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Everything posted by deadwing34

  1. Looking really good so far, love the codex cover art, can't wait.
  2. Notice, how they call one the "Skirmish" case...hello new skirmish games in the works right???
  3. My Ad Mech themed Imperial Knight and Techmarine w/Thunderfire cannon will soon have some friends. Sounds like this is all but a done deal as far as coming out. Cant wait.
  4. Maybe a future expansion will give the clans variable player powers like they did with Alien Frontiers.
  5. The 6th clan is a bit confusing, not sure why they chose to do that especially since the there are no variable player powers. Oh well more sweet looking models.
  6. Yes they shot down this option down before the kickstarter even started. I don't know why they would not have this as an option. It's probably cheaper and easier for them to ship one option, I guess.
  7. Sweet as long as this gets to 750k we will get shamans for both 5th and 6th. After that I really don't need anymore loot.
  8. Maybe the 5th and 6th Shamans.
  9. I have to skip this week, birthday dinner for someone. Does anyone in the group play the Warhammer 40k Conquest the card game from Fantasy Flight games or any other board or card games for that matter? I was thinking about bringing some next game night.
  10. Just so people know, all of the models in this kickstarter come fully assembled and ready to play out of the box.
  11. Wow brings back some memories of playing Space Marine, seriously this stuff has got to be worth a fortune if you sell it on ebay.
  12. This sounds like fun, but I will be up at Gamestorm that day... I think they have a little bit of 40k action up there...I hope.
  13. I am up for a game against you I am planing on be there right around 5 today.
  14. Yep my 2 defeats in the league so far have been from you and Bryan. Anyway sounds good.
  15. Cool thanks, just trying to see if I can make this all work. Hoping I can come.
  16. Are you sure Tuesday won't work? For a general of your caliber it should only take a few minutes to table Bryan's army right....haha! It might be best for me to paint up my Rhinos first then before I get some advice.
  17. I hate to ask so many question but approx what time will things wrap up on Saturday night. Trying to see if I can fit something else in later in the day.
  18. Couple of quick questions. Does the team event take place over 2 days Saturday and Sunday for a total of 6 games? Also what would the approx time span be for the games each day?
  19. I will be there on Tuesday for game night around 5 again, if all goes well. Is it best to fully paint the vehicle and then add washes and weathering etc?
  20. Not on iphone...sad face!
  21. I will be painting these Rhinos in Dark Angels Caliban green. I bought some powders and then ended up selling them because I decided I would just use traditional paints to give the effects I needed. Plus GW has some nice effect paints that I have bought as well. I am mainly looking for some videos showing some good techniques to use etc or a step by step with lots of pictures on a blog or something.
  22. I was also told on good authority that "Rhino Rush" is dead in 7th edition, sorry you will have to make a new list.
  23. Yep I heard 1850 for sure next week, not sure if will be highlander format though?
  24. I am wanting some good advice, links or youtube video's on weathering vehicles specifically SM Rhino's. I have done a little bit in the past but I have not been completely satisfied with the results. I have all of the new weathering paints put out by games workshop and I have a stippling brush as well. I also don't want to overdo the effects and I don't want to take forever doing them either. Any help would be appreciated.
  25. Since the Escalation League is close to wrapping up will there be another 40k league starting right after this one on Tuesdays?
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