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Interested in 9th Age

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Hey all,

So I always had an interest in WHFB, but never got the chance to play before GW nuked the setting and brought out AoS. I heard about 9th Age, and I've been really interested, but between Infinity (my prime game) and Blood Bowl, I haven't had the time or money to throw down on a new game (especially money.) I saw the post Andrewgeddon made about Minihammer, and that looks right in my wheelhouse; does anyone around here play that format, or is it all just 28mm? I'm pretty sure my girlfriend would straight up murder me if I brought home another huge load of models to store somewhere, being able to store the whole army in a shoebox would be a great way to maintain domestic tranquility. Also, do you guys have a regular game day somewhere, or is it just a matter of setting up games when and where you can? Thanks!

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Hello sir! So to answer some questions:

Regarding Minihammer, I don’t know of anyone playing at that scale in the area. I’m still interested in it, but I’m still trying to get the last of my Infernal Dwarves army together, so I’m holding off picking up stuff for minihammer, probably until after the holidays.

As far as a “regular” gaming day goes, a group of us was meeting fairly regularly at Dice Age in Vancouver, usually every other Saturday, although that has slowed down a bit; Probably a case of some post-OFCC fatigue (my son was born in May, so my hobby time has been reduced significantly). But if you’re keen for a game, you can always post here or on the 9th Age Northwest Facebook group! It looks like a group of us are going to be gaming this Saturday, if you want to come check it out; OR, If you want a demo game, I’ve got a couple of armies (Ogres and Bretonnia ), as do a few of the other guys, wouldn’t be any trouble at all too let you borrow one :)

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I might take you up on the demo game! I hear you on the OFCC burnout, it took me a while to dive fully back into Infinity. I might be available for part of Saturday; at present, the plan is to give my girlfriend a crash course in Infinity for the upcoming escalation league at WOW. What source do folks use for armies if they didn't already have one left from the WHFB days? I know that there are some models from AoS that are probably usable if you stick them on square bases, but I can't imagine footing the bill of buying an old-school WHFB army off eBay or something.

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6 hours ago, Sgt. Rock said:

I might take you up on the demo game! I hear you on the OFCC burnout, it took me a while to dive fully back into Infinity. I might be available for part of Saturday; at present, the plan is to give my girlfriend a crash course in Infinity for the upcoming escalation league at WOW. What source do folks use for armies if they didn't already have one left from the WHFB days? I know that there are some models from AoS that are probably usable if you stick them on square bases, but I can't imagine footing the bill of buying an old-school WHFB army off eBay or something.

Sounds great! I think they'll be about 4 of us at Dice Age on Saturday, starting around noon. If you'd like to try the game out, I can bring some 1/2 size armies to push around the table :biggrin:. Or if you would rather observe, there should be a couple of games going on to watch. Either way, we'd love to have you!

As far as sources for models, there are soooo many choices out there. Naturally, you can still buy stuff from GW; I do think they make amazing models, and aside from ranges that have been discontinued (Tomb Kings / Bretonnia) you can pretty much get ahold of anything you might need from them to use for 9th Age. That being said, you will pay out the nose for the models.

If you're looking for something similar to GW's range but at a much more agreeable price, Mantic's Kings of War range pretty much started off as "alternative" GW models. I think some of the sculpts aren't the greatest, but the prices are hard to beat. I think you could probably pick up one of their "Mega Army Bundles" for about $150 and have 90% of what you would want for a 9th Age army, depending on the faction.

Beyond that, there are tons of other, smaller companies out there that have models you could use, depending on what you're looking at building. Avatars of War makes some good Warriors of Chaos models. Russian Alternative has a great range of "Evil Dwarves" that I'm using for Infernal Dwarves. Perry Minatures have a ton of minis that would work great for an Empire army... is there a particular army you have your eye on?

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I always used to be a loyal orc/ork player when I played the GW games, and I'm hugely into the idea of goblins (I dunno what forest and night goblins became in 9th age, but I love them.) I also have a bit of an interest in Lizardmen, too, just for the sheer creativity in color that I can paint them with (if I ever do, that is... I hate painting, and I have a hard enough time putting 15 painted Infinity models on the table, much less an entire army!) 

I can show up for the games on Saturday, so I'll swing by early and meet you guys, take a look at the game. I saw some of your stuff at OFCC, and it kind of made me yearn for the days of having a grand, large-scale battle like I used to when I played 40k. Skirmish games are great, but sometimes I miss the epic scope of the big battles.

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So for Orcs / Goblins, Mantic has some good value in terms of their previously mentioned "Mega Bundles." For $150, you get:

-40 Orcs
-10 Boar Riders
-6 Trolls
-3 Chariots
-BSB / Wizard
and some other stuff that I'm not sure how they would translate into 9th Age (Orcling Swarms, War Drum). Compare that to spending $170 on 2 "Start Collecting" kits from GW, which gives you only 20 Orcs, 10 Boar Riders, 2 Chariots and some heroes. Now, the Orcs come with hand weapons / shields, which may not be the "optimal" way to run them, but they could probably be converted without too much effort. Not a bad "core" for an army. You could add in a few unit of Goblins to taste, maybe pick up some war machines and/or some big stompy monsters and be pretty well off. I don't have a ton of experience playing Orcs, but I'm sure some of the other guys on here could give you better advice than I could. Lizardmen are a bit tougher; Mantic doesn't have a dedicated "Lizards" army, but they do have suitable models for Saurus and Skinks, which you would definitely need. They you would probably be looking at picking up some monsters and characters.

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