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Everything posted by scotthartman

  1. i also have a ton of humans at 10mm, could be either Empire or Brets. I cant remember when i got them but basically had this same thought many years ago but wasnt able to convince my friends at the time to play smaller scale, despite the huge cost savings.
  2. If you are interested in either, I have a number of Imperial ships for both Armada and Xwing. I haven't played either in several years, so none of the new stuff, but I definitely can part with any of it for a moderate price.
  3. This did look pretty cool. I missed out on getting Imperial Assault, so I'll probably dive into this.
  4. I'll hit you up when I'm back town to arrange a game!
  5. Hey fanatics, At Gencon I was able to try a small skirmish game called Arena Rex. Gladiator combat for 3-6 minis per side. Very tactical, pretty simple rules, beautiful miniatures. I'm sold on it. I picked up enough for two starter groups. If anyone is up to try it let me know and I can bring it to game night and demo. Cheers
  6. That should be ok for me. Im also out of town until Tuesday, maybe Wednesday. If I'm back Wednesday then will need to push back to later in the week.
  7. i'd be up for learning infinity. i tried it a couple years ago and couldn't quite get the hang of it so stopped.
  8. Hi people, I'm off to Gencon this week. Is there something you know of that I should definitely check out? Cheers!
  9. Next time I'll bring my 'Shanesaw'. Thank you everyone. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitress.
  10. Wahoo! Finished painting my team for Carnage! Not the prettiest I've done but table ready.
  11. Scott Hartman Team: Open Palm Slap Race: Huuuuman NAF: 10968
  12. Looks awesome. I hope to have some time to stop by and see some of this game, probably wont be able to play though. Love me some BFG. If by chance I can play then I will bring a small fleet of Inquisitorial Black Ships (Imperial plus some Grey Knights). What time were you all looking to do this on Friday?
  13. Was tinkering with a human list for Carnage Cup. What do you guys think of this? Suggestions? Human Tourney Roster.pdf
  14. I'd be up for this. I have some board games and assorted minis that would be nice to clear out space.
  15. Anyone up for a game of 40k this coming Sunday? 750-1250 points
  16. After building and reviewing what I want to keep, I have 1 set of Primaris minus the jump troops available. That means the 2 bolter squads, 1 plasma squad, banner guy and captain in gravis armor. If you want them then pm me an offer.
  17. I also have it and one or two of the expansions if Chex doesnt work out.
  18. What's up with round 3 schedule? Is that posted somewhere else or are we waiting for a time?
  19. I am going to be super upset if they start releasing separate army codices rather than updating these index books. I got digital versions of the books and it should be valid for more than 2 months...
  20. Got to play my first game of 8th edition thanks to @peter.cosgrove for your help and patience with that. Learned quite a bit about my army, namely that its super small and each body is just a marine. Think i need some more regular old bolters to take a few wounds. Other than thay though they played well and were a pretty effective combined force of marines and inquisitorial units.
  21. Lets go with your Chaos. I'd hate to see my marines fighting other loyal marines so early in their deployment.
  22. Whoop, have to say that the new librarian looks pretty spot on to the one I made. I'll take it as great minds thinking alike.
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