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Question for the local gamers regarding conversions...


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Hello there,


First, my personal opinion and then my question to the local gaming crew... I feel the former may help illuminate why I am asking the latter.



Some of GW's models aren't my cup o' tea aesthetically.

I like to do conversions, usually using like 95% of GW product and sometimes green stuff or plasticard in order to make a more eye-catching model in my eyes.

In those conversions I stick to the WYSIWYG principle.



Does the local gaming crew want EXACTLY or SUPER CLOSE TO EXACT the specifications of the original model when conversions occur?  Or are dimensions that are pretty close okay?  I ask because I do not want any potential opponents to think that I'm attempting to get or through chance obtain an unfair opponent due to the conversion and don't know if it's kinda frowned upon in the local gaming scene.



Thank you in advance for your thoughts and input, as it will help me determine if I go through with the conversion or need to do something else.  But in no way, shape or form will I field the GW model in its entirety because as my pops was fond of saying, "you can't polish a turd."


Stay safe,



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The rule of cool says: convert, convert, convert!  Most regional and national tournaments encourage conversions, so long as they don't involve modeling for advantage. Locally, pretty much anything goes. Converting and alternative models are a big part of what makes this hobby so fun. Do it!


For example, remember that Tervigon body you so graciously gave me? It's my Nurgle Heldrake now:



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Hello there,


Thanks folks, I appreciate it.  I was *pretty sure* that this would be the train o' thought but wanted to make sure.


I'm not liking the Ravenwing Darkshroud.  I have a ton of speeders that I do like, however and plan on making a longer, Darkshroud-y version.


It'll be a we bit smaller but sounds like it's okay.  Hopefully it'll look good.  Normally I just change lil' items or poses but who knows, maybe I'll start being like y'all and start letting more stuff out.


Mr. Graham, your Nurgle helldrake looks FANTASTIC!


Stay safe,



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Hello there,


Thanks folks, I appreciate it.  I was *pretty sure* that this would be the train o' thought but wanted to make sure.


I'm not liking the Ravenwing Darkshroud.  I have a ton of speeders that I do like, however and plan on making a longer, Darkshroud-y version.


It'll be a we bit smaller but sounds like it's okay.  Hopefully it'll look good.  Normally I just change lil' items or poses but who knows, maybe I'll start being like y'all and start letting more stuff out.


Mr. Graham, your Nurgle helldrake looks FANTASTIC!


Stay safe,



I have a darkshroud if you want it Don

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