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Plasma Obliterator


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So, I'm contemplating the pros and cons of putting a 5 man skitarii ranger unit containing my warlord into a plasma obliterator.  I'm thinking the obliterator's AV14 protects the relatively fragile warlord, and he can man the obliterator with his BS 5-6-or 7 depending on doctrines, along with preferred enemy.  But of course the obliterator is a major points investment.  Is it worth it?

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So, I'm contemplating the pros and cons of putting a 5 man skitarii ranger unit containing my warlord into a plasma obliterator.  I'm thinking the obliterator's AV14 protects the relatively fragile warlord, and he can man the obliterator with his BS 5-6-or 7 depending on doctrines, along with preferred enemy.  But of course the obliterator is a major points investment.  Is it worth it?

Just a note that if the oblit takes damage, the crew inside will take S6 hits. Ranger's have that 6+ FNP that they won't get against it.


Warlord is probably a bad call, as it further encourages opponent to annihilate the obliterator ASAP.


Beyond that, I think the skitarii ranger unit is a great unit to man the obliterator. Vanguard too, if only for being 10pts cheaper.

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The point is that the warlord's Preferred Enemy (and any Omnispex purchased for the unit) will apply to the Obliterator's shooting, which makes it significantly more dangerous. It's not an overwhelming plan, but it seems like a solid one- though very vulnerable to drop Melta and similar tactics.

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The point is that the warlord's Preferred Enemy (and any Omnispex purchased for the unit) will apply to the Obliterator's shooting, which makes it significantly more dangerous. It's not an overwhelming plan, but it seems like a solid one- though very vulnerable to drop Melta and similar tactics.

I see that. It is a mostly good plan.


Drawback is that a drop melta team that lands and pops the building in one try (not unlikely), has pretty decent odds to slay the enemy warlord in the same go, due to the multiple S6 hits allocated to the building's crew via the building damage table, especially if resolving hits via random allocation instead of just removing non-character models first.


That said, I think AgentP's list has a bunch of imperial knights too, so it might not be as much an issue for target priority. Could also bubble the obliterator enough so it can't be melta podded very easily.

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I think the idea has potential, but I suspect it will not work points wise.  I'm definitely running one knight in my AdMech army, plus some skitarii units, plus 1-3 dune crawlers.  Then I also want some robots, and some of the tracked weapon platform guys (whose points are currently unknown).  The plasma obliterator would draw fire from the knight and dune crawlers , which would be nice but I'm not sure the points budget will allow it.

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Mass haywire is more of my concern. Hard to bubble wrap 18".

A better weapon, for sure, but which units have mass haywire options, especially combined with reliable DS?


Maybe new eldar?

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Hey AgentP,


I've got a few games in with my Skitarri now.


The list I've been running is pretty silly, but it's had some success.


My list-

Inquisitor Karamazov

Assassin Execution Force (all 4 assassins in formation)

Skitarri Maniple of

1- Squad of 3 Dunecrawlers all with Cognis Manipulators, 2 with Nuetron Lasers and 1 with the Icarus Array

3- 6 man Squads of Rangers each with 2 of the special weapons -IE 1 squad has the Plasma Cavaliers, 1 has Arc Rifles, etc. All have Omnispecs

I gave my warlord the Phosphenix relic and another dude the Skull of Elder Nikola

Oh and I have an Aegis Line with Quad Gun.


Things I'm going to do

Swap the Aegis and Karamozov for the Plasma Oblit.

I'm only going to put an Assassin in it tho. Preferred  Enemy doesn't negate Gets Hot on vehicles as far as I understand (or does it?), and IT KICKS ASS ON PLASMA CAVALIERS.


-Things I've learned from playing.

Transuranic Arquebus- regardless of rules and whatnot, and being cool models, kinda suck. I dunno, they just don't get their points back, and really don't do any good.

Arc Rifles are good, duh.

2 Icarus Arrays or 1 and a Quad gun is overkill on Skyfire. 1 Array is enough.

Scout your Skits into firing range turn one. Get them the hell away turn 2.

Your troops drop like flies, expect it.

The WS doctrinas don't change the game much.

Dragoons are horrible models, very fragile, frustrating and dollar expensive, and very worth their points in the game. They will just about always get at least their points back often more than that.

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Yes Pax. How do you, the king of all the rules, not know this?


Nathan, I will show you in the book when we play next. I don't have my BRB with me at the moment.


I always forget I have the preferred enemy rule because I so rarely face my preferred enemy.

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Any kind of applicable reroll of the to-hit dice will allow you to reroll the Gets Hot check for a blast/template weapon, as per the Gets Hot rule itself. This includes Preferred Enemy (when shooting at the target, obviously), BS6+, any kind of "reroll 1s" effect (such as from an Ammo Dumb or Command Link Drone) or anything else.


RAW, even a "negative" reroll (such as being forced to reroll successful hits) would allow you to do so, although obviously that's not the intent of the rule.

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Preferred enemy does allow you to reroll "Gets Hot". I will show you when next we play.


I believe ya,


That's awesome.


I still think I'll plunk Mr Useless Vindicare in an Oblit Cannon and keep my warlord on a squad of 3 plasma guns, but that's a rad thing to know.


Rerolling "Get's Hot" / Scatter -8 BS / Ignores Cover because of 'Spy Mask'... Yeah, that's pretty cool.

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