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Firestorm Armada fleet list

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Justjokin standing by with 1200pts of Sorylians and Terrans each.  On days when I make it down to play, anyone is welcome to use my fleet that is not in action to get a feel for the game.  


Anyone find an List Builder that supports Battle Cruisers yet?  The BattleScribe data file that I found is updated for 2.0, but not that updated. 

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I haven't calculated my fleet size in points yet but I posess a sorylian fleet with two frigate squadrons, 1 cruiser squadron, 1 Regular/Heavy cruiser squadron, 1 battleship and 1 battlecruiser squadron.


Currently have a gunship squadron on order as well.


Edit: Tallied it up and looks like I got about 1220 points without hardpoints/upgrades applied.

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Put me in for Kurak.  I'm playing Terran/Hawker and have about 1600 points combined.  I think once we get good/fast enough with the rules we'll play 1200 point fleets as the regular battle size.  Until then fleets of whatever you and your practice opponent can field easily (500-800pt) are fine for practice games.   As a noob a 500 battle seems to take about 2 hours in my experience

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God damn! This Kedorian fleet is a F'ing nightmare! The two halves of the carrier were not the same size, so after adding the pewter panels to one, the other would not fit properly, so I had to shave the god damn thing and pop off the panels which now left them a bit wonky. And then the plastic struts that attach the domes to the superstructure don't f'ing line up and several broke in the process. And of course, no instructions of any kind anywhere. Email sent to spartan for replacement struts. And don't even get me started on the frail as hell "tails" that go on underneath things things. I'm going to have to invent a zero G containment system just to transport the little f*ckers.

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Sorry to hear about that. The early stuff has been a bit difficult to put together without major work. The newer stuff so far has been really nice. Only need to clean up a bit of flash.


Incidentally, I just got my new Warwolves gunships in today! The are pretty damn sexy.

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