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Considering getting into 6th


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I left 40k a month or so before 6th edition came out and I'm interested in getting back into the hobby. Can anyone recommend a good starter army for 6th? I played Blood Angels, Orks and Tau in 5th.


I'm mostly interested in some form of Marines, and Tau.


The most bang for my buck is consideration as I don't want to spend more than $250-300 for a viable 2000ish point army if possible.


Are there stand-out stronger armies? Or are the newest codices generally the stronger armies?

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For Tau, you'll need 20 fire warriors, as a base, then add on some kroot, or more fire warriors to round out troops.  HQ can be done with a single battle suit commander.  For fast attack, 14-16 pathfinders will serve you well.


Elites and Heavy are where you'll run into costs.  Many people like 2-3 riptides.  You probably want at least one, at least as a centerpiece model, and to keep you up with the bigger is better current meta of 40k.  For heavy support, 3-6 broadsides is great, and a skyway is worthwhile as well.


For allies, an Eldar farseer on a jet bike, with a squad of 3 bikers is pretty much gold.

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Making a 2k army for $250-$300 is gonna be tough. Start pouring over craigslist, rogue trading here and any other source of second hand models you can find. Your list will be dependent on what you can get for cheap, not what you'd like to have. Not saying it can't be done, just letting you know it'll be incredibly difficult and take some time. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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I left 40k a month or so before 6th edition came out and I'm interested in getting back into the hobby. Can anyone recommend a good starter army for 6th? I played Blood Angels, Orks and Tau in 5th.


I'm mostly interested in some form of Marines, and Tau.


The most bang for my buck is consideration as I don't want to spend more than $250-300 for a viable 2000ish point army if possible.


Are there stand-out stronger armies? Or are the newest codices generally the stronger armies?

Did you keep any of the models? Best starter army is the cheapest one. Use that to re-learn the game, then buy an army after you have a more educated understanding of what to expect.


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Making a 2k army for $250-$300 is gonna be tough. Start pouring over craigslist, rogue trading here and any other source of second hand models you can find. Your list will be dependent on what you can get for cheap, not what you'd like to have. Not saying it can't be done, just letting you know it'll be incredibly difficult and take some time. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

I did the math recently. Cheapest 40k army presently is CSM. Buy the book, the dark vengeance set, and their super heavy (lord of skulls). Should have around 2k once the DA are converted to CSM. That should be around $300 at full prices. If you have cash left over, pick up the escalation book. You could probably get an aquilla strongpoint instead of the super heavy if that appeals to you more and still be around 2k (if you do, spend extra cash on the stronghold assault book instead of the escalation book).


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I'm confused, aren't those for apocalypse, not standard 40k?

Escalation book allows certain super heavies in normal 40k and isn't considered an optional supplement. Stronghold assault book allows macro and vortex aquilla strong points in normal and is also not considered an optional supplement. These books have been causing some turmoil in the 40k meta, but change happens and you can adjust your army to cope with these new threats.


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And what about dark angels? They get no love?

Deal is that the DA models are more convertable into CSM, than the CSM to DA. CSM also have more point expensive models, on average, so If just trying for the least purchasing, the above route is the cheapest I've found (aside from Draigo and his paladins).


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What sets vanilla marines apart from DA, GK, BA etc?

Paint, mostly...


In rules, each has their own book with different unit options, special rules, point costs, and special characters. Huge background difference too.


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Vanilla, BA, and DA all have quite a bit of overlap, but they each have some unique specialist Units.


The Vanilla ones are mostly shooty, with things like the Storm Talon gunship, the ThunderFire Cannon, and Centurion Devs. They also have some Assault toys like Assault Centurions and Ironclads, but they're sub-optimal.


DA are shooty as well, but generally end up being more fragile, expensive, or gimmicky than the Vanilla stuff. Their Flyers suck in comparison, their Bikes and Terminators are overpriced, and a lot of their fun options come from special Banners that are stuck in small, vulnerable Command Squads.


BA get Assault Marines as Troops, basically get Jump Packs for their Honour Guard/Command Squads, have Death Company and Assault Dreads. Still haven't really changed since you played them.


SW are also aggressive and good in Assaults, but they tend to stay on the Ground and grind forward. They've got the weakest Fire Support options, and no Flyers at all, but Grey Hunters are one of the best Troops Units in the Game, and they can carry a lot of weight.


GK are the most different of the Marine Dexes. Storm Bolters and Power Weapons on everyone, a totally different set of Special Weapons (but basically what you want are the Psycannon), even more expensive than regular Marines, and with a ton of shenanigans they can pull. Decent in Assaults, especially against Marine-type Opponents, but at their best as a mid-Range Firepower Army in my experience.

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Guest Mr. Bigglesworth

Tau are the shootiest army. Getting 3 phases of effective range pounding per game turn. I think $300 will get you to about 1k-1250. If you are interested csm and tau can blend well, or you can run renegade sm with tau. So getting a dv set with some simple conversion work will make it work. This edition is about he narrative not the models so if you can spin a story you can make csm models seem like just normal vanilla marines.


Bartertown always has a decent deal floating once a week on an army.

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With marine armies, you need to understand that the differences are slight between the chapters, they are just exagerated when comparing chapter to chapter. The marine strongpoint is being above average in all areas, but rarely are SM true masters of any one area of 40k.



DA are shooty as well, but generally end up being more fragile, expensive, or gimmicky than the Vanilla stuff. Their Flyers suck in comparison, their Bikes and Terminators are overpriced, and a lot of their fun options come from special Banners that are stuck in small, vulnerable Command Squads.

Figures we get that sort of evalulation from you. Been running my Exorcists with the DA rules. By gimmicky, he means they can use combos/synergy to win. By overpriced, you mean that our troops are more elite. And by fragile, he means that some lists are too elite to suffer damage. Again, differences from stock marines are slight.


Basically, DA differ from other SM by having Bike and terminator troop options in addition to tactical and scout options. DA are themed anti-CSM, so they have many options which are specialized against that foe. In addition, DA have many contextual items, abilities, and units which can be very amazing in the right circumstances, but often have a drawback which makes their use a double edged sword.


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I am starting from scratch.

My absolute core would probably be (as i look at the GW website)\


$91.50        Tau Recon Team boxed set (limited time availability in all likelihood)

$41.00        Tau Empire XV8 Battlesuit Commander (obviously)

$65.00        Tau Empire XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team boxed Set (seems to filter into most every good list)

$36.25each  2 Tau Empire Fire Warrior Team boxed sets (4 sets of 6 works nicely)

$10.75each  2 Tau Empire Gun Drone Squads (to make Marker Drones with)

$85.00          XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (because awesome)


= $365.75


This is stuff that you will pretty much without fail want to own.  It gets REALLY debatable when it comes to the Heavy Support slots so i didn't include that in the NECESSARY core list.  It really isn't.  But these are must have's in my opinion, for the long haul.


I think my personal recommendation would be to add a box of Kroot, 6-12 hounds and 3 Krootox to the list.  This is definitely NOT necessary per se and wont be universal to all lists.  But it is damn solid as units go for all kinds of reasons.


So you can get what you need for $400 to get rolling and playing games.

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