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Everything posted by scotthartman

  1. Does anyone want to try a small game (up to 1000 points) this afternoon at Guardian Games? I could get there anywhere from 2-5ish for a learning game of the new rules.
  2. So I bought a razorback kit and no twin assault cannon is included... Now I need two of them to finish my razorbacks. I'm willing to trade or buy them. For trade I have: Twin heavy bolters Twin lascannons Primaris jumppack marines New box set Nurgle stuff A bunch of regular space marine legs torsos and bits, mostly from MkIV and Deathwatch sprues. Or i could convert a cool hero model as trade if anyone is interested.
  3. I hope its the beers or the heat too, but thanks! Primaris are fun to convert though. Use the Primaris legs and back torso, most other marine parts fit them or look close enough that it doesn't matter. Whatever bits you have and some greenstuff make for a cool looking marine. Maybe just make a hero for funs?
  4. I am in the same boat a lot of you are, having not played for years and am looking to play casually. My schedule tends to be pretty open except when I am travelling, about once a month. Feel free to send me a message to schedule a game. I can meet at WoW or Guardian or if you want to come to Vancouver then Dice Age is ok for me too.
  5. Just need 2 razorbacks and my first 1000 points will be built. Time to start painting.
  6. I'm ok with either or people can email me. Though my job means that I am on my computer pretty much all day, so that helps.
  7. Alpha Squad is built save for gap filling and cleaning.
  8. I am jumping into 8th edition after not playing 40k for many years in the hopes that I may regain the love for this game. I've always been a fan of this universe and the stories involving the Inquisition. Long ago I played Grey Knights (before they were good). This time around I'm switching to Ordo Xenos and the Deathwatch. The plan so far is to have a puritan Xenos Inquisitor with some hangers-on acolytes or psykers; an assassin of some sort, and a primary force of Deathwatch marines. All of these are going to be built for fun as I don't play tournaments. The Rule of Cool is number one for this army. With that in mind, I won't be including any Primaris marines but all of my Deathwatch marines are going to be converted from Primaris models to be true scale in comparison to the humans in the army. First few test models are built including a couple of assassins. 1st Lt. Brother Justinius of the Ultramarines Brother Sturm of the Crimson Fists Brother Chardon of the Lamentors Calexus assassin Eversor assassin Some more building and painting to come.
  9. For those interested in just the rulebook, send me a message. I will have 2 and can sell them both. $40 each Also if anyone wants buy the deathguard stuff, I'm ok to sell that for cheaper than ebay as well. $60 for 1 set of Nurgle stuff.
  10. Perhaps we should make a list of who wants which half of the box?
  11. I got ticket but haven't decided team yet as well.
  12. There most certainly will be an orgy of ogres but its the snotlings that make things hot.
  13. I'm totally fine using power levels rather than points. I think its just a quick way of saying 2000pts without carrying too much about the gritty details of per model costs. I remember making army lists and really thinking way too much about how to spend points and kit out each model. In the end it doesn't matter that much as long as the game is roughly even, 50-100 points difference doesn't swing a game either way. Heck, I can even remember games when I forgot half of the wargear that I bought and never used it. Points are so ingrained to how wargamers think though, its hard to get out of that frame of mind. Which I can only assume is why they included both points and power levels. I'll be trying to make my army the same for both so that I can just play more and worry about nitty gritty details less.
  14. After not playing 40k for 8 years, I'm going to give 8th edition a shot. I'm building up a Deathwatch force since it will give ample conversion opportunity but still be a small group that I can get done.
  15. That makes sense. I understand why GW does that but I wish they would split the models in an easier to mix way. Hopefully they release the regular kits soon after the main release.
  16. So I've been reviewing the new Primaris marines and am wondering how compatible current marine bits will be for converting these big fellas? From what I can see, it looks like shoulder pads, heads, backpacks and weapons will likely be usable. Maybe not exact fits but close enough to work. Clearly legs, torsos and arms are different though I bet with some clever cutting that some current arms can be used (below the elbow probably). These new marines seem ripe for converting. For as cool as they look they are also quite bland right off the sprue. Anyone else have thoughts on what may work?
  17. I'm in but my Chaos Dwarves are out. I will pick a team soon. Really hard deciding if I go to my all-time favorite Ogres or play hoomans since I have a full human team of the new models.
  18. on this topic, are all of the new marines in this box Primaris big boys or only the captain? If they are all Primaris then I probably want to get some Marines. Not sure if I'll play 40k again but the models are cool.
  19. Post if you are coming tonight to play some Shadowwar. I'll be there.
  20. I, once again, will try to make it to play a game.
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