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Salty Monkey

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Posts posted by Salty Monkey

  1. A little flavor for Thursday's Crusade. Anyone involved is welcome...nay encuraged to add their own fluffy goodness. I am not very good at it but here...ahem.."ER WE GO!"


    The sun was blazing as Captain Gressmer wached his subordinates clean his uniform for a third time.

    “ I don’t think the stink will ever come out…” he muttered out loud as a commss officer rushed in

    “Sir, there’s a disturbance, 3 clicks south!” he said out of breath “you…you have to see it! Its difficult to explain”

    “Get my chimera” The captain snapped

    “Sir there is no need you can see it just outside”

    Captain was led outside, looked up an saw a giant…Bubble? The size of a small town growing to the south. “What the *#%*” as he was interrupted by a cacophony of sound as the bubble popped. Music from where who knows...

    ***Some background music if you want but it is immature, crass and probably a bit offensive...but clean (I think) be warned 😉 ***

    …meanwhile, just out of the atmosphere…

    "MOJO! We hit fire line and breachin’, should be at Tik’z campt in minutes…he has already issued the mind oup noise to indimatate dem humies…That'll get em worked up!" A mucked up grot in goggles screams as the ‘land’n kraff’ breached the atmosphere.


    Even the Death Guard looked up from…whatever horrible nonsense death guard do in their down time. As the exceptionally loud music is accompanied by what looks like several imperial cargo containers chained together, with wings maybe.?. Comes screaming full tilt from the atmosphere.

    Seemingly out of control it crashed loudly in a desert valley. Just where the giant bubble seemed to originate.

    “What hell is this now?” Captain Gressmer explained. A young soldier in a look-out tower yells down, “ORKS!!!”

    Captain looked at the feted scar on his arm from his last battle. “Get your gear boys, we have work to do.”

    • Like 1
  2. So I thought i would post up the offical, one and only Crusade list...I promise 😉

    Da Nite Gosts of da Nite


    Orks (Blood Axes)

    RP total: 5                          RP available: 0

    Points: 1200                       Points available: 0




    Boss Mojo : Warboss <Da WAAAAGH!BOSS> 5pl / 95pts:

                   Gear: Kombi-skorcha, big choppa, 2x slugga  & Attack Squig

                   WLT (-1rp) : I’ve got a plan, Ladz!

    Vargot Da Shokka Dok: Big Mek w/ shokk attack gun 6pl/110pts

                   Gear: shokk attack gun, stickbombs

                   Relic (-1rp): Super Cybork Body

    Dizzik: Weirdboy 4pl/70pts

                   Gear: weirdboy staff

                   Power of the WAAAGH!: Da Jump, Jabbin fingerz, Smite

                   Relic (-1rp): Morg’s finkin’ cap



    Da Blood Shirts: 10 Boyz 5pl/100pts

                   Gear: Boss nob w/ Power klaw & slugga, 9x slugga choppaz, stickbombs



    Da Twinzez: 5 Meganobz 12pl/ 185pts

                   Gear: Boss Mega nob w/ kombi-skorcha  powerklaw, 4x kustom shoota & powerklaw

    Wizzig da Eatta of Hummies: Nob with WAAAGH! Banner 4pl / 70pts

                   Gear: Kustom shoota, Waaagh! Banner, stickbombs

    Da Killa Killaz: 5 Nobz 6pl/ 105pts

                   Gear: 5x big choppa & slugga, stickbombs

    Tulg’z Ladz: 10 Nobz 12pl/190pts

                   Gear: Tulg boss nob: Killsaw & choppa, 9x nobs slugga & choppa, stickbombs



    Da Ratatatataz: 5 lootas 4pl/ 90pts

                   Gear: spanner with kustom mega blasta, 4x deffgun & stickbombs

    Big Eye Tik n hiz weird shooty radio ting: Mek gun 3pl/ 45pts

                   Gear: Bubblechukka




    Da Trukk: Trukk 4pl/ 70pts

                   Gear: big shoota

    Da Hummie Trukk: trukk 4pl/70pts

                   Gear: big shoota

    • Like 1
  3. Some Fluffy recap or Thursday's beginning Crusade. Anyone involved can add what they like to help the narrative along 🙂


    The sound of battle rang loud. on a small bluff some distance away a small, bug-eyed gretchen watched and reported his findings to Da Boss with his weird radio ting...

    "Heyya Boss, Big Eye Tik letting ya know watz wat!"

    I followed that Goff git like you said and he is a toofless *&#@ if I ever saw one. He ran into some hummies, ya know da skinky kind we ran into a bit back. Now one was a big hummie, had flappies and such and dat boy stunk! I could smell his rank a$$ from here. Boy o boy, dey nokked that teef out of ol' Gergie boy and his krew...I no tink they be commin back from dat one.

    I were to come back but another groop of humies showed up...lit'l ones, just bigger den me I suppose. They fought with the stinky ones too...seems everyone is up for some krumpin here.

    best send down soom ladz and see whats what i rekkin...Tik out"


    The @Salty Monkey's Goffs fought and lost to a mean batch of @ImperialTrooper's Death Guard and it was a fun game but the Orks will have to regroup if they hope to stand agianst them again.

    @Treads-n-Wings's Gurard (that's right, they will always be The Guard 😉   ) came to a similar fate against @ImperialTrooper's Death Guard. The Cadian's fought well and the Commander took a champions charge at the Deamon Prince...he died but it was glorious. I bet there will be some armor next time with the Cadians, bring some righteous vengance(and some big guns) against that stinky lot for sure 🙂

    till next week!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Dark Trainer said:

    So if I make a 500pt list, that would work for crusade (at least in the short run)? I literally haven't looked at anything GW in a while. I 'own' the newest Necron codex, but still has plastic wrap on it, ever even read it yet. 🥴


    I would be needing some SERIOUS hand holding back into the fold. Assuming folks are up for that.

    Im sure someone will be there to help you get through it


    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Dark Trainer said:

    I 'really' need to get back to throwing dice. This seems like a good way to get my first 40k game in 2 years (haven't even played the new edition yet).

    Heck, not even sure I can make a 500pt Necron force, not knowing what they all do yet.


    Is battlescribe still viable, or what online army builder works well? I have the codex, just hate paper/pencil.


    But, tomorrow, eh?

    battle scribe works with necrons, crusade is a bit different but if you make a 500pt list it you can get the hang of it and make the rest of your force after you get a feel for it


    I have the new Necron codex if you want it...brand new & still smells like victory. I can bring it in next week and it's yours if you want it

    ...this is not a bribe just a temptation 😉

  6. 6 minutes ago, kb10r said:

    I thought in the Crusade forces section "RELICS, WARLORD TRAITS AND UPGRADES", forces could not have warlord traits or relics? Can @Tao Tsê-Mung confirm?

    your force does not start with any relics or WLT. but you can purchase these at the building phase.

    each force starts with 5 RP

    it costs 1 RP to give a character a Relic or WLT


    I start Gimpy the Warboss with a Warlord trait & a relic

    his starting force RP will be reduced to 3 RP (minus 1 for each )

    other upgrades depend on description in the the section in the rule book that discuses spending RP. Some allow you to start with them but others can only be obtained after the unit has leveled up'd

    I hope this helps

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