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Iron Hands?

von hammer

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Throwing a list out to all you 40k junkies, just trying to get thoughts just like everyone else. Here's what I got:



Master of the forge (power axe, grav pistol, auspex, teleport homer)


Troops: (combat squad each)

Tactical squad (10 man, plasma cannon, grav gun. Thunder hammer/ grav pistol, veteran, bombs, homer on sergeant, drop pod)


Tactical squad (10 man, multi melta, grav gun. Power fist/grav pistol, veteran, bombs, homer on sergeant, drop pod)



Sternguard vet. Squad (1x combi- Flamer/grav/plasma, heavy bolter. Power fist/plasma gun, bombs on sergeant, drop pod)


Fast Attack:

Stormtalon (skyhammer)

Stormtalon (skyhammer)


Heavy Support:

Centurion Dev. Squad (3x grav-cannon/amp, omniscope)

Centurion Dev. Squad (3x grav-cannon/amp, omniscope, chest missiles)


1740 total according to Battlescribe.


Thoughts? Thanks for looking :)

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Why are you buying Teleport Homers when you have nothing that Teleports in?


Why Grav on the Tac Squads, which can't make good use of Salvo weaponry, when you've already got 6 Cents worth of good Grav platform?


What's your Assault protection for the Cents? Because they can't Overwatch and have relatively short range, they're really vulnerable to getting tarpitted, and you don't have obvious Screening Units or counter-Assault to break a tarpit.


Why long-range Heavy Weapons (Plasma Cannon, Heavy Bolter) in Podded Squads. The Multi-Melta, I can understand.

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The grav guns in the tact squads, once combated out, will watch over objectives. I don't have an answer for the teleport stuff... And the centurions have had pretty good luck in my past games so I wasn't going to change them. That's at least what I'm thinking but I appreciate the comments, definitely made me look at this different!

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This is a better Imperial Fists list than Iron Hands.  I'd drop the Storm Talons and the MOTF, Take a buffed capt instead and at least one fatty tank, the tanks get IWND.


Your Centurions will get stuck in the back with little support, so I'd go for different heavy choices.


Podding an Ironclad in with your troops would be good wreck someones day.  If you can squeeze in Techmarines to help buff your squads or babysit the tanks all the better.

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So I tried out this list as it was written. It actually played pretty well though it didn't use the IH tactics at all. That being said I am looking at the next IH list to be a DreadPod list, something more from the Clan Raakaun supplement. Pretty much would be:



MotF - combi grav, power axe, Gorgon Chain



Ironclad Dread- seismic hammer, power fist, HK x2, drop pod

Ironclad Dread- seismic hammer, power fist, HK x2, drop pod

Ironclad Dread- chainfist, hurricane bolters, HK x2, drop pod



Tactical squad x10- grav-gun, plasma cannon, power fist and grav-pistol on sarge, drop pod

Tactical squad x10- grav-gun, multi-melta, thunder hammer and grav-pistol on sarge, drop pod


Heavy support:

Dreadnought- TL lascannon, power fist, drop pod

Venerable Dread- plasma cannon, power fist, drop pod

Land Raider Crusader- multi-melta


How's this looking?

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I'd drop the Gorgon's Chain on the MoTF, that's a lot of points to be spending on a 2-wound T4 model. Sure he'll have good saves but unless you hide him far away from the enemy it won't matter in the end, so you may as well put those points towards murder instead.


Also, why Grav on the Tacs? Salvo is really bad on non-Relentless platforms (you're stuck firing 2 shots at 9" if you move at all), in almost all situations Plasma will be better (2 shots at 12" or 1 at 24", all the time). Grav is really the domain of Bikers and Centurions, anywhere else and it's just Plasma's less efficient younger cousin.

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So I tried out this list as it was written. It actually played pretty well though it didn't use the IH tactics at all. That being said I am looking at the next IH list to be a DreadPod list, something more from the Clan Raakaun supplement. Pretty much would be:



MotF - combi grav, power axe, Gorgon Chain



Ironclad Dread- seismic hammer, power fist, HK x2, drop pod

Ironclad Dread- seismic hammer, power fist, HK x2, drop pod

Ironclad Dread- chainfist, hurricane bolters, HK x2, drop pod



Tactical squad x10- grav-gun, plasma cannon, power fist and grav-pistol on sarge, drop pod

Tactical squad x10- grav-gun, multi-melta, thunder hammer and grav-pistol on sarge, drop pod


Heavy support:

Dreadnought- TL lascannon, power fist, drop pod

Venerable Dread- plasma cannon, power fist, drop pod

Land Raider Crusader- multi-melta


How's this looking?

I hate how you have no real solutions if the opponent has DS defenses (like anything that encourages you to keep your distance). If forced to a long range battle, you've got 6x HK missiles, 2x plasma cannons and a TL lascannon and that's it. Flyers may also give this army a good challenge, as should FMCs.

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I am TOTALLY understanding everyone's issue with my Grav weapons, it's just a personal preference. I have had great luck with them, dice rolls were great, popping rhinos/razorbacks/etc.


Just saying, but, what weapon you're running doesn't change how the dice fall, and Plasma is just mathematically better on non-Relentless models against basically everything. Meaning you need less luck to get the same result, and extremely good rolls will have greater impact (like, say, exploding a vehicle in one shot at 24", which Grav is totally 100% incapable of doing ever no matter what forever).

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That's the best part of this game! It's all in the dice rolls and what they bring! Haven't played anyone that really brought DS defenses yet so not to sure about that. As for the others... I guess I'll have to play them to really find out.

Yeah, maybe it won't be an issue. I will note that I don't see the same issue with the grav weapons as the other guys here. I would strongly suggest the chainfists on all the ironclads, in the off chance that the opponet brings an aquilla strongpoint. The grav, plasma, and lascannons can't hurt it, so it will boil down to 6s on seismic hammers or 1 of 2 multi-meltas in melta range - the chainfists will make pretty short work of an aquilla, but if the opponent figures out that you can't hurt it with anything but, expect to lose 2/3 ironclads turn 1.

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