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Everything posted by Zorcon

  1. Zorcon

    Linemen WIP

    From the album: Eastern Steppes Bears

    6 Marauders Marauders converted from Chaos Marauder bodies, Misc Chaos heads, and Chaos Knights shoulder pads.
  2. Zorcon

    Linemen WIP

    From the album: Parravon City Chiefs

    10 Thralls Thralls converted from various Empire/Bretonian/Historic Bodies/Heads/Arms and Dwarfs Ironbreaker Shoulder Pads
  3. Zorcon

    Khorgar Bengals

    Daemons of Khorne Blood Bowl Team (5th Edition)
  4. Zorcon

    Linemen WIP

    From the album: Khorgar Bengals

    10 Pit Fighters Pit Fighters converted from Chaos Marauder bodies, misc Human/Chaos heads and Chaos Marauder/Knight Shoulder Pads.
  5. From the album: Khorgar Bengals

    2 Khorne Heralds and a Bloodthirster Bloodthirster converted from a Basic Heroquest Bloodthirster and Crypt Flayer wings.
  6. I no longer need more of these. Thank you for the help identifying them.
  7. I think it is from the Night Goblin set. And does anyone have 2 that I can buy?
  8. Zorcon

    Blind River Ravens

    Goblin Blood Bowl Team (5th Edition) OBBL 2017 People's Choice Award
  9. Zorcon

    Full Team

    From the album: Blind River Ravens

    The team as seen at Ordo Bowl '17
  10. From the album: Blind River Ravens

    Custom carry case for Ordo Bowl '17
  11. From the album: Blind River Ravens

    Custom carry case for Ordo Bowl '17
  12. Warhammer World (and other events) exclusive ogre/halfling combo team. No Loner, AG3 Ogre, New Skill: Kick Team-Mate, 210,000 gp... !?!?!?!?
  13. GW’s April New Release Lineup & Pricing Confirmed! https://spikeybits.com/2017/03/gws-april-new-release-lineup-pricing-confirmed.html Blood Bowl (Orc)Troll $25 The Gouged Eye Blood Bowl Team $35 Blood Bowl Cards: Team Titans Pack (ENG) $15 White Dwarf April 2017 $9 Citadel Knife $32 Citadel Saw $32 Citadel Tweezers $12.50
  14. Maybe Ill have an advantage then...
  15. Isn't it equally a liability as his opponent can draw the Auto-tie card?
  16. Hey Burk and Michaels, sorry I missed your replies. I got my test plays in and locked in my roster.
  17. There is also the Pre-order Promo Card: The Early Bird. As it stands, does everyone have all four main decks? I'm currently a Super league-er, and I don't think all those coaches do. Isn't there potential that someone will not have access to every regular (non-promo) card in every game they play? What if special play cards wind up becoming required, and both coaches forget to bring/don't have all the cards that game? Would these rules be the same across all 3 leagues? Sorry, asking more questions instead of answering yours. My gut is saying if league rules allow/require special play cards, focus more on banning specific cards you don't want in, then if everyone has access to all the cards. As long as any broken cards are removed, does it really matter if coaches are drawing from a slightly different pool of cards? Also going with the Variant Three- One Deck rules, will partially mitigate the access issue.
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