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Idea: Hobby Modeling Retreat

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So I tossed this out a while back and it didn't quite pan out. If you read my blog, I just went to a crafting retreat with my wife and I brought models to do instead. I basically got two solid days worth of model building done. I was fed and housed, so no distractions other than building models. They provided tables and LED lamps.


Cost was $170 for the two nights, six meals, and work space. That is really darn cheap. I'm sure I could get a model building retreat on the docket after the peak season (think November-February). There would also be a good chance of it being less expensive as price is based on location (ie which building you stay in) and Wright Hall (where I stayed) is sort of the business class area of the retreat.


The other option, if this sounds good to someone, is the next time they have a crafting retreat, I'll post up the details. Again, most of these are geared towards scrapbookers or quilters, but it would be an easy way of giving it a try. I have to say, I also enjoyed going with my wife. So a general hobby retreat is nice in that way as she had her own stuff to do too.


Feel free to post questions if you have any and I can get answers.

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I have thought about something like this in the past. I have been to a fishing weekend near Astoria a few times at a place that would also be perfect. it sleeps 18. Has a game room with pool table, a hot tub, a steam room, and has a mile of private fishing creek for those that want some of that.



I second this, it sounds amazing!

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