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The Last Guardsmen

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Everything posted by The Last Guardsmen

  1. Joint Operations Task Force Metallus contains all major forces of the IoM. Imperial guard, Astarties(Crimson Fists, Imperial Fist, Black Templar), all major Ordos of The Imperial Inquisition & associated chambers militant, Skitarii & AdMech militant forces, Imperial Navy & a minor Knight House. I'll admit I have a lot of AdMech stuff I need to get up to table top quality.
  2. Only managed to do 8/10 of the squad. The new technical paints took some getting used to.
  3. Update on needs and trade stock. Right now I desperately need top get a hold of the Genestealer Cult half of Deathwatch: Overkill. Bro wants to start playing 40K and has his heart set on the gribbly little bastards.
  4. One of the best signatures on the forum. If not the best, you should be proud.

    1. Chappy


      Thank you. I do what I can. ;)

  5. One the table: 1x Steel Legion Infantry Squad. Done by Friday or I'll eat my Malcador.
  6. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-[REDACTED]. Now I need to buy another box set for my All Imperial Experence army list?!? Guess I'll have to spawn that first born I've been holding off on. All jokes aside I am stoked that we can now field those glorious Golden Road Cones of The Emperor. And the SoS are great too. Tempted to just duct tape em to my Russes.
  7. I really need to get ahold of the Stormsword center hull plate, gun housing and gun. I see gargants, titans and all manner of nastiness in my future. I need something to kneecap those oversized monsters & a lone knight wont cut it. I'm willing to cut a crazy deal.
  8. I direct you here. Some Orks get really odd ideas in their heads. http://a20t43c.deviantart.com/art/Emperor-s-greenest-318924224
  9. Little late to the party but the Tallarn were based off of British & allied native troops in the middle east in the early 20th century. A mix of different skin tones would be reasonable.
  10. I rise from the wastelands of Gresham like a very damp phoenix! New goodies are on the way.
  11. That sounds like a fantastic idea. One I get back on my feet and have an address to send and receiver stuff from I'll do just that.
  12. Te possessed are kind a crap since their made from blood letters & CSMs. I'll give you a sweet deal if you have something on my want list.
  13. Super poor right now so all I have to expend is the minis in my trade post. If I get lucky I can snag the right stuff to build my own psykers and Sisters of Silence.
  14. After sine light reserch and pondering as I pack I've settled on a plan. One Primeris and a squad of the lesser psykers packed into a chimera for day to day use. Adding one two squads of Sister of Silence for when I face cheese weasels fielding Magnus. Now getting the SoS is going to be the tricky part.
  15. The AM thing confused me for a sec. I'd like to avoid deamons as I'm a bit of a fluff nut. I just cant justify them to myself. Also I'm kinda attached to my soul.
  16. HERESY! I'm a loyalist tried and true. Not orthodox mind you but loyalist none the less. Also: Dont have any deamon poppers any how.
  17. The sisters of Silence appeal to me. Why use psykers when I have an off button for them?
  18. Normally I run a 3 russ 3 armored fist force supporting a malcador. I'll build around that depending on my foe. EDIT: I have no idea what to add to it. My main goal is [big bad swear word] canning enemy psykers.
  19. ...Of playing 40k and 18 of playing Imperial Guard I'm doing something I swore I'd never do. I'm fielding psykers. I have no idea where to start.
  20. Wow. Nothing? I thought the fresh Deathwatch would be sapped up already. Added a squad of old metal Gray Knights that turned up as I was cleaning.
  21. I'd say good condition. Just need to be reassembled, I'll take any AdMech stuff you're willing to offer, Steel legion minis or turrets. We can hammer out more via PM.
  22. Nope. Unless you have Steel Legion & some Russes. Yes sir. I play Armored Calvary Guard so arty peaces are useless to me. How many can I put you down for?
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