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Everything posted by Peanut

  1. I didn't show this week, neither did Ben or William. I did blog though! Well, one forum post, not sure if that counts.
  2. So eternal guard can be worth taking? Im so wary of picking up the set due to them just being more str 3 for my army, though I think they're probably the best looking models I've ever seen.
  3. I dont think you can use high or dark on hero level casters
  4. They look really good. What color did you use for the bows?
  5. Cool well I'm glad you guys think they're worth a go! I'm kind of salivating over the wildwood ranger models right now. Bringing some more S5 in could be great, though I suppose wild riders do that more effectively? And they're armor piercing.
  6. I've been really trying to make the wardancers work. In certain matchups they really do, especially T3 troops. My army has a strength deficit though. It's really hard for me to beat anything T5 and even T4 is tough. I think the wardancers are much better at higher point games where I have a few more tools in my toolbox, but at this point level they're taking up valuable points that could go towards more useful units. Still, I'm dedicated to them, I want to make them a part of my army. So I think I'm going to add in some wild riders this week and an eagle noble with spear (which is just a really fun model anyway). Here's the list I'm looking at running this week. Heroes (284pts) Glade Captain (169pts)(BRB) Armour of Fortune (35pts), Arcane Bodkins (5pts), Asrai Longbow, Asrai Spear (2pts), Great Eagle (50pts), Shield (2pts) Spellsinger (115pts)Level 2 (35pts) Core (340pts) 12x Glade Guard (180pts) 12x Trueflight Arrows (36pts) Musician Glade Guard (150pts) 10x Glade Guard (150pts)10x Hagbane Tips (30pts) Musician Special (280pts) 5x Wardancer (75pts) 5x Wardancer (75pts) 5x Wild Riders (130pts) Rare (245pts) Treeman (245pts)Strangleroot (20pts)
  7. That sounds like a pretty good idea to me, tho 145 points is a lot. Its amazing how deadly a night goblin block becomes with even a few characters. I ran 4 characters side by side in my horde, which meant a lot of my opponents attacks had to be directed against particular characters. I also made them a bit more defensible than the typical naked ng with great weapon. Armor of silvered steel is another great bet. One ng with that, one with glittering scales, and one with fencers blades would probably work better than one at 145 points. With all that gear on one, it seems like you might be trying to actually win e challenge, and with a goblin I think thats maybe a waste of effort.
  8. At OFCC, I had the most success with my hoard of night goblins, surprisngly. 57 strong, nets, two fanatics, and four characters. I threw the bad moon banner in there with a bsb and they could hold all game. I also had great success with my boar chariots and arachnarok. And curse of the bad moon. And doom divers. Everything else was garbage. Boar riders, orc big uns, spear chukkas etc. I have tried an extreme horde build a few times and its worked wonders. Try four hordes! Of course no one wants to paint that much, but i think its where o and g shine. Just outlast em with cheap, decent hordes.
  9. It's been really hard for me to decide how I'm going to paint my Wood Elves. I've only painted Orcs and Goblins and there wasn't a whole lot of choice there - what color do I paint my banner, or what tone do I want for my leather. Here, it seems like everything is my choice. It's been hard to decide! I didn't want to do another green army, and I just haven't been taken by the look of Autumn or Winter Wood Elves. I took Thursday off and devoted much of the day (and a lot of this weekend) to painting up my most important character, my Spellweaver. I decided to go with a "night" theme - dark colors with dark blue being the most prominent. So now that she looks good to me, I'm going to stick with these colors for the rest of the army. At least I know where to start now! Below are images of my weaver. Note - Any advice would be great. I don't know what I'm doing with bases, I feel like her hair could be more black, and her eyes were so hard! Note 2 - My camera and photographry skills suck. I'll work on it.
  10. Ill be bringing my two roommates, Ben and Will. Theyre good guys. They play Lizardmen and High Elves.
  11. Theyre so great, definitely have won me games. I hear you about them not really being a skill thing, but they can really even the odds against some scary lists.
  12. Hey Nate let's get a game sometime, we need a rematch from that last one. Dwarves and O&G are a great matchup. I think I want to start taking my O&G down the completely night goblin path... maybe with the exception of an arachnarok.
  13. My Arack has been charged by various things and survived: flank charges from hordes of saurus, big blocks of warriors, various monsters, halberdiers etc... It's never survived a charge from a stegadon though.
  14. Ive been playing with one for the last year. I never play without it anymore! I love it and still think its the strongest unit I have. Admittedly I dont take savages, black orcs, or a couple of the other competitive O & G staples. Its got 16 attacks and a thunderstomp and eight wounds for 290 points! Its a large enough threat that your opponent will likely focus on it. It takes at least two cannon shots to down it but Ive never seen it go that quick, its usually in the game for me until the end. I will say it took forever to paint though! I was working on it for three months on and off and Im still not 100% happy with where its at.
  15. Will be there with a completely unplainted wood elf force. I'd like to start getting it ready for OFCC next year
  16. I had an excellent time and will definitely attend again. Thanks a million
  17. I'm committing to this - this will be great incentive to keep painting after OFCC, and to create something weird/unique.
  18. Hey Nater! Yeah I still have that die, sorry about the delay, I haven't been able to make it in since I started teaching, so much work to do! I'm going to prioritize coming in this next week, it's been like a month
  19. Sounds great! It says ends at 1500 points, is that intentional?
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