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It's not a Formation, just an Aux Choice. So there are no Special Rules or benefits other than the overarching Detachment ones, but like I said on the previous page, it's the cheapest Aux Choice in any Decurion yet.

Space Wolves Ferseion Wolves are a Aux Choice at 80 pts and have extra rules making them better.


It would be odd for the Spawn not to have some kind of extra rule. If they can combine all together like wolves that would be nasty.

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You can tell the difference because there's no page reference for the Formation Datasheet. Most of the Decurions have at least one Aux option like that, where it's just a Unit (or maybe a couple), with no extra Rules. The Star-God, Flayed Ones, and DeathMarks for Necrons, War Engines for KDK, Scouts for DA, The Curseborn and Fangs of the Tempest for SW, The Hunter of Khorne and Daemon Flock in the Daemonic Incursion, Dreads in the DeathWatch BlackSpear, a bunch more from AoD. Most of the Command Choices are like that, too.

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Things I can confirm:
* No option for taking Kharn in Khorne Demonkin
* No points change for Lord of Skulls
* Renegade Knight rules are as-is from the previous rules in the Renegade Knight box, including the Forsworn Knight Detachment
* No Renegade Knight relics or additional formations
* Psychic Powers are, as far as I can see, exactly the same as the Angels of Death powers just renamed.

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