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Everything posted by Peanut

  1. Hi all, I got really interested in Flames of War over the last two weeks and bought the three-book ruleset (for $50), the Eastern Front (mid-war) book (I also paid $50), and a box of German grenadiers ($35). Then I realized that Warhammer Fantasy takes all of my little free time and there's no way I can do another game system. So I need to sell this stuff and hopefully recoup a little of the cost. The Grenadier box is unopened. I bought it for $35 but would let it go for $25 to an ordo member. The Eastern Front box is brand new, though I did flip through it a few times. Usually $50 bucks, but I'd sell it for $35 to an ordo member. Same for the rulebooks - they're in perfect condition, but out of the plastic. Otherwise perfectly new. $35. To recap: Rulebooks: $35 Eastern Front Book: $35 Grenadier Box: $25 Please PM me if interested. Thanks
  2. Probably won't make it again today, I'm using my little bit of free time to finish painting the army up. hopefully see you guys next week if I can finish off these chariots.
  3. No prob! Well bring your stuff if you change your mind, I just set up the board but am waiting on Will, we could jump right in if interested. If not, maybe another day?
  4. We'll wait till 730! Maybe just future weeks we can try to do earlier. We want you to play though
  5. Yeah, I've had the experience of magic feeling too powerful at 1000 or 1500, so maybe the sweet spot is in the 2k's. The 2800 point games have been awesome, that might be my ideal.
  6. Hey guys, would it be better for anyone to start at 6 or 630? I get up around 5, so if I could finish at 9 it would be a little easier on me, though I don't know what your schedules are Jeffrey and Christian. I can manage the 730 start OK though. I know William is fine either way. This might also help considering we haven't finished most of the matches we start! Any input on tonight's scenario? I think Occupy could be a fun one for those of us who are entirely shooty. It'll make us have to do a little melee. And it's just a fun match. I still have to do my guys' experience and all that.
  7. Hey Jesse, I tried to send you a PM but it said you cannot receive them. Anyhow thanks again for the game, I am buying those Open Fire Germans.
  8. I just got done playing a 4200 point game. It was great for a number of reasons, but the game took forever! Whats your ideal game size?
  9. I should be in Sunday night :) Looks like I'll be home in time.
  10. I'm going to try to make it, would love to get a game.
  11. Or, if you and Drop Trooper want to have a battle, perhaps Will and I could get one in this weekend? Or we could all try to schedule 1v1 games?
  12. Sounds like he might miss this one too. Maybe a week hiatus?
  13. I'm going to have to miss tonight. I'm buried in work and lacking sleep. Sorry guys. Lets not let this thing die
  14. I really like the Perry Miniatures plastic "Mercenaries" box. You can make whatever you want out of that. It gives you enough bodies, weapons, and heads to make 40 guys and it's roughly the price of the free company box. Less mold lines too, and really nice models.
  15. Rad, I'm interested in both of those countries. Just to reiterate, I may be there around 615 or 630 as I'm biking in from my job in Gresham :/
  16. Thanks for all the help! I'm really excited to get into it. I can come by Guardian right after work Thursday. I get off at 5 and work quite a ways a way, so I may be there a little after 6, hard to say. Maybe closer to 630 if that's not too late? JesseLowe I'd love to take you up on that offer. Or at least just watch a few guys play it to get an idea of how it all works.
  17. Looks awesome, I'm in. Thanks for pointing it out.
  18. Wish I could be there, I want to learn how to make terrain. Instead i'm sitting in a cafe grading a mountain of papers :(
  19. Hi, Ive been reading up on the game and am really interested. If nothing else Id love to collect the models and try painting something so small, but would love to play. I wonder, are there games out there to be had? I saw something about Thursdays at Guardian. If so, what period is most common? What book should I buy? I plan on picking up a rulebook to get a feel for how the game plays before picking a country and playstyle. Im interested in Infantry and Artillery, perhaps Germany, Russian, or British.
  20. Alrighty, Will and I are here with monsters
  21. Id love to check this out. Im going to try to make it
  22. Had a really fun game with Nater. His rolls were pretty awful! Looking forward to another match, dwarves are fun to fight
  23. Nater, I need to practice my 2800 list, can we play at that level? Dwarves scare me, hatred greenskin and rough arty
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