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Nathan's Dark Elf blog...

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We shall, soon I hope.  I need to meet the team!  I did here from ruger that you smacked his empire around.  Don't let him beat the dark elves...EVER!


I hardly smacked his Empire around, don't let him fool you!  So far my army has won all 3 games of 8th I've played: 2 vs. Raindog and 1 vs. VonRuger.  And in all 3 games, my good friends Eric and Karl were playing my army as much as their own, helping me at every turn and letting me fix and correct stupid things as we went.  So let's just say Raindog and VonRuger both did a great job of beating themselves with my army, and me rolling the dice ;)


Anyway how does this coming game night work for you?  Actually I'll post in the game night thread...

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I hardly smacked his Empire around, don't let him fool you!  So far my army has won all 3 games of 8th I've played: 2 vs. Raindog and 1 vs. VonRuger.  And in all 3 games, my good friends Eric and Karl were playing my army as much as their own, helping me at every turn and letting me fix and correct stupid things as we went.  So let's just say Raindog and VonRuger both did a great job of beating themselves with my army, and me rolling the dice ;)


Anyway how does this coming game night work for you?  Actually I'll post in the game night thread...

Yeah, ruger told me about how his steam tank killed itself.  We play pretty regularly and that steam tank is the only model I don't have an answer for.


As for gamenight, are you referring to Tuesday or Sunday?  I am in the 40k campaign for Tuesdays and I don't know if I will get off work in time to make it to Sunday's game night.

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Last night I finished up the last of my movements trays (for now) and got the bases done on my Black Guard (I also decided to paint an emblem on their standard since it was too plain; I like how the little red scorpion turned out!):



Today I based the Hydra, and started re-creating my metallic greens.  I got the first and second layers right, now working on the highlight layer… went easier than I expected, knock on wood :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Big thanks to Raindog for giving me another chance to test my Dark Elves out, this time at 2800 points against Dwarves.  


I made a character change for this game, going with a Dreadlord on Dragon instead of a Master on Manticore.  The trade-off was dropping my L4 caster for a second L2 caster.  I also fielded POOF! the Magic Dragon (Assassin with Black Dragon Egg) and he did fantastic.  I thought I'd give a quick take on how these new characters fared.


I don't know really that the Lord character did anything the Master couldn't have done… he basically killed a war machine and then teamed up on a Longbeard unit with my CoKs and BSB, but he was a big threat the whole time for sure.  Also, I think he was quite lucky to survive given Raindog's RoF Cannon misfired (1 in 36!) and his Bolt Throwers didn't hit until it no longer mattered.  In fact Raindog's dice were pretty terrible most of the game!

The Assassin (with 6 Shades alongside) killed a unit of 6 Slayers on bottom of Turn 1, then killed the Cannon on Turn 2, and the Flame Cannon on Turn 4.  They would have been the MVPs, except that the L2 Sorceress got off an IF Boosted Doombolt and did something like 17 wounds to a Dwarf Hammerer unit, effectively sealing the game for me.  But the Assassin was the only thing that kept his war machines from pounding me to dust the whole game.  Boy is that Flame Cannon a B****.

I felt like I was overmatched at the start of the game, but the terrain and my speedy units turned out to make it fairly easy to avoid his killer General unit and another unit of Longbeards, and the rest of my army focused on small units and then finally converged on his second Longbeard unit.

My overall takeaway is that the quasi-MSU Dark Elves I'm playing are a tactician's dream, because they are so damn reliable.  LD10 re-rollable on much of the army, re-roll to hit, re-roll 1s to wound, makes them super consistent.  They might not have the top-end of a super-killy army like WoC or even the Dwarves in CC, but they sure don't whiff easily.

Thanks Raindog for the great game, I learned a few new tricks and look forward already to our next matchup.  I think I'll go back to the Manticore, although I much preferred two L2 casters to the big L4.  Made it a lot less scary to throw 6 dice.  I'll have to work my characters over again between now and our next game!

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Well, here's my 2-cents, for what it's worth, about your character and MSU comments.


There are a few distint differences between the dreadlord on the dragon and a master on the manticore.  The first, 50 more points in magical items.  This is then followed by the superior stats of the dragon over the manticore.  The breath weapon is also a boost to the monster.  I don't think he should be war machine hunting though.  If you can hit certian infantry in the flank, rear, or with a front supporting charge, it gives you incredible results.


I was glad to read that the assassin did good for you.  That is just awesome, congrats.


As for a character hunting war machines.  I believe this is best served for a character on a dark pegasus wearing the cloak of twilight.  In the games I've used this build, most people see that 3+ ward save isn't worth the risk of wasting shooting or magic missiles.


MSU's can be challenge.  Without using cav, and certain supporting options, yes, the armies you mentioned can be difficult to tackle.  However, I just used an 11 model unit who had about 30 attacks.

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Good points all-around MN!

Definitely the Master on Peg with CoTwilight is something I'd like to run once I convert and paint a proper model for him.  Like you say, not really worth shooting at but still able to take out most war machines.


I'd also like to give a unit of 5 Warlocks a spin… but haven't even bought mine yet.  When I have some done, I'll probably drop my BG and Corsairs by a few models, and drop my lone Reaper, and add a unit of 5.

Oh and I know the Dragon shouldn't have been hunting war machines, but if you had seen the game, I think you'd agree it was the only option I had without exposing him to the Cannon of Forged Death for too many turns :)  

One more note: those damn Gryocopters are a serious pain in the butt.  It took a lot of thought to keep them from totally blocking my army up, and even then they made things quite difficult.  And they're so resilient vs. my shooting attacks!  About my only threat to them is the Doombolt.

STILL looking forward to getting a game in with ya!  I'll try to make an Ordo Game Night soon, would be fun to hear your pointers and tips in-game.


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I promise next time to engage your General's unit and let you kick the hell out of my General's unit in CC!  I imagine it gets really old having everyone run from it.

No promises though on whether I will try to shoot/magic it for a turn or two before we fight ;)


PS:  I am definitely trying to make an Ordo Game Night, just continually have a conflict it seems...

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So my latest army list looks like this:

Dreadlord on Dark Steed, kitted

Dreadlord on Manticore, kitted (was originally a Master, but ran out of Hero points)


BSB on Cold One

Master on Peg (CoT war machine hunter)

L2 Sorc on Dark Steed

L2 Sorc


10 Darkshards (I split the unit of 20 into 2 units of 10)

10 Darkshards

5 Dark Riders

5 Dark Riders

15 Corsairs


12 Black Guard

7 Cold One Knights



5 Warlocks


2799 points


It's a pretty tough list I think, even though it doesn't run 10+ Warlocks or a CoB.  It's pretty evasive, has a fair amount of light shooting and magic, and a lot of pretty potent combat tools (nothing individually dominant but a lot of hard hitters that can combo up). 

My question is whether I should plan to change it for OFCC?  I haven't played one in years, so I just don't know.  Back when I organized the event you could pretty much bring any balanced army list and find a good matchup, as long as you weren't running a rock/scissor/paper type list.  But I also have seen a lot more "push 'em together and smash face" lists with lots of big monsters and stuff in the recent OFCC lists online, so I'm really not sure.

What do those of you who have been to the last few think?  I'm totally happy to modify (say, drop the Warlocks, or whatever… they aren't even assembled yet!) if it would be a better fit.



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I'm not sure.  I attended the 40k event last year because vonruger and myself were working during the fantasy event.  I don't know how fantasy OFCC is yet  However, it looks like it would be fine for a friendly game.  You have shooting, magic, melee, all of the elements you are showing in the above list works for Dark Elves.

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Looks fine to me.  You are not running a level 4.  No RBT spam.  Looks really fair.  Yes you are heavy on characters, but so light on troops you could get wiped early.


I'm not sure how it will hold up, but I definitely don't think it is over the top.


Very middle of the road DE army list in my mind.


(coming from another DE player)

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Great input, thanks Ghrom!  Definitely character heavy, but two of them (the Manticore and Peg riders) are kinda small "Monster" units anyway, so outside of scenario rules that might differentiate between character units and other units, I count them more as units in this list!  

Come to think of it, I actually have put no thought whatsoever into scenarios, having playing only pitched battle ever.  Maybe I should look at the OFCC scenario rules before settling on a list.  Der.


Going Warlock heavy, Master spammy, RBT spammy, dominant magic, etc were all things I specifically avoided so I'm glad that wasn't wasted effort.


I also would love to find points for a Medusa, they look wicked and would fit well with my desert theme of scorpions and serpents!  But I can't shave any of my units further, except perhaps cutting the last 2 Black Guard and removing their command… the only other thing to cut out would be the Warlocks.  I'm considering it but we'll see.


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