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Everything posted by alindahl

  1. I think this is a really great idea! I would definitely listen to it. I second Smashthedean's comment, I think weekly casts are the best. I can't really give advice about equipment and whatnot, but I would suggest doing a few pilot episodes and sharing them only with a handful of people (or on this forum for example) and seek input before going completely "live" with it. It would probably help a lot to make it start smooth.
  2. It's a Stormcast formation in the Godbeasts Book
  3. Yeah this is what I have been most unsure about. It depends on the size of game and objectives, but turn 3 is pretty far along. It feels wrong to bring him in earlier though haha. Watched a battle report where they brought him in on turn 3 and he instantly killed an entire full health unit of blood warriors... only to be subsequently killed in a single round of combat by a Bloodthirster. It was actually pretty funny. I imagine the bigger the battle is, the more valuable he would be.
  4. Hmmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this actually. I kind of liked the weekly releases, let me pick and choose what I wanted to download and read more easily.
  5. Oh yeah that's nice! Can't wait to see it completed. Also, nice color scheme on the Stormcast behind. Haven't seen that one before. Have you guys used the Prime in game yet? Is he really all that great?
  6. I am definitely curious to see how the matched play handles summoning, if it does at all. I really like the way SCGT handled the summoning. They basically did: 100 point game, if you bring a summoning pool then you need to initially deploy fewer troops, equal to half the cost of you summoning pool. So like if I brought a 20 point summoning pool, I could only initially deploy 90 points of my army with the 20 points ready to come in through summoning. The higher total points are offset by the fact that they depend on casting from a killable character to come in. I think it was very smart. If there are no controls then I have no idea how they plan on balancing summoning. Nagash for example can raise an entire army in a single turn. I am super curious to see what they do about it.
  7. For those that are interested, the latest episode of the Heelanhammer podcast is up. It's a pretty good one for those who may not be buying all the fluff books and Realmgate Wars series. They go through a quick summary of all the events that have happened in the AoS universe up to this point! I believe the summary starts at 00:44. They also have a bunch of other stuff, it's usually a very fun and informative podcast. http://www.heelanhammer.com/ep153
  8. So what units or combos of units are winning games for everyone? What has been fun to use? What makes it so great? Or are there any units you are excited about using but haven't gotten the chance to yet?
  9. So far we have 5 in the Order alliance, 3 in Chaos, 1 in Death, and 1 in Destruction. And also one that will either be Order or Death. Not an awful mix! Wonder who will win?! (Spoiler alert, Nagash always wins he's freaking terrifying)! I might have to consider a Death force down the road...
  10. Stormhosts unite against the Shabbling horde of Death!
  11. Yes. I wouldn't be surprised though if down the road they release some sort of "Atlas"/"Encyclopedia" if you will to bring all their narratives together in one place. I'd buy it
  12. I don't have much of an army yet, but I have an idea of what direction I want. Order, Stomcast Eternals, Truth Seeker Stormhost
  13. Oh yeah they do say that don't they... The shield rule is different for these units though it seems: "Arcanite Shield: Roll a dice before allocating a wound or mortal wound to a model that has an arcanite shield. On a roll of 6 the shield deflects the damage and the wound is ignored." Hmm. So in this case you definitely want a mix of models and you would want to try and allocate wounds to shielded models first. Not a bad way to deal with units with a mix of load-outs.
  14. Yeah I was beginning to realize how insane things would get if you could have multiple set-ups in the same unit!
  15. Ahhhh. Okay I missed that language. Thanks a lot for pointing that out Steel! This makes things a lot simpler and makes more sense. haha
  16. Where does it say the whole unit has to be armed the same?
  17. I was thinking about unit compositions for different units the other day. There is nothing in the rules that states that the entire unit must wield the same weapons/armor, all restrictions for such things are given on the warscrolls. As a result I was trying to see if mixing and matching weapons for some Stormcast units would make for better results and I stumbled a bit when I saw the Liberators (and Prosecutors) special rule for shield. It is stated as follows: "Sigmarite Shields: You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for this unit if any models from the unit are carrying Sigmarite Shields." The key word is ANY. It does not say ALL, it says ANY. So this means that if I have a unit of 10 Liberators, only 1 need to have a shield and the whole unit receives the save re-roll? If this is true than the rest of the unit should wield paired warhammers because the rule for paired weapons is this: "Paired Weapons: ...You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for models armed with more than one warhammer or warblade." The key here being MODELS. So I would build my 10 Liberators with 2 Grandhammers, 7 Double Warhammers, and 1 shield. Keeping the paired weapons in front so they get to re-roll hits, while keeping the single shielded model around just so the WHOLE unit gets to re-roll save rolls of 1. Taking a quick peek at other models from other factions and this rule is not carried over, Darkling Coven Bleakswords for example have a shield rule as stated: "Darkshields: You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for a unit with Darkshields. You can re-roll failed save rolls of 1 or 2 for this unit in the combat phase instead." Implying the whole unit must have shields. (although I'm fairly certain they can't be assembled any other way.) This wording is similar for Wanderer Eternal Guard. So my question is am I missing anything? Has anyone seen an FAQ that modifies this rule? Have you found any tourney rules that state that the whole unit must be equipped similarly to receive the bonus? How would you play this rule out? Do you think this is a mistake or was written purposefully this way? In some ways its not beyond the fluff for this rule to play this way since the Stormcast are crazy coordinated with each other. It could be conceived that the shield guy is able to defend his brethren to some extent, but I could see major abuse. A 5, 10, 20, 50 model Liberator unit would all get this benefit if there is even just 1 shield based on the rule wording. Thoughts??
  18. Thanks for sharing Jeff. Yes the whole idea of the realms has thrown a lot of people off, especially since AoS is young and there hasn't been a lot of time to create explanatory fluff. I think the idea of the realms is absolutely great. It makes the world so much bigger, allowing for a greater degree of freedom in storytelling and creation of characters and places, especially for fan fiction. It also allows for all the special rules which makes each game unique and allows players to create narrative for their individual battles.
  19. I will be before too long KlawKnee, we are currently embroiled in a big move. Once we are settled in our new place I'll be up for something.
  20. You and I are in very similar boats! I hoping to make it down in July as well with at least a moderately tableworthy army haha
  21. Oh man, that would be super cool. Hmm, if you decide to do that you should post a pic!
  22. This probably belongs in the Warpspace section of the forum
  23. Ooooo that pic is so much more elegant Looks like she's about to be chopped in half by a Bloodthirster though
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