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  1. So I had my first game at Aegis Games since being taken over by new management. It was pretty much the same as before, which I'm going to say is a good thing. I like the selection, and the tables. I look forward to playing there more often.
  2. Well if you ever want to get a game in. I would be super interested in playing. 😄
  3. My pleasure. Although I would rather have had it not happen at all. But there is some good news. It looks like the employees are now in the process of buying the store from Nate. So should be something to look forward to.
  4. Things for me have been pretty good. I bought a house in 2019, and have been riding out the pandemic in relative comfort. Given the nature of my job, I was still going into work every day, so in a sense nothing changed for me there. I haven't played much 9th edition. 3 games total. And I would love to get more in. The crusade system has me super psyched and I would love to give it a go. I am hoping the upcoming OFCC does happen and that I am able to attend. 😄 If anyone is interested in meeting up for a game, board game, or anything of the like please just hit me up (5037157171).
  5. This is a post about a local business. Not a statement of ideology. So I think this is the correct forum.
  6. So for those of you not in the know, Nathaniel Williams, the owner of Dark Tower Games made a pretty dark post on his social media. And while yes, it was a copy pasta and not original content, it was still pretty dark. I'm posting it here for those of you that frequent this site, but are not following the Bellingham subreddit. After meeting Nate when I first moved to the area, I have to say... I am NOT surprised. But this post is not about making a judgement one way or another. It is simply to inform local Bellinghamsters about a post made by a local business that, to me, is concerning. Do what you will with the information.
  7. Name: Will G Games: Warhammer 40,000, Kill Team, and board games. Discord: Sugarlessllama#0266
  8. Hey everyone! For the past few weeks, a group of us have been getting together to play Kill Team at Cosmic Games here in Bellingham. It has been a ton of fun. I would love to see more people coming out for it. So, if you have the time and inclination then I would invite you to come on down! 😄 I'm hoping to get some traction for some larger games in the future. Heck, maybe even put together a team for OFCC (it has to come back eventually!). So come on down and meet some new people! New people means new friends! 😄
  9. I get it. The new editions have been a huge change. But if you're ever interested in getting a game in, let me know! 😄
  10. I am super jelly. I have not been able to play a fun game of 40K up here in Bellingham for some time. Honestly, the only thing I miss about living in PDX is all of you awesome people at the clubhouse. The Ordo Game Nights were really something I looked forward to. Keep up the good work!
  11. Thinking over the age old question of balance in 40K, I would remember my normal answer was "Why bother? Want balance and a competitive scene, that's Warmachine dude." But now that Warmachine seems to have gone into that good night, I have no idea what to think. I play the game like an RPG. But this also leads me to getting stomped. A lot. But I have no idea where to even start balancing the game.
  12. There is also the long held, and pervasive theme in 40K that the Imperium is it's own worst enemy. It feeds on itself by it's very nature. There is no hope, and thus no trust.
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