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Everything posted by The_Rat_Catchers

  1. I didn't end up getting it like many of the others who applied it seems. They're still searching I see, I suppose they wish to be very very specific.
  2. I recently met Johnathon the "Drop pod manager" as they call him. Cool dude, but like all GW employees, he was a little pushy with the product. I was dying inside when he asked me if I had any interest in AoS and I had to bite my tongue because I recently applied to the manager job. Speaking of that I had my interview last Friday about it. I discussed with my interviewer about local competition and store space. They said they wouldn't take anything from DT, i.e stop restocking their stuff because DT itself is a customer. On the topic of store space they said they couldn't add any more tables because of safety regulations, which sounded odd to me even with their reasoning. I feel no matter who gets the job they're going to have a difficult time with it. Location and getting the community in there aside, it's an entire store of GW product and selling that alone is a challenge.
  3. Just some pickup games or a weekly commitment (like a campaign)?
  4. Nick and I throwing down. Hopefully he doesn't want to play Warmachine lol
  5. Hey you know how this topic was made asking about metal bands with comprehensible lyrics? Well this isn't one of them.
  6. I'm headed out for Thanksgiving break unfortunately, i'll be around for next week!
  7. Since there will be an odd number of players for Cars Against Humanity, I think i'll sit out to allow an even match up, and dust off my Death Guard I have yet to play. @SigurdBC i'll take your loyalists on!
  8. The man fond of lizards name is Nick, I’ll relay this information. Am I still throwing down with Jim’s Raven Guard in a 2k game of 8th? Maybe. Maybe not. Find out more when he reads this post.
  9. I'll be playing Nick's Beastmen with my High Elves in a smaller 9th age game. Ready to send those furries running!
  10. Hey guys I'm in desperate need for 5 sets of either Chaos space marine legs or regular boring loyalist marine legs. I'm willing to trade 5 Ryza pattern lascannons (https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-FR/Ryza-Pattern-Lascannon-Set) if you didn't feel like donating them out of the goodness of your heart. Lemme know!
  11. If D_Lo is just after the plague marines, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on the Bloat Drone!
  12. All the vehicles I made so far. Spikes are a pain, I've don't know how chaos players do it. Gotta love your pole carts
  13. Hey hey, jumping on the This Is Not A Test band wagon! I had a handful of these models lying around ever since I watched the latest mad max movie, Fury Road. I was inspired to create a Imperial Guardsmen army using conversions like these, because I was tired of seeing only ork mad max conversions tbh. Anyways, this is a handful of the models I made and they will fit TNT just fine, especially when the vehicles eventually come out. I threw some hasty paint on these gents to see if I liked the scheme or if I wanted to change it, so bear with me the WIP.
  14. I am very interested! One or two days is fine for me, as well as either 4 of the dates.
  15. @Wiccus I'll be playing raiders, but might switch to the renegade reclaimers when they drop.
  16. My Raiders will be ready! I can't wait for them to add vehicles to the game, and I would love to check out the rules they already have!
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