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Everything posted by Peanut

  1. Would you trade the father knight alone? I have lots of Ariadna dudes and board games. Ill send a Pm tomorrow with the exact models
  2. We do have something going on tonight - At 7 is the Infinity league. It's the last night of an escalation league so a few people will be getting in their fifth games for that, but there will be pick up games to be had, especially for new folks. Come by! What's your name?
  3. There are a few missions that favor doctors as specialists - I think cold sleep, maybe biotechvore, and maybe one other. All specialists in those missions are at -3 for the objective except for Doctors and maybe paramedics who get +3. You could get around that by slipping a paramedic in.
  4. Eric, lets get a battle with my Frenchmen soon, its about the opposite of a Pan O list.
  5. Please sign me up! My name is Bradley if you want something more substantial than a forum name.
  6. Yeah thanks again for the fantastic game. So much fun!Im going to look up some of those rules things tomorrow.
  7. Spec fire can't hit him if he's in hidden deployment or in marker state (pg 70 - no marker can be the target of an attack, the enemy doesn't really know he's there). A hidden-deployment TO troop could choose to go second, then wait for the last turn and reveal, which would be pretty tough to counter. But I think there are ways around this: Get a troop up there in case someone reveals, leave troops around to ARO when he reveals etc. Also, that TO dude isn't giving his order to his team all game, so that would suck.
  8. Thats a badass list. Have you looked at the Sierra remote?
  9. Its something, Ill have to look it up a bit later.
  10. Im in. That was my first thought too Evan.
  11. Youre right on all accounts Evan. I had trouble with Seths sniper tonight too. I found myself in a situation where I couldnt move at all without risk that just seemed too high. I think HMGs are the answer to Snipers. Or other snipers. Or spec fire maybe.
  12. These scenarios are excellent, great job on this. Ill be there most if not all weeks.
  13. Peanut


    Im down for any points, I think the game plays great at any level really
  14. I love how tactical it feels. Kind of like XCOM for the PC if you've ever played it. The aesthetics (and models) are excellent and it has a very neat feel. Gameplay wise, I love that it's mostly balanced. I've seen very few things that feel abusable. They may seem that way at first, but you can usually work out some kind of counter for it.
  15. Ah my mistake, I only scanned your last post and missed the "none were facing" part. And yeah, if you don't see the template coming that's another -3, I did forget that. That applies in dodging spec fire as well. I'm not sure I understand your question then - sorry.
  16. Yeah totally - there's some sweet spot between too dense and too sparse. Apparently in Europe they have pretty sparse tables and we play more dense over here. A sniper should be able to be a threat in ARO and lock down some stuff, but there are times when he can see the whole board and that's not fair to the opponent. Some things I think help are: Never put a 2 or more story building in a deployment zone. Sometimes there are infiltrating snipers, but in general snipers don't want to be closer to the enemy, so this is a benefit and a detriment. Also, building something high in the middle of the board is great, it really splits the board.
  17. there is no -3, thats only for deployable weapons.
  18. And yeah, that guy kind of single-handedly made me stop playing Armada. He'll learn... I hope.
  19. If you hit that first guy twice, you effectively drop two templates, but your behind-model's dodge is not at penalty, he makes one face to face versus the attackers 2 burst. He doesn't have to roll two dodges or anything. If both hit that first guy and the second guy fails his dodge, he's taken two damage 13 blasts. I'm 95% sure on this one, but there's a chance I'm wrong.
  20. The first guy is not at the -3 from the template as if he dodges it, there is no template. That's my understanding, might be incorrect.
  21. Yeah, that's the thing, I've come to the decision that I will never call anyone out on stuff like that, I'd rather not spoil their fun or risk an argument. But when it's a clinch moment, when a person is down to their last order and they misjudged how far they could get with it, some will tend to be a little loose with the measurements. I think, in terms of sportsmanship, taking the time to be really accurate is the best thing to do with this game. It's just like arc of visibility in warhammer - when it comes down to it, you get out the little arrow thing and maybe extend your measuring tape along the arrow to see if you do have line of sight for a charge. I've seen so many people do this when measuring range in Infinity, or LoF, but never with their own movement. When a move is either just barely not enough or just barely enough, (and any time really), you should take the time to measure it and measure it well. Okay this is just a personal pet peeve of mine - I'll let it go, maybe I'm being uptight here. I really don't stress it when I see it happen, I just appreciate it when people take the time and avoid the fudge.
  22. I'm active, you're reactive. I roll two dice since I'm B2 with my shotgun at your Knight Hospitaller. He chooses dodge, so does the fusilier behind him. Both KH and Fusilier roll in a face to face against my 2 bursts. I roll 2d20, each of your guys rolls 1. If I roll a 13 and an 8, both hits, and your KH rolls a ten, he dodges one and takes the other. If the fusilier rolls a 5, he takes both hits (since my rolls were higher). If that fusilier rolls an 11, he dodges both templates. One thing I often forget is that when you dodge, you're at a -3 from templates that come from a "deployable weapon" such as a mine, emauler whatever...
  23. Just one quick thought on Infinity sportsmanship. Probably my biggest pet-peeve with this game is this (and I love the game): I think it's easy to give in to being a little quick and loose with measurements. If you're moving two of your four inches, it's fine to just move it - but I've seen people fudge their four inches - sometimes intentionally, sometimes out of just not being careful with their measuring, to where their model is just barely able to see one of mine, or just barely avoid an ARO etc... I've seen people measure from the edge of their base, then move their model as if they measured from the center (getting about 4 and a quarter inches of movement rather than four). I think, with a game that's so dependent on cover, measurement should be extremely precise and care should always be taken. Of course it's just a game and we don't want to take it too seriously, but it's kind of hard for me to ignore it when I see it. The game should move fast, but I think this game demands precision. Just a personal pet-peeve, maybe I'm being uptight. I will say I'm not talking about anyone at Ordo! And I think in most cases the person isn't trying to gain advantage, they're just gaining it from not paying enough attention. Okay uptight whine-fest done.
  24. Forgecraft bases! I use those too.
  25. Peanut


    Here's what I'm thinking: Force de Réponse Rapide Merovingienne ────────────────────────────────────────────────── Group 1 9 0 0 CHASSEUR (Minelayer) Rifle, Light Flamethrower, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 20) CHASSEUR (Minelayer) Rifle, Light Flamethrower, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 20) 112 Light Shotgun / Pistol, CCW. (12) ZOUAVE (Sapper) Sniper Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 25) LOUP-GAROU Viral Rifle, Flash Grenades / Pistol, Knife. (21) MÉTRO Paramedic (Medikit) Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (10) MÉTRO Paramedic (Medikit) Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (10) MÉTRO Lieutenant Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (8) BRISCARD Marksman Rifle / Assault Pistol, Knife. (24) 1.5 SWC | 150 Points Open with Army 5 And I'll bring two Pan O lists for anyone trying it out.
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