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Everything posted by alindahl

  1. Well that happened fast! Now just gotta wait for Silver Tower haha. From Facebook: "The Mortal Realms tremble at the approach of huge monsters, Tamurkhan's Horde and the iron-clad Legions of Azgorh. Now you can play these factions in Matched Play games. Download the update here: https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/aos_matched_play_points.pdf"
  2. Wow I just realized that post was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors! I was writing it during a work conference call. Probably not the best idea haha. Sorry!
  3. This last Sunday I did a matched play game and I thought I would give my thoughts on how it went and how it felt. We decided on a relatively small game of 1000 points apiece. It was Stormcast vs. Stormcast, but we had very different army compositions. I took force of Liberators, Retributors and Prosecutors led by a Lord Celestant on Dracoth while my opponent brought mostly Judicators and Concussors led by a Lord Celestant on Dracoth. His was a smaller model count force, but just by first glance everything seemed pretty even. The Scenario: We rolled for and played one of the scenarios outlined in the General's Handbook. I don't remember names, but it was an objective scenario where each side starts with one objective at the inner edge of your deployment zone and you essentially win by trying to capture your opponents zone with a victory occuring if you manage to hold both at the 5th battleround. Or something like that. It was straightforward and balanced and seemed like it would work for tournament play well. It appeared to be really simple at first and it mostly seemed like a simple pitched battle where the winner of the fray would end up having both points so you really didn't need to worry about the objectives that much. However, that was proven wrong pretty quick as 5 models were required to take an objective and flanking attacks allowed one to bypass fights and try to ninja grab the opponents objective. Overall it was very fun! Battleline Units: Matched play introduces battleline unit requirements to AoS. Basically the core tax from Fantasy. For a 1000 pt army you are required to bring 2+ battleline units which for Stomcast are Liberators and Judicators. I had Liberators and my opponent had Judicators. At his point level this 'tax' really didn't seem like a burden and it made the armies seem more realistic. The other limitations are 1-4 leaders 0-2 Artillery and 0-2 Behemoths at this point level. This forces players to not have 'cheesy' lists, or monster mashes or endless artillery lines. There are definitely some issues with the smaller factions. For example, Collegiate Arcane which has no battleline forces which means you have to take a mixed faction force. Allowable and not a big deal. Once battletomes are out for everything I think these little issues will be smoothed out. Alligiance Traits, Artefacts, Command Traits: Played utilizing these new modifiers that the GH introduces. Basically bonuses to your army if you have a consistent force as well as buffs to your general and select heros. This added another dimension to the game and made it so our two forces, which were already very different, played even differently since we decided to load out our generals differently. The balance: Points definitely made the game feel extremely balanced. It felt like a much more competitive oriented game and I enjoyed that aspect quite a bit. The game went back and forth. My Retributors were able to blow apart his Concussors early before they could do a lot of damage, but his Lord-Celestant bested mine which really threw the game into his favor and I ended losing almost all my Liberators, but then my Prosecutors got around to his objective started beating up his Judicators. Had my Prosecutors had better dice rolls I may have sneaked in the victory. So the game overall felt very balanced and went back in forth in a satisfying matter. He won because his composition was smarter and he planned his early turn movement better, but through strategy I still had a chance which feels very competitive to me. Other things: The GH opens up a lot of options for how to play. Do you want to measure base to base? GH opens that possibility up to those that feel that is better. In our game we kept the basic rules and didn't use and of these competitive modifiers. But they exist and fill some holes many people have seen in the competitive realm of AoS. Conclusion: There is more I could say, but this is already pretty long and I only played one game. Overall the game felt extremely balanced and made it feel more focused on strategy, both with composition and in-game actions. I could see this system being used in a tournament very easily. I can't wait to get the book for myself instead of just borrowing from the store! I think those that have been unhappy with the 'floppy' rules of AoS will be happy with this new way to play. I'm already very happy with it! List building is back! Does anybody have any other thoughts or played any matched play games in the past month? How did it go and did you like it?
  4. That battleboard looks amazing but dat PRICE!!!! UGH
  5. That's true. Definitely saw a lot of that. But overall victories in games are a very small percentage of how the campaign is calculated I have found. For each victory you get 1 point towards your points for the campaign. You also get a point for each game played (up to 6), each warscroll paint job completed (up to 6), 1 if you add a new hero to your army, 1 if you add a new monster to your army, and up to 3 for adding any other units to your army. And of course you get a point for each new model you buy from the store haha.
  6. So it looks like at MOB today Order took the lead, but Chaos is right behind! Really surprised at poor showing of Destruction and Death. We have so many death armies there too! Just must not have played much yet.
  7. From Facebook: "Veterans of the Mortal Realms are being spoilt this month with new Battletomes, models and the General's Handbook, but we haven't forgotten about new collectors. Available to pre-order form today are a selection of new books and kits designed specifically for people entering the Mortal Realms for the first time. If you're only just starting your journey into the Age of Sigmar, these are for you:" https://www.games-workshop.com/AoS-Get-started-now… A $33 GW starter set. Dang.
  8. Wow those boxes are kind of expensive from the GW website haha EDIT: Just realized your link is to the NZ pricing GW site haha
  9. So I just realized how funny this model's name is... Shar'tor the Executioner. Say it out loud and laugh
  10. I agree. FW is crazy expensive. Beautiful models, but man making it a habit to buy from them would put a huge dent in anybody's pocket book.
  11. https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-US/Shartor-the-Executioner-FW One of only two Chaos armies I would ever consider collecting. Looks like they are intending on keeping this army alive! We also have word that they will indeed be getting points for matched play.
  12. This is the wrong subforum, this should be moved to Rogue Trading
  13. Order is kicking butt and taking names accross the board! Chaos is giving us a run for our money in The Living City though!
  14. Well they have definitely said they will be adding points to the app, but nothing has been mentioned of an army builder. That would definitely be nice though. I'm sure we will start seeing more and more fan made army builders.
  15. Mostly the latter. MOB keeps our cards there so we don't need to hang onto them and we just go in and report games and warscrolls painted. I think they have special stickers they use to record on your card so I'm not sure one can record on their own card.
  16. Well the campaign has begun and Order has taken a foothold in both the Greywater Fastness and Pheonicium!
  17. KlawKnee, you going to be fighting to further the cause of Chaos at MOB this weekend?
  18. It is my understanding they have points for all the units, including the old ones that they don't sell anymore. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. Here it is: https://seasonofwar.games-workshop.com/ Not too much there atm, but it looks like us in North America will be fighting over The Living City! Can't wait to keep up with results as they unfold!
  20. It's not about hackers, its about the owners of the app actively collecting location data. They refer to the data they collect on you as a "business asset" which they can sell to other companies for really whatever purposes, usually advertising. That's what I don't like so much. Everything else is kind of just frosting on the caution cake.
  21. It's definitely making waves. I don't personally know a lot of people playing it around me, but our house has a TON of Pokestops near it. I don't think I'm going to keep playing it though. I'm not very big on the whole "tracking literally everything you do and everywhere you go" thing. Google already does enough of that haha. The huge amount of data they collect on you and how they are allowed to use it/who they can give it to is kind of scary: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/nation-now/2016/07/11/while-you-track-pokmon-pokmon-go-tracks-you/86955092/ I'm also not big on yet another distraction from reality. I hate electronics for the most part haha That being said, I enjoyed it the little I played it. I see a lot of potential for future games. If they could guarantee a little more privacy I think I would pick it up again.
  22. Jim these terrain pieces and the products you have on your website are absolutely fantastic. Keep up the good work! Your designs are some of the best I've seen.
  23. What are your thoughts? I tried it out for a bit and it seemed like a cool concept, although it didn't really remind me very much of my childhood Pokemon obsession. I started with Charmander and caught a Zubat in our living room and a Weedle while on a walk at lunch. Very intriguing, but it used up my battery and data like crazy and I wasn't super big on all the permissions required. They collect too much info for my tastes. Anybody giving this a GO?
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