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Everything posted by scotthartman

  1. Any interest in starting a game? I'd be down to play.
  2. I'm back in town today and would love to play some board games. Anyone up for that tonight?
  3. I have a small selection of ships, mostly imperial but also few some scum ships that I am willing to part with for cheap or trade. Also have the rules and movement templates, dice, etc. Send me a message if you are interested. Not sure about an alternate starter box for scum. But I do know that there are no limits to ships other than named characters are unique. That said you can take the named character in a Quadjumper and a generic Quadjumper in the same list. So its really limit to the cards rather than the ships.
  4. I've two small projects that I'm building and require a couple of miniatures. First, the GW Karadron dwarves. I only need to build one but will take a few more if you've got them. Second, I need nurglings and a plaguebearer or two. Am also interested in 1 or 2 those fat nurgle chaos warriors. For trade I have lots of Space Marine Deathwatch sprues as well as some Primaris marines on sprue. Cheers
  5. I binged on Futureman which started off weird and ended up hilarious. Have to love that people in the future call their mouths 'ratholes'.
  6. I cant make this meeting but will be available for new season and tourneys.
  7. Definitely can arrange a game. Shoot me a message about when you have time to play. My schedule is usually flexible.
  8. Missed last few weeks for work and vacations but had a good time with this. Hope to get more Infinity games in soon. also, I got my copy of Aristeia! If anyone wants to try a game of that just let me know.
  9. Was hoping to come today but my dog is getting sick all over the house. Sorry, see you all soon to play more.
  10. Anyone heading to Fate and Fury tonight? I'll be there to get a game or two.
  11. Good games last night. I learned a lot about Rambo and better positioning.
  12. Note for anyone who is interested, at Fate & Fury games on Saturday early afternoon I'll be there doing some demo/practice games and they have the store copy as well to play with.
  13. I'll take you on for 300 points
  14. Helpful note, Warning can be used in Active and Reactive turns. So your trooper running and getting shot at can give nearby troopers a free turn without generating other AROs.
  15. I've never been to either but I could make it to Red Castle Wednesday (tomorrow) afternoon or evening.
  16. @Norrad, @deadwing34, @andozane, as well as anyone else who wants to. Would you guys like to organize a day to play this and have people try it? With several copies we should be able to accommodate a small group. Maybe later this week we could meet at WoW or at Guardian?
  17. I did get a copy of this. If anyone wants to give it a try just shoot me a message. Converted a little and replaced with alternative models a couple guys. All set to play. Cheers
  18. Anyone of you want to meet up at Guardian to try some Shadespire? Was thinking to go down there today and pick up a copy. I'd be happy to bust it open and play a game right away.
  19. Me too. Not sure if I'm sold on it but seems intriguing.
  20. Interesting that it only lasts for current player turn. So target is back to normal at start of next players turn.
  21. Sorry, I'm out of town otherwise I would.
  22. I do! Not sure if they have surpassed 'first edition' but that is what i have.
  23. I think i can make this with my sad unpainted models. If it stops raining here then I'll at least prime them.
  24. I'll be there. The highlighted part about killing models, is that normally just Unconscious but for this mission is Dead?
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