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Grayson's forum handle?


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I think Greyson has a account but he doesn't use it. I txted him today about next week and he hasn't gotten back to me. 


Nathan last night was a delight. After a spontaneous hydration handout from a very drunk chick at caps, Nathan got an entire glass of water spilled on his crouch because the very drunk lady started grabbing and flailing like a zombie for Kacy and Nathans beer. I ran into the same very drunk zombie lady a little latter when I tried to close my tab and after she mumbled something incoherently while frothing at the mouth a little, she told me to act like I knew her...? We then meandered around the ham for a little while, Nathan used this time to contemplate buying a flask with some odd ridden animal printed on it, from the smoke shop. And to top off the night, we all loitered outside of the deli next to the Up while Nathan spun his keys around proclaiming that whoever took his keys from him would get all of his worldly possessions. After a bit of grabbing and man shoving, Kacy's glasses broke to a wicked arm flail from Nathan. So concluded the night of post-NYP shenanigans. 

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Sherbet you missed the fact that I actually obtained Nathans keys and now have all his worldly belongings (which sadly is a hat from Hawaii and some metal terradons) Julia owns the rest. I don't blame Nathan mind you, it is just the facts :P.


Finally I will bring Nathans stuff to the shop next week and return them.

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oh, and in an attempt to give advice and de-rail once again, sorry Jon:

is this a good deal?



That's a pretty good deal, Loren, and a good army, save that it's lacking in slaves.


Joey, that's OK. I can just not play Fantasy and get a game of 40k instead.

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I'll 40k you next week, Jim.

I've got to give the Fantasy folks a bit more of a chance to pull through, but if that doesn't work out I would absolutely love to introduce your Inquisitors to the taint of Chaos (the taint of Chaos, being that little patch of skin between my Great Unclean One's ..... oh....oh my).

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I've got to give the Fantasy folks a bit more of a chance to pull through, but if that doesn't work out I would absolutely love to introduce your Inquisitors to the taint of Chaos (the taint of Chaos, being that little patch of skin between my Great Unclean One's ..... oh....oh my).


Yes.  Inquisitors.  Riiiiiiight.   :ph34r:

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