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Everything posted by alindahl

  1. I played the crap out of IV and loved it. Haven't been playing a lot of video games lately, but I might have to keep this one in mind. Thanks for the announcement.
  2. I'm guessing the keywords will come into play more as the game progresses. I agree that Nurgle does pretty well in that department. I'm very curious to see what the tournament rules in the General's Handbook are. For example are we going to see restrictions on wizards? If so, models which have unbinding attempts, but no wizard keyword are possibly going to be very helpful. I'm also curious to see if there are going to be any restrictions on warscroll numbers from different factions. If you look at some tournament rules (such as Adepticon 2016), the only restrictions they place seem to be that all hero/monster characters of 10+ wounds have to be from the same faction. At least that is how I understand them. The Adepticon rules use a solid comp system and a pretty reasonable set of restrictions, it wouldn't surprise me if the General's Handbook tournament rules look a lot like it. www.adepticon.org/wpfiles/2016/2016waoschamp.pdf Anybody very familiar with the destruction alliance at all? The Fangs of Ghur army on the Games Workshop site seems crazy synergized. Wasn't that the one that won the SCGT?
  3. Yeah. I like the Sylvaneth, but they don't excite me quite as much. Too much brown and green to paint haha
  4. I am super intrigued by the old Bret and Empire forces mixed with Stormcast for some reason. The Stormcast definitely need help in the magic department haha. And they definitely could use help in the shooting phase. Judicators are good archers, but they don't have a great total number of attacks. Who is going to bring 20 judicators or more using the current comp systems anyway? Get some Empire or Dark Aelf wizards mixed with some Duardin artillery. Ahh yiss. I think I mostly want to focus on the Order Alliance for the time being. I'm really not that into the other alliances atm. As I collect more I want to focus on Stormcast, Seraphon, and Wanderers. See what good combos I can find with those. I would love to see a Stardrake hero leading an army of Saurus and Kroxigors. But I will probably wait on collecting any Wanderers until they release the Battletome.
  5. I never played Fantasy, I read quite a bit of the 9th Age rules though. Seems like it would be a good game, I just don't think the new models would work on square bases very well as their footprints are too big and have too many different poses. They don't regiment up very well. :/ Plus I like AoS quite a bit haha
  6. I wanted to start a discussion about mixing and matching different factions. With the advent of Age of Sigmar the Old World blew up and faction lines shifted. Different categories formed and factions who wanted nothing to do with each other now find themselves allied under a common banner. In theory the stout Duardin and flighty Aelfs can be found fighting alongside each other on the ground while Skinks on Terradons fly down from above. And yet, it seems like people still tend to field units by faction line rather than by alliance line. With the change in faction lines, the amount of strategy and varying army compositions has expanded infinitely! How would a mixed Stormcast/Seraphon army stand against a Beastman army fielding Warpfire throwers and Warp Lightning Cannons? Does anyone here like to mix up their forces along alliance lines? What factions do you like to mix? Have you found any particular synergies across faction lines that are extremely effective and/or fun to use? What are some downsides to mixing it up? And are there any restrictions to this mixing that anyone is aware of? I personally want to see a Stormcast army backed up by Glade Guard. Moving in with the Knight-Azyros, utilizing his Illuminator of the Lost ability to reroll the Glade Guards' hits. That stacked with their innate abilities of Peerless Archery and Arcane Bodkins would make for a crazy strong shooting phase. I would love to hear some other ideas!
  7. I'm also interested in Infinity, but I want to sit down and watch a game of it before I commit. It seems like a lot of fun.
  8. AoS, but nobody at DT seems to give it much love haha, unless there is someone I haven't met yet. Know of any?
  9. I'd take the Tau (3rd), Imperial (4th), and Eldar (3rd) codexes if that's okay I'll be at the shop, but we don't know what each other looks like. I'll just look for the person with a lot of books haha What time will you be around Sherbert?
  10. Thanks for the continued input guys, this is very helpful.
  11. Also, if 3jacks gets the gryph-hounds, I'm assuming that means the Excelsior Warpriest will not come with one?
  12. Hmm, I might have to consider this for maybe June or July. My wife and I have wanted to take a drive down to Portland and hang out there for a weekend anyway.
  13. Good, that gives me a little more time to get my models painted up to give it a go!
  14. Does anyone have an idea when this General's Handbook is going to be released? Are we talking some time this summer or like in the next few weeks? I haven't heard anything concrete about a release date.
  15. Thanks Rain, I am a part of the group. Nobody here is really into AoS it seems though. :/ At least none that I have run into
  16. Can you post a link to that website?
  17. Definitely giving me some things to think about. I am not sure if I will ever get into competitive gaming (but anything can happen I suppose), so AoS definitely seems like a good fit for me. At least for know. Who knows? Maybe it will lead to other things as well. The Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower also looks very interesting, might give that a go at some point. I feel bad for all the people that feel disappointed with what GW did . Hopefully they can release that anger haha, its not like the rules and models simply vanish. I am interested in the Generals handbook this summer. A points system definitely would be nice. What is the most recommended player-made one? I've been looking at Warscroll builder dot com, but I'm not sure which method is best.
  18. I'm new to the forum (and relatively new to Bellingham itself) and I was wondering if someone could give me a quick rundown of the other gaming clubs/stores in the region besides Dark Tower? What is the closest one to Bellingham? Are there a few in the Seattle area? Any in Vancouver (BC)? Thanks!
  19. As someone who has only recently stepped into the entire tabletop gaming universe, I find AoS extremely fun. I have already made plans for expanding my armies and love the story driven battleplans and campaigns. I think the models are also incredibly well crafted, the detail has blown my mind. When I was younger I obsessed over the GW Fantasy Universe and pored over borrowed WFB rulebooks and fluff whenever I could get my hands on it and in many ways I understand why the tabletop world is upset right now, even though I never had the chance to play the game myself (lack of money, time, patience). But the release of Age of Sigmar excited me enough to step into this world and I have no plans on leaving. I have a feeling that people like myself were the target audience for the release of AoS.
  20. As a kid, teen, college student, and up until recently I have always been infatuated with the Warhammer Fantasy Universe (and tabletop gaming in general), but never indulged. Maybe because of time or money, lack people to play with or all of the above at different times. Last month though my wife and I saw a great deal on the Age of Sigmar starter set and I finally took the plunge and grabbed it. I am absolutely in love with it, although I have yet to actually get my hands dirty in a pitched battle with a worthy opponent (my wife tries, but it just ends up being me playing myself haha). However, I have definitely been discouraged with the lack of people that seem to be playing it around me (I'm up in Bellingham WA) and I have been unhappy with the incredibly negative view of the game I have seen online. It seems everyone is upset about Fantasy getting put out to pasture. I guess my question for you veterans of tabletop is this: why has there been so much backlash to Age of Sigmar? The game hasn't been out too long, maybe it will just take some time for people to adjust? Also, what is everyone's opinion of AoS in terms of game quality? How does it compare to 40k for example? Also, if there is anyone in Bellingham reading this and wants to play please hit me up, I need someone to play with
  21. Sorry, new here. Which club is GG?
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