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The Last Guardsmen

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Everything posted by The Last Guardsmen

  1. Howdy folks. This month will be dedicated to Shadow War Armageddon and I'm personally offering bait a prize to the best player and another to who ever can beat me in a special death trap scenario. Nothing too large but enough to make it worth ones time. I look forward to slaughtering seeing you guys there. Signs up starts this Saturday.
  2. You'll have to fight me for the Imperial Guard scraps mate. Queensbury rules. Jokes aside. I can see AoS picking up more players simply due to the fact that people who love scifi will be lured in buy a more accessible 40k and then its a short leap to wanting those kickass power armored dwarves.
  3. Red Castle Games(Updated) 6406 SE Foster Rd 6406 SE Foster Rd, Portland, OR 97206 Warhammer 40K 1pm – 8pm Weekly on Saturday Shadow War, AoS and more are welcome. Contact me if you have any questions.
  4. Great news. This week we'll have a talented painter with us on Saturday. He'll be teaching basic painting techniques to beginners and offering painting tips to those of more advanced skill. Feel free to post any questions you might have here.
  5. Looking for a big ol gun that I could use to represent the neutron laser on a Malcador Tank Destroyer. Have about 20 'volunteers" that'd make good cannon fodder for any human based army really.
  6. And now I'm giggling like an idiot.
  7. Oh. I was just a little baffled on how moral is going to work. I've been doing this since 3rd Ed so I'm trying to come to grips with some of these changes and I'm still a little muddled. On the bright side it'll be easier to teach new players with a simpler rule set.
  8. Guys, Ld. 7 Space Marines. What?!?
  9. I think I can help! There were experimental rules for bikes and other larger vehicles printed for Necromunda. Think they were the short lived Necromunda Magazine.
  10. Tomorrow is an open day. No big plans. Just come on down and have fun. See you there.
  11. Delightful news folks. We've got an official time slot. Games will be running from 1:00 to 8:00 every Saturday. As I mentioned AoS players are welcome as are Shadow War players.
  12. Right now we only have 40k. AoS players would be a welcome addition though.
  13. Sadly only two counting myself but things look bright. Games are from 1:00 to close at the moment.
  14. Tomorrow is the big day. Anyone who plans one turning up feel free to PM me their army and name so I can get things hammered out tonight.
  15. Because I have far too much free time. Another finished project.
  16. So good news and bad. Good news is I'm going for a real big bang for Saturday, we're looking at a full blown Apocalypse Battle. That's also the bad news. Really going to need folks to come in force. Hoping for at least 10K per side. The current battle lines are Imperial Vs. Ruinous Powers. Xenos players will be assigned to a team on a case by case basis. Primarchs are limited to one of each per side. Sorry no Magnus or Rowbert moshpits. Gotta let the mortal/lesser abominations have some fun too. Titans and Knights are welcome of course but use some common sense please. I will not let you dress up your 5 year old and stand him or her on the table as a Emperor class.
  17. Because I'm a monster I shall start a new project for this week. Well I built most of it yesterday but painting starts today. BEHOLD! The mighty S.U.P.E.R. K3-17H! My Scratch built Onagar Dune Crawler.
  18. BONUS PROJECT! Since I finished my project for the week early I started another this morning. Should have it finished by noon tomorrow.
  19. Howdy folks. Great news I've been given the task of establishing a Warhammer 40K community & in house league for Red Castle Games in SE Portland. I've worked out a regularly scheduled slot for 40K on Saturdays starting next week and I'm hoping that some of you guys'll be joining me. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll answer to the best of my ability. INFO: Games run from 1:00 to 8:00 every Saturday.
  20. BEHOLD! A Turox that looks good. And was rebuilt from a bad glue job too! Before:(wheels were bluetacked on) After:(I think it needs more kit)
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