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8/20 - OFGN @ WOW- 4-8pm


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We're Back*

*some terms and conditions may apply.




Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs. Cost to play games is $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors!  We are waiving Game Night dues for Champions for the near future, since you've already missed out on so much gaming.  And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! 


If you're looking to game we will be here. Opting to lay low? Stay home and stay safe, we'll catch you next time.


Games we play: All, with a focus on Infinity, Warhammer 40k & AoS, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, board games and more.

While it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to pre-arrange a game before coming downNew players are always welcome, feel free to stop by and check it out.




We are doing our utmost to make the clubhouse as safe as possible, read more about it here.  Please remember, face coverings will be required so that we can keep things as safe as we can for all our members.  If there is a high demand, we will be reserving tables for Champions and other members, based on posts in this thread.  We may have to impose limits on attendance to stay in compliance with state guidelines

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I will be there to supervise Game Night on 8/20. I am going to bump the attendance limit up to 7 people (myself + 6 others) for this night. Priority will be given to those who want to play a game vs. those who want to hang out. Please post here if you plan on attending.

I plan to work on painting up the remaining portions of my plasma conduits. Hope to have the whole project finished either by end of this night or possibly the next one. 

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So far, it's shaping up to just be 3 of us tomorrow night. Just FYI, @Salty Monkey and @Lyraeus, I'm going to try to help a friend of mine move some boxes from her old place to a storage area in the late morning. I'm hoping to be done in time to get to WOW by 4, but I might be 15-20 mins late. Hope that's not a big issue. 


See you both tomorrow!

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41 minutes ago, Ish said:

I'm planning to be there, with WH40k in hand, although if anyone wants me to give them a Marvel Crisis Protocol demo I've got more than enough models to share. 

I could show up for 40k with my marines.  Whatever point level you want to do is fine with me.

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The more the merrier! If all of you can make it, that is 6 total for the night. Be aware, by my count that's five 40k players + myself, so matchups might be a tad irregular.  Disposable  masks and hand sanitizer will be available. 

BTW, if you haven't met me before, I'll be the dark haired gentleman painting up plasma conduits. 😎

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Ninth Edition does have multiple missions specifically geared towards 500 and 1000 Point games. These missions play really well and finally make low-point 40k feel like a “real” game of 40k.

But, having said that, I haven’t gotten to play a 2,000 Point game with my new army yet. I kinda want to let them “stretch their legs.” 

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1 hour ago, Ish said:

Ninth Edition does have multiple missions specifically geared towards 500 and 1000 Point games. These missions play really well and finally make low-point 40k feel like a “real” game of 40k.

But, having said that, I haven’t gotten to play a 2,000 Point game with my new army yet. I kinda want to let them “stretch their legs.” 

I can bring 2k worth of stuff and scale my army as needed.

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On 8/20/2020 at 9:11 AM, Tao Tsê-Mung said:

I know game length can be an issue some nights but I generally prefer the larger point games. I definitely learn more and the armies seem a bit more balanced.


For some reason I can't remember any names from last night, but I think it you were my opponent with the Tau army.  If so, thank you for the fun game.  2k points is more than I am used to, and my mind was mush by turn 3.

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22 minutes ago, Mulgrok said:



For some reason I can't remember any names from last night, but I think it you were my opponent with the Tau army.  If so, thank you for the fun game.  2k points is more than I am used to, and my mind was mush by turn 3.

Yeah, it was a fun challenge and I’d be happy to play again with fewer points or more time so we can finish the game!

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