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Welcome to the Machine


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I'm going to use this thread to chronicle the building and painting of my army of the machine god.  Right now, I am building the Adeptus Mechanics War Convocation.  This is a formation appearing in White Dwarf:



1 Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation Detachment (see Codex: Cult Mechanicus)
1 Skitarii Battle Maniple (see Codex: Skitarii)
1 Imperial Knight Oathsworn Detachment (see Codex: Imperial Knights)
The Machine Brotherhood of Mars: All units in this formation have the Canticles of the Omnissiah special rule (see Codex: Cult Mechanicus), even though they do not all have the Cult Mechanicus Faction.”
Alpha-Dominus: If this Formation’s Tech-Priest Dominus is your Warlord, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits table in Codex: Cult Mechanicus.
Might of the Adeptus Mechanicus: All weapon and wargear options taken by units in this Formation, including any Relics of Mars or Arcana Mechanicum, are free. Furthermore, all weapons with the Gets Hot special rule carried by a model in this Formation no longer has the Gets Hot special rule.





Now, as for my list that I am building, here it is.  This represents the base cost of each model totaling 1850, because the formation makes all wargear and upgrades FREE.  



           Cult Mechanicus: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment)  
        • Tech-Priest Dominus

          Erradication ray, Phosphor serpenta, Digital weapons, Infoslave skull, uncreator gauntlet

      • Troops
        • Kataphron Destroyers
          • Kataphron Destroyer

            Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

          • Kataphron Destroyer

            Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

          • Kataphron Destroyer

            Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

        • Kataphron Destroyers
          • Kataphron Destroyer

            Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

          • Kataphron Destroyer

            Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

          • Kataphron Destroyer

            Heavy grav-cannon, Phosphor blaster

      • Heavy Support
        • Kastelan Robot Maniple

          Cybernetica Datasmith, Digital weapons, Infoslave skull, Mask of the Alpha Dominus

          • Kastelan Robot

            Incendine combustor, Two power fists

          • Kastelan Robot

            Incendine combustor, Two power fists

      Skitarii: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment)
      • Formation
        • Battle Maniple
          • Onager Dunecrawlers
            • Onager Dunecrawler

              Cognis heavy stubber, Cognis manipulator, Icarus Array - Twin autocannon, Gatling rockets, Daedalus, Mindscanner probe, Smoke launchers

          • Sicarian Infiltrators

            Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads, 4x Sicarian Infiltrator

            • Infiltrator Princeps

              Digital weapons, Infoslave Skull, Refractor field, The Omniscient Mask

          • Sicarian Ruststalkers

            4x Sicarian Ruststalker, Transonic razor, Chordclaw, and Mindscrambler Grenades

            • Ruststalker Princeps

              Digital weapons, Pater Radium, Prehensile Dataspike, Refractor field

          • Skitarii Rangers

            3x Arc rifle, Omnispex, 9x Skitarii Ranger

            • Ranger Alpha

              Digital weapons, Phosphor blast pistol, Refractor field, The Phase Taser

          • Skitarii Vanguard

            Omnispex, 3x Plasma caliver, 9x Skitarii Vanguard

            • Vanguard Alpha

              Arc maul, Digital weapons, Phosphor blast pistol, Refractor field, The Skull of Elder Nikola

          • Sydonian Dragoons
            • Sydonian Dragoon

              Phosphor serpenta, Taser lance

            • Sydonian Dragoon

              Phosphor serpenta, Taser lance

      Imperial Knights: Codex (2015) (Oathsworn Detachment)
      • Lord of War
        • Knight Paladin

          Heavy Stubber, Reaper Chainsword, Twin Icarus Autocannon, Warlord/Lord Baron, Warlord/Lord Baron                 

As I said before, that's 1850 of models under the formation's rules, but the real number is about 2400 once the "free" upgrades and wargear is factored in.  
I'll start posting pictures as I paint units.
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Meh. It gives you some good "free" stuff, but you're doing it at the expense of taking an army with lots of mediocre units in it and with a very mixed set of goals, which can be pretty detrimental.


I think Grav on the Kataphrons is probably better than Plasma. You need a way to hurt Wraithknights.


The Knight Errant should be a Warden or Paladin, and the Thunderstrike Gauntlet isn't worth it even when it's free.

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Oh my. That formation is going to be disgusting.

That is the exact word I was thinking. Disgusting.


Worst bit is that with ITC, you could have another two detachments in there, as the formation of detachments has been ruled to count only as a single detachment.

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For the Battle Maniple, you have to choose between Dragoons and Ballistarii, you can't take both :(


I really think that, at anything besides the very top levels of competition, this Formation is going to be pretty insanely strong. I should have the stuff to field mine within a week :D

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Picked up the codex. This formation will count as 10 units for the canticles????. Some amazing effects at that level - stealth + shrouded for some first turn survivabiliry? Sure. Reroll all ranged to hit for alpha strike from hell? Love to. Infiltrators, rust stalkers, and dragoons at +3 Str? Sounds lovely.

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I think I need to change the murderbots back to power fists. Not a huge loss in firepower, and more synergy with canticles.


Wondering if I split the kataphrons into destoyers and breachers? If I keep them both destoyers do I double down on grav, or make one plasma,

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Breachers are a bit more survivable, which can help, but I feel like they don't really do anything in an army that already has the Kastellans and Knight doing the heavy melee lifting. Definitely go with Fists on the 'bots, though, doubling Str and +1A is worth keeping.


As I said before, I think Grav is better than Plasma- it very rarely wounds on less than a 4+ (since you don't really shoot it at those targets) and gets a boatload of shots to use with a good Canticles turn. It also kills Wraithknights/Heirodules (which you otherwise are pretty mediocre at) and AV13+ vehicles more effectively than Plasma would.



Also, the title of this thread is my favorite Pink Floyd song.


It's a damn fine song, to be sure, but for my money it's hard to beat Comfortably Numb. I wish they weren't so adamant about not allowing their songs on Rock Band or other individually-packaged media, though, because there's a lot of Pink Floyd songs I would love to rock out to.

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Comfortably Numb is a fine song as well, I just like the expansiveness of Welcome to the Machine.  I'm not a huge musical nerd, so pardon me if I'm wrong, but, from what I've heard of contemporary music, WttM sounds totally unique compared to other music at the time, and CN isn't too  much of a departure compared to other stuff.  


In any event, we're arguing about opinions here, and that's silly.  Let's just agree that Pink Floyd is awesome and that they should be on RockBand.  

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How old are you?

I know you were talking to Perry, but I grew up listening to a lot of classic rock that my parents loved.  My childhood music is Chicago, Creedence, Herb Alpert, Cream, and Chuck Mangione.  But, I was born well after those bands were mainstream.

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