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Everything posted by Peanut

  1. Same for me, I don't want to be hacking and sneezing all over the place in our tiny space. I'll have to miss this one too. Such a bummer!
  2. Cellar Door is not too far of a walk, it's maybe 10 blocks? Closer to Division.
  3. I didnt notice it taking a great deal more time... Maybe just a little. I had three lores to choose from, but due to the friendly nature of the game i would often just spam a fun one like piercing bolts, fireball, or melkoths miasma. ML knew his O&G spells inside and out, so knew exactly what he wanted to cast. New players will probably take a bit more time though. You often run into the situation where you try to cast, get dispelled, and then keep trying that same spell. The last round Murphys Lawyer had to try casting his gaze of mork maybe five times as I kept dispelling it. He drained my dispel dice in this way and eas left with two or three unimpeded castings of gaze. I think, in the first round, ML cast itchy nuisance on three of my units, plus got off a hand of gork (using his mushroom die). Pretty neat to see the little spells becoming more important. I was spamming fireballs that first round, but due to having a level 2 vs his lvl 4, I had a real hard time getting it off. I did cast dwellers once, but I couldnt see casting it boosted. He got off foot of gork twice, but trying to get it boosted would have been a bad idea, I think. Overall Im liking it, though id like to try it some more. Pardon the typos, on an ipad with cold fingers.
  4. Of all the end times stuff, I'm most excited about this. I have never been a big fan of the big spells like dreaded 13th and dwellers, and I usually trade those spells in. It makes the game seem too dependent on dice rolls. I love the little spells though and am happy to see more little spells go off. I think I am worried about all the weird gray areas that will pop up. Does a Slann with wandering deliberations have all spells?! Do Sisters of the Thorn have all Life and Beasts spells? I would hope no for both of those. Also, now my Shadowdancer, who can pay for one wizard level, can have all the Shadow spells?! Seems a little unbalancing for the game. Just some thoughts. I'm more excited for this than not. Now the blended armies thing, I don't like that at all, but this seems pretty cool.
  5. I'd be down! Don't spose you have time Wednesday (tomorrow) evening? PM me if interested.
  6. I'm bummed to say I don't think I'll be making it. I've been on vacation the past week in Ashland, and hadn't got any grading or planning done. Now I'm starting today on 3+ weeks of built up papers and I realize I'm going to be at this until dinnertime, easy. I really appreciated this league! Great scenarios. Thanks a lot Raindog and everyone that participated. Looking forward to the Rampage.
  7. Ill be there , lots of glade guard as I dont have the other rank and file models. Well, dryads, but no.
  8. Planning to be there! Not sure WE are the best for this. I just want to play some games though
  9. ...are such a bummer. I really don't want to be so negative. I've been holding back. Tell me I'm wrong. But god the End Times sucks. Every new development feels sloppy. How can they think it's a good idea to smash together totally distinct armies? These armies have developed slowly over years, with new units being added slowly to maintain an army's look and playstyle. All of that is just thrown out when you cram everything together. Sure some armies need updates. So why not just update them? I don't want to add High Elves or Dark Elves to my wood elves. I don't want to run 50% lords/heroes, and it doesn't sound fun to play against. And I don't want a game that's more dependent on magic. I don't want to play Warmachine or Hordes, I don't want less and larger models. I probably shouldnt complain. But I really feel like my Warhammer enthusiasm is getting leeched out of me. Obligatory: It's probably not as bad as it feels like it is right now. Edit: Maybe I should try to make lemonade out of lemons or something. I don't know. Just venting some frustration/fear of change or whatever. It's probably going to be fine.
  10. Its legal if you give her a wizard level. Shes usually my scroll caddy. I like the list very much! Coming from orcs and goblins, Wood elves feel a bit limited in list selection to me. But there are plenty of things. I havent tried, like the spirit sword. Im curious, why the standards in the glade guard units? I never bother to bring anything but a musician. And. I usually put a standard and champ in the wild riders to be extra sure I can break a unit on the charge. The acorn and the moonstone seem cool, though I never want to spend all those points and lord slots. Looks like a really fun list. I need to pick up some of those rangers.
  11. I did so poorly last night! Maybe I can get a treeman painted in a week... (no)
  12. Tonight's 1300 pt "Hero Hammer" list: Not sure this will be very effective. Armor and toughness both will be a challenge for me, but I'm not super worried about winning. Running this many shadowdancers just sounds fun. Also, I painted a shadowdancer and 2 wardancers this week, so I want to use them for something! Lords (678pts) Glade Lord (298pts)(BRB) Armour of Destiny (50pts), (BRB) Luckstone (5pts), (BRB) Ogre Blade (40pts), (BRB) Potion of Foolhardiness (5pts), Asrai Longbow, Great Eagle (50pts), Hand Weapon, Light Armor, Shield (3pts) Treeman Ancient (380pts)Level 4 (70pts), Strangleroot (20pts) Heroes (605pts) Shadowdancer (175pts)(BRB) Channelling Staff (15pts), Level 1 Wizard - Lore of Shadow (60pts) Shadowdancer (125pts)(BRB) Glittering Scales (25pts) Shadowdancer (185pts)(BRB) Dispel Scroll (25pts), Level 1 Wizard - Lore of Shadow (60pts) Shadowdancer (120pts)(AB) The Bow of Loren (20pts)
  13. What a great game - I'll be there on future Saturdays. Thanks for giving me the demos!
  14. This game looks really good to me - Would you guys recommend buying a starter box? I want to get my friends to try it, so it seems like a good way to start. And I need all the tokens and stuff too, right? I'd love to check it out this Saturday but I've got plans already. Do you do this every week?
  15. Im pretty reluctant about this - I got in to warhammer to push blocks of troops around, but Im glad Eric is having us try it for the league. Better to try and know than be too upset about it without any experience. I appreciate peoples optimism about it though!
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