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Four lists


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I'm choosing between four lists to bring to the Las Vegas Open Friendly.  Because it's the friendly, the power level does not need to be off the charts.  I'm looking for a fun list, both for me to play, and for my opponent.  Which of these four look the best?


LVO Friendly Skitarii 

AdM Skitarii Maniple 
+ Troops +
········Skitarii Vanguards [3x Arc Rifle, Omnispex, 9x Skitarii Vanguard, Vanguard Alpha]
········Skitarii Vanguards [3x Arc Rifle, Omnispex, 9x Skitarii Vanguard]
············Vanguard Alpha [Phosphor blast pistol, Taser goad]
+ Elites +
········Sicarian Infiltrators [Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads, 4x Sicarian Infiltrator]
············Infiltrator Princeps [Conversion Field, Infoslave Skull, The Omniscient Mask]
+ Fast Attack +
········Sydonian Dragoons
············Sydonian Dragoon [Taser lance]
············Sydonian Dragoon [Taser lance]
············Sydonian Dragoon [Taser lance]
············Sydonian Dragoon [Taser lance]
+ Heavy Support +
········Onager Dunecrawlers
············Onager Dunecrawler [Cognis heavy stubber, Eradication Beamer]
············Onager Dunecrawler [Cognis heavy stubber, Eradication Beamer]
············Onager Dunecrawler [Cognis heavy stubber, Eradication Beamer]
++ AdM Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation 
+ HQ +
········Tech-Priest Dominus [Conversion field, Erradication ray, Phosphor serpenta, The Scryerskull Perspicatus]
+ Troops +
········Kataphron Destroyers
············Kataphron Destroyer [Phosphor blaster, Plasma culverin]
············Kataphron Destroyer [Phosphor blaster, Plasma culverin]
············Kataphron Destroyer [Phosphor blaster, Plasma culverin]
········Kataphron Destroyers
············Kataphron Destroyer [Phosphor blaster, Plasma culverin]
············Kataphron Destroyer [Phosphor blaster, Plasma culverin]
············Kataphron Destroyer [Phosphor blaster, Plasma culverin]
+ Elites +
········Corpuscarii Electro-Priests [10x Corpuscarii Electro-Priest]
+ Heavy Support +
········Kastelan Robot Maniple [Cybernetica Datasmith]
············Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
············Kastelan Robot [Heavy phosphor blaster, Twin-linked heavy phosphor blaster]
LVO Friendly Dark Angels 
++ DA Ravenwing Strike Force 
+ HQ +
············Power Armour [bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Space Marine Bike]
············Psyker [Level 2]
········Sammael [Corvex (Jetbike)]
+ Fast Attack +
········Ravenwing Attack Bike Squad
············Ravenwing Attack Bike [Multi-Melta]
········Ravenwing Dark Talon
········Ravenwing Darkshroud [Assault Cannon]
+ Elites +
········Ravenwing Command Squad [6x Black Knight, Corvus Hammer, Ravenwing Apothecary, Ravenwing Champion, Ravenwing Company Banner, Ravenwing Grenade Launcher]
++ DA Lion's Blade Strike Force (Dark Angels: Codex (2015) v2003) ++
+ Core +
········Battle Demi Company
············Assault Squad [4x Assault Space Marine, 2x Flamer]
················Assault Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-Flamer]
················Drop Pod [storm Bolter]
············Chaplain [Crozius Arcanum, Infantry, Plasma Pistol]
············Devastator Squad [2x Grav Cannon with Gravamp, 4x Space Marine]
················Rhino [Dozer blade]
················Sergeant [boltgun, Chainsword]
············Dreadnought Squadron
················Dreadnought [Multi-Melta]
····················Drop Pod [storm Bolter]
····················Power Fist [Heavy Flamer]
············Tactical Squad [Meltagun, 4x Tactical Marine]
················Razorback [Dozer blade, Lascannon and Twin Linked Plasmagun]
················Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Melta]
············Tactical Squad [Meltagun, 4x Tactical Marine]
················Drop Pod [storm Bolter]
················Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Melta]
············Tactical Squad [Meltagun, 4x Tactical Marine]
················Razorback [Dozer blade, Lascannon and Twin Linked Plasmagun]
················Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Melta]
+ Auxiliary +
········10th Company Support
············Scout Squad [4x Scout (Boltgun)]
················Scout Sergeant [boltgun, Chainsword]
LVO Friendly Tau 
++ Combined Arms Detachment (Tau Empire: Codex (2015) v2001) ++
+ HQ +
············XV8 Commander Crisis Suit [Command and Control Node, Drone Controller]
+ Elites +
········XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
············Riptide Shas'vre [Early Warning Override, Ion Accelerator, Stimulant Injector, Twin-linked Fusion Blaster]
+ Troops +
········Breacher Team [5x Fire Warrior with Pulse Blaster]
············TY7 Devilfish [2x MV1 Gun Drone]
········Strike Team [5x Fire Warrior with Pulse Rifle]
+ Heavy Support +
········TX78 Sky Ray Gunships
············TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [2x MV1 Gun Drone]
+ Lord of War +
········KV128 Stormsurges
············KV128 Stormsurge [Early Warning Override, Pulse Blastcannon, Shield Generator, Twin-linked Airbursting Fragmentation Projector]
+ Fortification +
········Tidewall Rampart [Tidewall Gunrig, 2x Tidewall Shieldline]
············Tidewall Droneport [4x MV7 Marker Drone]
++ Formation Detachment (Tau Empire: Codex (2015) v2001) ++
+ Formation +
········Optimized Stealth Cadre
············XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon]
············XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon, Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon]
············XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits
················Ghostkeel Shas'vre [Cyclic Ion Raker, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector, Twin-linked Burst Cannon]
········Ranged Support Cadre
············Pathfinder Team [4x Pathfinder]
············Pathfinder Team [4x Pathfinder]
············Pathfinder Team [4x Pathfinder]
············XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
················Broadside [Early Warning Override, Twin-linked Heavy Rail Rifle, Twin-linked Smart Missile System]
············XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
················Broadside [Early Warning Override, Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System]
············XV88 Broadside Battlesuits
················Broadside [Early Warning Override, Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System]
LVO Friendly Tyranids 
++ Combined Arms Detachment (Tyranids: Codex (2014) v2001) ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
········Tyrant Guard Brood
············Tyrant Guard [Adrenal Glands, Scything Talons]
············Tyrant Guard [Adrenal Glands, Scything Talons]
············Tyrant Guard [Adrenal Glands, Scything Talons]
+ HQ +
········The Swarmlord
+ Elites +
········Malanthrope Brood [Malanthrope]
+ Troops +
········Hormagaunt Brood [10x Hormagaunt]
········Termagant Brood for Tervigon [23x Fleshborer Termagant]
············7x Devourer Termagant [7x Devourer]
········Tervigon [scything Talons, Stinger Salvo]
+ Fast Attack +
········Hive Crone
+ Heavy Support +
········Carnifex Brood
············Carnifex [Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]
++ Formation Detachment (Tyranids: Codex (2014) v2001) ++
+ No Force Org Slot +
········Tyrannocyte [5x Deathspitters]
+ Formation +
········Living Artillery Node [Exocrine]
············Biovore Brood [biovore, Biovore, Biovore]
············Tyranid Warrior Brood [Venom Cannon]
················Tyranid Warrior [Devourer, Scything Talons]
················Tyranid Warrior [Devourer, Scything Talons]
················Tyranid Warrior [Devourer, Scything Talons]
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Bugs look like the weakest list there. TAU or DA have stronger lists. Not sure with Admech, just don't play with/against them enough to know if they are strong or not. 


I will say that those tyranids are built like an army that would struggle against my armies, which is not an issue of my armies being strong....Kinda feel like the bug list is too weak for you to have fun with, unless you'd have fun getting wiped as tyranids. I'd have fun with it, but most other players seem to need higher odds to win and this list won't challenge most opponents.

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