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Everything posted by Terell

  1. AoS Maw Krusha for sale or trade. Looking for Malifaux stuff, mostly 10 Thunders https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1T5gWPgHMaHu6ibsmnpw5YVHeBU3dnQ12
  2. Added and removed some stuff.
  3. I have some 40K and AOS stuff I am looking to trade for Malifaux models. My preference is for Gremlins/Archanist stuff but I am open to other factions. I am perfectly willing to provide pictures for anyone interested. AOS Painted: Megaboss on Maw-krusha Assembled but not Painted: Start Collecting! Ironjawz set Commission Painted: Neferata w/Primed but unpainted mount. Stormcast Eternals Sigmar's Vengeance set Celestant Prime 1 Knight Azyros: on sprue Unit of Tempestors: on sprue Unit of Decimators: on sprue Unit of Liberators: assembled Assembled Liberators with Crossbows 40K Commission: Salamander Librarian Assembled Demi-Company: A couple models are painted in thr Salamander colors but most are not painted. Assembled: Start Collecting! Space Wolves set with 3 extra Thunder Wolf Cavalry: A few of the Thunder Wolves are painted but most things are not.
  4. Assembled and partially painted Space Marine Demi-Company and Codex. Also including high quality Librarian and unit of Assault Terminators. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-ioKRHRwp0dM1pEZHEtME1TVE0?usp=sharing $150.00
  5. I have an assembled, but mostly unpainted, Demi-Company box set. I also have the Space Wolfs starter box + extra Thunder Wolf cavalry that I am willing to trade for O&G stuff. I am open to all kinds of trades but the specific stuff I am hoping to get are 1) Orc or Goblin Cavalry (specifically the goblin spider riders) 2) Any Savage Orcs 3) Giant Spider 4) Doom Diver 5) Black Orcs 6) An O&G 8th ed Army Book 7) River Trolls I am also willing to thrown in a little cash if you have something really sweet.
  6. Fixxer and I plan on being there. 1pm right?
  7. Just curious, is anyone playing with house rules? If so, what are some that you find helpful or interesting? I played a couple of games recently and walked away feeling like the game could still use a few more rules. One though I had was shooting into combat feels like it should come with a risk or penalty. Maybe ones are considered hits of friendly models?
  8. @rd Looks like I can't make it this weekend. Will you be there for game night next week?
  9. @RD Thanks for letting me know. I'll take still take them. I need an artillery unit for my AOS army.
  10. Thanks RD! I will try to be there for game night Sunday. What time is meeting on Saturday?
  11. I will try and be there this Sunday. Do I have to be doing a league match to get a game? I don't think I can play enough games consistently to really be in the league.
  12. @raindog Awesome! Let me know what works for you I will be around. I also posted in another thread that I have Imerpial Assult and Descent if their are any other savage Ork things you or anyone else wants to get rid of.
  13. I have a copy of the Star Wars Imperial Assault and Descent board games. Both have been opened but never played. At this point I doubt I will get around to playing them and they could use a new home. I am looking for a reasonable price for one or both or a trade for fantasy stuff. I am looking for some Savage Orc stuff, a Stone Horn, more Ogres or Iron Jawz. My prefrence is for unassembled but I am flexable.
  14. @Raindog Mostly what I have is infantry. I have the Demi-Company set which includes a Dreadnought that I'd be willing to part out if that suites your purposes. I also have 6 Thunder wolves and a squad of like 10 Wolves Pack. Only thing nos is the Wolves Pack. Everything else is assembled and a couple things are painted.
  15. Looking to get a crop of 20 or more ArrowBoys. I am hoping to trade for some Space Marine or Space wolf stuff. Oh and just to clarify I am looking for Savage Ork Arrowboys. Nothing strikes fear with half naked green skins hitting on 5's ;)
  16. So would you go 10 more Skelies and a Necromancer as a second purchase? Or get a larger killing thing instead? What do you think of spirit hosts .. not Killy but seem like a great tarpit.
  17. I purchased the Skeleton Hordes set. However I decided to build Neferata instead of "Skeletor". I am at a bit of a lost as where to go from here. Death has so few formations and the Blood Court for Nef is too expensive to buy outright. Also I am not sure about its effectiveness. I am looking for suggestions as to where to go given that I have 10 Skeletons, Nef & 5 black knights at the moment. Thoughts? I can probably add unit or two each month.
  18. I'd like to sign up for the league. Do I just drop a message here?
  19. I am thinking about coming back to AoS. What's the scene looking like in the Portland area? Are there any organized events going? Is there a fixed game night? -T
  20. Anyone playing the Portland area? I watched a couple battle reports and now I am curious .. need to find something to do with those AoS models I am not using :) -T
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