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BoLS: Matt Ward leaves GW


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Seriously though, I do agree with the sentiment on other sites/threads I have seen about Mr. Ward in that some of the full-cheese-ahead rules he became infamous/controversial for was likely pushed on him from above to move product.  His fluff (or rote assassination of decades of previous GW fluff) and ridiculous over-the-top pieces (which is saying something for GW settings/stories) were unforgivable in my eyes.

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His fluff (or rote assassination of decades of previous GW fluff) and ridiculous over-the-top pieces (which is saying something for GW settings/stories) were unforgivable in my eyes.

I always found this argument a bit weird, but to each his own. Ward was no worse than any of the other writers, imo.

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Honestly? Ward got more hate than he deserved. Yes, Grey Knights bathing in Sister-blood was ridiculous. And Kaldor Draigo is something of a ridiculous character concept, though I'm fond of mine. However, the Necron Codex fluff was a VAST improvement over the extremely boring omnicidal robot army of the initial book (and they were my first army!). 

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Honestly? Ward got more hate than he deserved. Yes, Grey Knights bathing in Sister-blood was ridiculous. And Kaldor Draigo is something of a ridiculous character concept, though I'm fond of mine. However, the Necron Codex fluff was a VAST improvement over the extremely boring omnicidal robot army of the initial book (and they were my first army!).

I actually think both the blood tide and draigo are appropriate.


Blood tide is an example of the lengths the GK will go to to succeed. Since at least index astartea there has been mention in GK fluff that they use their knowledge of the dark arts to defeat them. This can include rites that would turn the stomach of any normal human. What price though is a handful of the faithful compared to the untold destruction unleashed by a successful daemonic invasion like the blood tide?


Draigo is basically a parable for the inevitability of our loss against chaos. Even the most badass GK to ever live, who injured a daemon primarch and lived is powerless to effect meaningful change. His entire existence is to defeat daemon after daemon, throw down daemonic citadels, destroy all the works of the chaos gods only to see everything he has done reversed the next day. This is the curse of the GK and, to a larger extent, humanity. No matter how badass out protectors, how vigilant our guards, chaos waits to devour us all and undue all out good works.


That's why I like the Bloodtide, even though I play sisters, and I understand draigo even though I approve of the retcon on his fight with mortar ion (later changed so it wasn't single handed). Because they make sense in the greater universe.


And I completely agree with you on new vs old crons.

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I actually think both the blood tide and draigo are appropriate.


Blood tide is an example of the lengths the GK will go to to succeed. Since at least index astartea there has been mention in GK fluff that they use their knowledge of the dark arts to defeat them. This can include rites that would turn the stomach of any normal human. What price though is a handful of the faithful compared to the untold destruction unleashed by a successful daemonic invasion like the blood tide?


Draigo is basically a parable for the inevitability of our loss against chaos. Even the most badass GK to ever live, who injured a daemon primarch and lived is powerless to effect meaningful change. His entire existence is to defeat daemon after daemon, throw down daemonic citadels, destroy all the works of the chaos gods only to see everything he has done reversed the next day. This is the curse of the GK and, to a larger extent, humanity. No matter how badass out protectors, how vigilant our guards, chaos waits to devour us all and undue all out good works.


That's why I like the Bloodtide, even though I play sisters, and I understand draigo even though I approve of the retcon on his fight with mortar ion (later changed so it wasn't single handed). Because they make sense in the greater universe.


And I completely agree with you on new vs old crons.


I'm really of two minds about Draigo, actually. On the one hand (mind?) I can see why people dislike an invincible super-duper-space marine so badass he just does what he pleases in the Realms of Chaos without any repercussion or chaotic taint. That's...pretty excessive, right there.


On the other hand, I actually really like the idea, that while Primarchs are legendary and special and super-duper awesome...there are characters hardcore enough in the current 40K milieu to reach that level. Guys like Calgar, Lysander, Abaddon, Mephiston, and Draigo. Not just heroes of the imperium, but titans of the age that really do live up to all the fluff said about them. Dante solo'ing a bloodthirster, etc. 


On the THIRD mind...This. (Youtube link)



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