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Battlegroup Hammerblow - Astra Formation Bundle


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GW just put out a web exclusive bundle and formation. Take a look at the rules:


Here’s the new monster bundle:

Battlegroup Hammerblow $749


Appropriately named for their intensely aggressive tactics on Agrellan, Battlegroup Hammerblow were commanded by Colonel Schwarznek – a name associated with a desire for carnage. The Scout Sentinels roamed ahead of their comrades, calling in airborne Scion support at the the first hint of enemy presence. Once the Tau were engaged, the Hammerblow’s collective armoured might poured fire and hate in massive quantities onto the battlefield, damaging the Empire’s advance enough to justify their attrition.

This huge bundle brings you an immediate collection of the Astra Militarum’s finest! You’ll receive a huge number of miniatures – two Cadian Command Squads, two sets of Cadian Shock Troops, three Sentinels, two sets of Militarum Tempestus Scions, three Leman Russ’, four Chimeras, a Valkyrie and a Baneblade! Armour, air support and troops in one package. Includes web exclusive rules*!

*rules are in English only.


The Formation:


  • Formation: The models included with the bundle.
  • Restrictions: All Infantry & Command Squads must be given Chimera Transports, and the Infantry Platoons must consist of 3-5 Infantry Squads and one Command Squad.
  • Special Rule: Advance & Hold: All Infantry Units in the Battlegroup have Objective Secured and Stubborn USRs. A unit with Objective Secured USR…
  • Special Rule: Close Range Fire Support: All Weapons Fire by the Baneblade and Leman Russ Tanks have the Twin Linked Special Rule if  the target is within 12″ of another unit in the formation.
  • Special Rule: Rapid Response: One unit of Scions must begin the game embarked on the Valkyrie. The unit does not make reserve rolls, and instead arrives from reserve on any turn (including first turn) if paced within 12″ of the formation’s Scout Sentinel Squadron.
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GW just put out a web exclusive bundle and formation. Take a look at the rules:


Here’s the new monster bundle:

Battlegroup Hammerblow $749


  • Formation: The models included with the bundle.
  • Restrictions: All Infantry & Command Squads must be given Chimera Transports, and the Infantry Platoons must consist of 3-5 Infantry Squads and one Command Squad.
  • Special Rule: Advance & Hold: All Infantry Units in the Battlegroup have Objective Secured and Stubborn USRs. A unit with Objective Secured USR…
  • Special Rule: Close Range Fire Support: All Weapons Fire by the Baneblade and Leman Russ Tanks have the Twin Linked Special Rule if  the target is within 12″ of another unit in the formation.
  • Special Rule: Rapid Response: One unit of Scions must begin the game embarked on the Valkyrie. The unit does not make reserve rolls, and instead arrives from reserve on any turn (including first turn) if paced within 12″ of the formation’s Scout Sentinel Squadron.


Objective secured is nice, but the others are more patches on existing weak rules, rather than something to make them OP. Astra militarum Russes and Baneblades are kinda overpriced now, for what they do. Stubborn would be more impressive if guard had higher leadership. Turn 1 scions is useful, but again, Astra Militarum should really already a turn 1 reserve unit, like most other armies do.

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I actually kind of like it. It's not top tier, but for Mech Guard, nothing is going to be. It's got a solid core of moderately mobile ObSec, and some non-negligible buffs that actually support a fairly aggressive approach with them. If the Points work out, it might be fun to combine with an Emperor's Blade Assault Company.


They do seem to have screwed up their bundle, tho. If the transcription is actually right, it's short by a Squad and a Chimera. Or maybe they're just trying to push the Armoured Assault box alongside it.

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If you had none of these vehicles and wanted all of them, even the sentinels, is this a good buy over used/fleabay?

Ebay or used would be much better. It's a collection of models that have been out for quite some time. You could even make this one with metal models, an armorcast baneblade, and the only plastics required would be the chimeras, russes, and valk. With the newest model required being that Valk, which was new to 5th edition....Well, the non-FW valk was new to 5th.

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If you were just getting into Astra Militarum, it really is a decent starter army. Even if you don't stick with the formation, it has a nice mix of options and would allow a new player to field an army that could at least have a chance against most opponents. 

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