thank you for your consideration.
  7. "All your bits are belong to us" or "give me your bits bitch" Ok only kidding. I need the full multi-melta SM but the Devastor boxes only come with one and I want two dammit!
  8. I think a bunch of small stuff would be cool so more people have a chance to get some awsome loot. Ordo stuff would be cool or models. BTW, loving the league so far, the mission variety is keeping things very cool and makes you really have to come up with a different list each week to deal with the mission we are delt.
  9. I used to buy bits online from the war store but it seems like they dont sell them anymore. Are there any other good reliable sources or has GW stopped all bits sellers?
  10. I am bringing my Bastion with lascannon topper, will that be ok?
  11. Looks good, I like to magnitize my vehicles but I don't spend the time on troops. It looks pretty straight forward though.
  12. I am aiming to be there no later than 6 today, with Bastion and Knight in tow.
  13. Ok I just picked up a Rhino and a Razorback. I think I am going to get 2 tactical marines with multi-meltas to replace my plasma cannon guys. I like how you can still snap fires thoses.
  14. Looking at what I currently have, what special weapons and heavy weapons should I focus on picking up first, rather than getting them all.
  15. Sounds like a plan. I was thinking for sure 2 Rhino's and was not sure about about next purchase but I think you are right about getting a box of Devastators that will give me a ton of special weapon options. I think more long term I might be interested in CSM or SW, but right now I am pretty focused on core SM options. The book just has so many options, pretty sure it will keep me busy for a while.
  16. Ok battle scribe was throwing me off every Rhino comes with one storm bolter but you can add an additional one for 5 pts. Ok got it thanks.
  17. I was going to save my Knight till the points got higher, but with this mission type it sounds like the perfect thing to take down a building or two.
  18. Lots of good comments about what to get, thanks everyone for the help. They have lots of Rhinos on ebay without any weapons, do people suggest using Rhinos without any weapons at all? Also what is the general tactic with having the Rhinos. Are they used to drop off Tactical squads at objectives and then go off alone to capture other objectives?
  19. Do people think Rhino's or Razorbacks are the better transport?
  20. That's just what I was thinking about my army, about having the flexibility of running it as any other SM army maybe even a fallen angels chaos SM army as well. I am going to keep painting my new stuff in DA style to fit the rest of my army as well. I guess at this point I am wanting some advice about what to get next to flesh out my army and make it a bit stronger on the table. This was some good advice on what units to get next.
  21. Seems to me most people are saying I am missing Rhinos any other core units/models I should get like a thunder fire cannon?
  22. Just curious what would a good TAC 2000 point list look like without consideration of my models, still just using the SM codex and the Imperial Knight?
  23. Good article but a lot of hassle to make it work it seems like. I think I need something a bit more straight forward.
  24. I am new and don't really have a specific play style, I like to be shooty but I also like assaulting and a bit of psychic stuff as well. I orginally picked SM/DA because they have a lot of different options etc. I just want something that is a TAC list that will work well with Malestorm missions etc. Thanks for all of the help so far guys, I dont want to spend a bunch of money on units that are not going to help me much, I like the look of Centurions but I am not set on using them.
  25. What about Centurions I heard they are really good with gravity guns etc. Do you mean Imperial Fists or Iron Hands?
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