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Orks list cc welcome but keep it nice


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Alright so walked into alot of orks thanks to chappy. So with what i have now ive just been flooded with the thought of green tide goodness.

As it stands the list i have in mind is this


Ork cad



Big mek kff power klaw lucky stikk








Heavy support


15 lootas


15 lootas



Formation detachment


Green tide


30 shootas


30 shootas


80 boyz 5 squads with nob 3 with power claw 1 with big choppa 1 bare minimum


Warboss power klaw big boss pole


Comes to 1848


Things to note is i have no desire to use a void shield generator and the boss in the tide is my warlord for endless waagh. Only question that im stumped on does the lucky stikk add +1 ws to the entire tide since its 1 unit?

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Do you have any Daemons, and more specifically Fateweaver? Using Warpflame shenanigans to boost the Green Tide's FNP to 2+ can help a lot, as can being able to dump summoned units onto objectives.


Your Lootas really need to be broken into 3x10 at the very least, and more likely should be inside some type of protection (transport, building, etc.)


The Shoota Boyz should be Slugga/Choppa.


You might want a few more Klaws in the Tide. It wouldn't be very hard for a Knight/Wraithknight to Stomp out the few you have and leave your whole army completely helpless.


KFF isn't doing a lot for you given its limited radius and weak save. A Warboss is probably better.

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I dont have any deamons was really looking to keep it straight orks as i have almost300 infantry to paint dont really wanna buy more models for different armies.


I was thinking about the kff mek and yea i see he probably wont be of much help to ne for most things but that invul save against shooting does help from time to time and i have worked it out to be 6 squads of nine lootas over 2 cads. Im hoping to get games in soon to see how it all plays out and to see what i could adjust.


As for fortifications and things like that im not sure where to begin with those since the intro of hull points to them it seems silly to even use them anymore.

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The Tide wants to be Running every turn to get into assault with as many things as possible. Since you'll always be Running or in combat, there's no reason to buy Shootas or any of the heavy weapons.


110 Boyz is plenty for a tide. Running it at "minimum" size is perfectly fine.


Even with Hull Points in the game, an AV14 bunker goes a long ways towards protecting Lootas. Otherwise they're just T4/6+, which will fold up and die against anything with Ignores Cover (and even a lotof things without.)

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Yea i was really liking the idea of a bigger tide since ive seen it get tied up against wraith knights with psychic defense. Im assuming itll crumble against tau since they can fire a [big bad swear word] ton of weapons at once. And i suppose we will see how it all plays out after Christmas when i can play with the tide

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