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Everything posted by Lyraeus

  1. I think Orks are getting the new boy and our codex supposedly has been completed for some time now so I suspect we will be early 2021. I just hope they get rid of the Gretchin rule and allow Kustom Jobs to be more fluid because they are hyper restrictive as they are now
  2. Even in OFCC I think Knights would be fine now. People who are playing marines are likely to bring eradicators or Dreads that will nullify, Sisters of battle has Repentia, there are TONS of options and if you just play the mission knights lose. Knight players will get the chance to remove many things from the table but they are poor on the mission
  3. When you own a 3d printer and want to make a Grot Mob army... For those eagle eyed people you may see a Kan that doesnt look like another. I took a Deff Dread sized model from Gearguts and resized it to Killa Kan sized... Why? The question is why would you not?
  4. If we are playing 9th ed as we should be with the proper amount of terrain Knights do NOT do well. They are in a race against the clock to remove as much of the opponents army as possible before they drop like rocks. Knights play the Secondary Objectives VERY well but lose the primary almost always
  5. With all the Anti Tank running about and the fact that Knights have issues with scoring objectives it may go in your favor. I know my Grot Tanks would have some issues
  6. Barring GW suddenly squating Grots I should be playing a Grot Army for kicks
  7. My latest grot tank prints. These are for me to use hence why they are built
  8. What the world needs is more Grot Tanks! I sent this for free to Table Top Titans for them to use. I am working on 16 more Grot Tanks and 1 more Mega Tank for my use then 6 Killa Kans... well Goblin Walkers
  9. Yup. Tabletop Titans did a game Tuesday with 3 Big Knights and 4 Little Knights. They used one of the Forgeworld Knights. Had a power sword... That tabled the Demon of Txentch army it was against
  10. Most hige level players are recommending a lot of the little knights to have bodies for point taking and objective denying
  11. Spiky bit primaris... just what the world needs...
  12. If you have good models to 3d print then use them. I mean I am 3d printing an Ork Army (even if I already have an Ork Army) Here is 1600 points of Grot Tanks I did for someone
  13. HAHAHAHA almost... it turned into a Flyer with out the Flyer protection. It gained 2 wounds and a Toughness but those are inconsequential since it lost open-topped and its ratter got nerfed to the ground.
  14. The chinork was nuked SO VERY hard its an F tier unit now and that saddens me
  15. This is a good game to watch.
  16. I will be wanting to test the new Grot Tank stats out. Likely 1500-2000 points for 40k. @Salty Monkeywant revenge?
  17. No worries, it is the smart play. We will have to see if Thursday will be safe but depending on results the rest of this week might be crazy.
  18. Since Saturday (where I got no sleep as I was devouring the new books info from previews) I have found orks to be insane! Grot Tanks are viable now even without access to Ork stratagems (They are Gretchin... Ork codex doesnt allow Gretchin to use Ork strats unless it says so (so Grot Shields only) The Mega and Meka Dreads offer a VERY interesting distraction Carnifex that they are rather fun. Then we get to the Kill Tank...the point drops so someone bringing what...72 Ramshackle wounds for under 1000 points and 3x Heavy 30 S6 AP-2 guns... Not to mention the Ram that lets you do mortal wounds on a charge Here are a few lists I have made. Orks "Rammin for Rammin's Sake" List Orks "Oh Gods Why" List Trivial Revolters Tank Company New IA Thoughts on these new units? I know I will be making a few Meka and Mega Dreads. In fact I plan on making all of these lists.
  19. Hahaha if only I had made some. Still the ork units are rather good. Definitely in that Necron/Sisters of Battle level of playability which is where I want all codices to be. You might actually see multiple Kill Tanks now....
  20. Ok... overall I am still sad at the lost of the Chinork HOWEVER... the Orks have somehow been blessed by Gork (maybe Mork)... most every option is useable... which is HUGE
  21. In this next season of Crusade we will be starting this after the Winter break so looking at January. This will give time to those players who get a new codex to find and build what they want for this crusade. I am still taking ideas on how people want the Crusade to go forward. I know people like to play their big games and while those are fun I have found that smaller games play 40k in a vastly different way. So we will be having a mix of large and small games. This may be by power level or points I am not certain yet and would like peoples opinions on this. Some armies dont have access to points for everything though the new Imperial Armor Index is out for pre release tomorrow so we shall see what happens to legends units. Ideas are ALWAYS welcome, I want this to improve and go strong!
  22. The old one feels more Stargate while the new one feels more like the new Necron aesthetic and looks amazing to me. Just not useful at this time.
  23. It is likely that they will.
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