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Everything posted by Mulgrok

  1. No need to have actual proof or a legitimate case if you can potentially bring it to trial and let legal fees bankrupt the target. The corporate form of "competition".
  2. aggressors are supposed to be pushing forward, ahead of the main army. The problem is they gave the bolter ones way too much range. Flamestorm aggressors can't sit back for rerolls if I want them to do anything. EDIT: the boltstorm ones should be 12" range, and the grenade harness should not get to fire twice.
  3. Just pair the smash captain with a smash chaplain for reroll all hits in combat. People haven't used Litany of Hate for so long they forgot it exists? EDIT: I am assuming active abilities that effect an area are not the same as "auras".
  4. The marine lost his body and opted to fly around instead of waddle as a dreadnought. He is cosplaying as R2-D2.
  5. Did one of the pictures show Eradicators with grav cannons? They can immediately discard old marines once primaris melta and grav squads are released. That will complete all the old weapon options.
  6. first time I charged with a rhino it did 3 damage. Killed 1 intercessor and wounded another. Rhino OP.
  7. Guess I will convert all of my assault intercessor sergeants to hammers. I only painted 1 unit of them because I expected this to happen.
  8. evacuation alert made me a bit nervous, but I live a few miles outside the evacuation area. The smoke is so thick that it is basically stuck at orange twilight, here.
  9. With the weather the way it is I think I will stay home today. Power is out and visibility is poor.
  10. Took a lot of tries to get the camera to focus on the model at all. Must be all the black. Paint smeared all over when i tried to highlight. I think it looks decent now.
  11. I was doing pretty well on my judiciar until I started trying to highlight. I will try to fix it back to not terrible.
  12. at the moment, it dictates that my Salamander army is dumb to do anything other than putting some Aggressor and Eradicator units in reserve to overkill stuff on turns 2 and 3.
  13. It doesn't hurt to save an RP or 2 to use on removing potential battle scars.
  14. I hope they get rid of tactical doctrines and just give a 3rd chapter trait. The doctrines are fluffy, but they just add more mental overhead I have to keep track of. I would rather have a fluffy static bonus that is applied all game.
  15. I will stop using primaris units, because they did not increase cost enough.
  16. Unfortunately, I won't be there today. Maybe I will be healthier next week.
  17. EDIT: I got notices for multiple days and mixed up the times. I should be available and be arriving at 4.
  18. I will be there for 40k with my marines. Crusade or normal.
  19. Just finished my first squad of assault intercessors. Made lots of mistakes, but moving on to a Judiciar.
  20. Having the Rhino with no old marines to transport feels weird. Guess I can use it to hold an objective or be a road block.
  21. List for the next mission 47 PL Cikar Infiltrator squad 1 Infiltrator squad 2 Assault Intercessor squad Outriders - Battle-Weary Rhino Xuv'sar Eradicator squad 1 Eradicator squad 2
  22. I have a few models outside Salamanders, but I keep buying marines because they are cheap. I probably should have kept the Necron half of Indomitus instead of trading it for more marines.
  23. Rolled up my list for the next crusade mission. PL 33 Sholta Ekshor Infiltrator squad 1 Outriders Tactical Squad 2 Tactical Squad 1 Assault Intercessor Squad EDIT: this list has +5 crusade points.
  24. Rolled up my list for the next crusade mission. PL 23 Sholta Ekshor Infiltrator squad 1 Outriders Tactical Squad 2
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